满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its...

“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings.

“Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.

When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “It's cool. ”You may think, “He's so cool, ”when you see your favourite footballer.

We all maximize(扩大) the meaning of“cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Here's an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布)they had visited. On one student's paper was Just the one sentence, “It's so cool. Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.

But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性). Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can. And I think they are also very cool.

1.We know that the word "cool" has had________.

A. only one meaning           B. no meanings

C. many different meanings    D. the same meaning

2.In the passage, the word “express” means “________”.

A. see         B. show           C. know          D. feel

3.If you are _______ something, you may say, “It’s cool.”

A. interested in    B. angry about

C. afraid of        D.unhappy with

4.The writer takes an example to show he is ________ the way the word is used.

A. pleased with        B. strange to

C.worried about        D. careful with

5.In the passage, the writer suggests(暗示)that the word “cool”________.

A. can be used instead of many words

B. usually means something interesting

C. can make your life colourful

D. may not be as cool as it seems


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一个文化现象。“cool”最初是用来形容温度的,但是随着时代的发展,这个词被赋予了更多的意思。当看到自己喜欢的人或事物,都可以用“cool”来形容。然而,这个词的过度使用,对其它词汇的存在构成了威胁。 1.“Cool” is a word with many meanings. ...the word has had many different meanings”可知,“cool”一词有许多意思,故选C。 2.“Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.”可知,“cool”可以用来形容任何让人感兴趣的人或事物,表达对他们的喜爱之情,故选B。 3.“Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.”可知,“cool”可以用来形容对某种事物感兴趣,故选A。 4.But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning.”可知,作者担心“cool”一词使用太频繁的话,会使其它词汇逐渐被人们遗忘,不利于语言的丰富性,故选C。 5.Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性).”可知,“cool”一词的过度使用,使语言的多样性受到挑战,人们往往找不到合适的词来表达意思,可见,“cool”也不是哪里都能用,“cool”并非真正的“酷”,故选D。 考点:文化类短文阅读


Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, "I'm going to fly to New York next week because I've got some work there." "Where are you going to stay there?" his wife asked. "I don't know yet." Dick answered. "Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报)," his wife said. "All right," Dick answered.

He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.

In the evening he didn't have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o'clock and said, "Now I'm going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner."

He found a taxi (出租车) and the driver said, "Where do you want to go?" But Dick didn't remember the name and address of his hotel.

"Which hotel are my things in?" he said, "And what am I going to do tonight?" But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, "Please send me my address at this post office."

1.Dick flew to New York because_____.

A. he went there for a holiday

B. he had work there

C. he went there for sightseeing (观光)

D. his home was there

2.Why did his wife want a telegram from him?

A. Because she didn't know his address yet

B. Because she wanted to go to New York, too

C. Because she might send him another telegram

D. Because she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York

3.Where did Dick stay in New York?

A. In the center of the city.   B. In a hotel.

C. In a restaurant.            D. At his friend's house.

4.Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?

A. The manager (经理) of his hotel.

B. The police office.

C. The taxi driver.

D. His wife.

5.Which of the following is not true?

A. Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.

B. Dick didn't work on the first night of his arrival.

C. Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.

D. Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi.




When I was in my first year of college, I   1. (feel) hopeless, lonely and very depressed. 2.  a cloudy day of September 15, I was walking from class across campus to catch my bus home, head down, fighting tears of despair, when  3.   old man came along the sidewalk toward me. I had never seen him before. Embarrassed at being seen in such an unhappy mood, I turned my head away and tried to hurry past. I thought he would walk on by,   4.  he moved until he was directly in front of me, waited, and then smiled.

5.  (look) into my eyes, this stranger spoke in a quiet voice, " I’m sure that  6.is unhappy will pass. You're going to be OK. Come on!" I cannot explain the effect of that moment. He gave me one thing I had lost  7.  (complete): hope. I looked for him on campus to thank him, but never saw 8.   again.

That was thirty years ago. I know how lucky 9.  is to meet such a kind man. Furthermore, I have never forgotten that moment, 10.  taught me to give hope to others wherever I see them in trouble.




When I was 15, I announced to my English class that I was going to write my own books. All the students nearly fell out of their chairs,        me. “Don’t be        . Only geniuses (天才) can become writers,” the English teacher said sarcastically(讽刺地). “And you are getting a D this term.” I was        deeply and I burst into tears.

That night I wrote a short, sad poem about unusual dreams and mailed it to the Capper’s Weekly newspaper. To my       , they published it, and sent me two dollars. I was a paid writer! I showed my teacher and fellow students. They laughed again. “Just plain dumb luck,(纯属侥幸)” the teacher said. However, I’d tasted        . I’d sold the first thing I’d ever written.

By the time I graduated from high school(with a C-minus average), I had scrapbooks filled with my published works. I never talked about my writing to my       , friends or my family again. They were       killers, and if people must choose between their friends and their dreams, they must always choose their dreams.

Later, I wrote a book about what I understood and felt about life. It took me nine months, just like a(an)       . I chose a publisher and wrote a letter, which       : “I wrote this book myself, I       you like it. Chapters(章节) 6 and 12 are my favourites. Thank you.” I mailed it without an envelope.

A month later,  I        a letter, and a request to start working on        book. Crying Wind became a bestseller, and was translated into 15 languages. People ask what college I attended, what degrees I have, and what qualifications(品质) I have to be a writer. The answer is       . I just write. I’m not a genius, and I’m not gifted. I just write. To all those who dream of         , I’m shouting at you, “Yes, you        ! Don’t listen to them!” Writing is easy. It’s fun, and anyone can do it.

1.A. listening to  B. talking about   C. laughing at D. looking at

2.A. silly        B. discouraged   C. shy          D. pride

3.A. hurt        B. cheated       C. struck        D. hit

4.A. regret       B. surprise      C. joy         D. disappointment

5.A. success     B. failure        C. luck       D. pain

6.A. parents     B. headmasters    C. publishers  D. teachers

7.A. time        B. hobby        C. thought       D. dream

8.A. baby       B. plant          C. animal       D. boy

9.A. wrote      B. read           C. showed      D. told

10.A. demand    B. think           C. hope     D. suggest

11.A. accepted  B. received        C. signed    D. kept

12.A. others    B. the other        C. other    D. another

13.A. many       B. none           C. some      D. few

14.A. success    B. being famous   C. writing    D. being rich

15.A. must       B. can            C. need      D. should















3.参考词汇:成绩差的学生:a slower student










   Some people regard keeping pets, like dogs, as useless thing. But I hold the opposite view or I have a dog myself. I keep a pet for three reasons. First, pets taught responsibility. After I get a dog, I think it’s my job to feeding him and take him for walks after school. The second reason is that he can makes a good companion for me when everyone else are busy. Now, I seldom drive Dad crazily always asking him to play with me. The third reason why I keep a pet dog is for safe. He can warn my family from danger and keep our house safe. I love my dog very well and I’ll always take good care of him.



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