满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As Mr. Jones aged, he decided to _______...

As Mr. Jones aged, he decided to ___________charge of his family business to his eldest son, who was without question the most suitable candidate to succeed.

A. take over B. hand over

C. give away D. set aside


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。A.接管;B. 移交;C. 放弃,分发;D. 留出。句意:因为琼斯先生年事已高,他决定把家族企业的管理转交给他的长子,毫无疑问是取得成功最合适的接班人。故选B。 考点:考查动词短语辨析  

There are some book shelves in the back of our classroom, on which are various magazines and reference books, making reading materials more _____________to the students.

A. appropriate B. effective

C. sensitive   D. accessible



If the doctor is ____________this afternoon, I will take my little daughter to him for a thorough checkup, who recently felt dizzy and extremely tired.

A. available B. convenient

C. adequate D. sensitive



In college, individuality is often emphasized, while in the workplace employers are looking for employees who __________the company’s culture.

A. put up with B. fit in with

C. come up with D. catch up with



Exposed to dishonest advertisements every day, we sometimes can hardly ______two similar products and thus we are in a dilemma where we don’t know which to buy.

A. acquire    B. distinguish

C. calculate D. predict



She is a very unfriendly person and is never ready to help others. So it was not surprising that no one came to her ___________ no matter how hard she cried for help.

A. assistance B. Arrangement

C. attendance D. Adventure



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