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阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分) 阅读下列短文, 从每篇短文后各...

阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)

阅读下列短文, 从每篇短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was a cold night in Washington, D.C., and I was heading back to the hotel when a man approached me. He asked if I would give him some money so he could get something to eat. I'd read the signs: "Don't give money to beggars as most of them are swindlers." So I shook my head and kept walking.

I wasn't prepared for a reply, but with no hesitation, he followed me and said, "I really am homeless and I really am hungry! You can come with me and watch me eat!" But I kept on walking.

The incident kept bothering me for the rest of the week. I had money in my pocket and it wouldn't have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he hadn’t been a real beggar. On a freezing cold night, no less, I assumed the worst of a fellow human being.

Flying back to Anchorage, I couldn't help thinking of him. I tried to reason my failure to help by supposing government agencies, churches and charities were there to feed him. Besides, you're not supposed to give money to beggars.

Somewhere over Seattle, I started to write my weekly garden column for The Anchorage Daily News. Out of the blue, I came up with an idea. Bean's Cafe, a local charity service kitchen, feeds hundreds of hungry local people every day. Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row of vegetables or flowers in their gardens for Bean's?  Plant a row for Bean's. It’s clean and simple.

We didn't keep records back then, but the idea began to take off. Folks would fax me or call when they took something in. It’s food for the spirit and comfort for my conscience.

In April 1995, the Garden Writers Association of America(GWAA) held their annual meeting in Anchorage and after learning our program, Plant a Row for Bean's became Plant a Row For The Hungry. The idea then was to have every member write or talk about planting a row for the hungry, which brought the program to national attention.

As more and more people participated, new variations cropped up. Many companies gave free seeds to customers and displayed the logo for the program.  Donations poured in.  It was then that I could really stop feeling guilty.

1.The underlined word “swindlers” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

A. policemen B. writers C. cheaters D. beggars

2.Why did the author think he assumed the worst of a fellow human being?

A. Because he didn’t show fair respect to a beggar treating him badly.

B. Because he could have helped a hungry man but he passed by.

C. Because he believed that no people begged because of real hunger.

D. Because he thought that charity work was the government’s duty.

3.How did the author make up for what he had done?

A. He set up a local kitchen to help the poor.

B. He planted a row of vegetables for charity.

C. He called on people to donate money to the Bean’s.

D. He initiated the idea of Plant a row for Bean’s.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The beggar gave up the first time he was turned down by the author.

B. The author invented the program inspired by the Anchorage Daily News.

C. GWAA expanded the program concept and made it nationwide in 1995.

D. The program was later taken over by some seeding companies.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了一个救济难民的故事。作者走在华盛顿寒冷的大街上,这时,一个人靠近了作者向作者乞讨,作者怀疑他不是真正的乞讨者而拒绝了他。这件事一直让作者感到良心上的不安。一次偶然的机会,他在专栏里发起了一项公益活动,这项活动还得到园艺作家协会的推广,最后得到了全国的关注。 1.Don't give money to beggars as most of them are swindlers.”和第三段“even if he hadn’t been a real beggar”可知,作者认为他可能是骗子,而不是乞讨者,故选C。 2.I had money in my pocket and it wouldn't have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he hadn’t been a real beggar. On a freezing cold night, no less,”可知,作者回想此事,觉得即使他不是乞讨者,给他一两元钱,自己又没有什么损失,况且天气那么冷。作者本来可以帮助那个人,他感到了内疚,故选B。 3.I came up with an idea. Bean's Cafe, a local charity service kitchen, feeds hundreds of hungry local people every day. Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row of vegetables or flowers in their gardens for Bean's?”和第六段“It’s food for the spirit and comfort for my conscience.”可知,作者发起了一个公益活动“Plant a row for Bean's”,号召读者帮助无家可归的人,故选D。 4.In April 1995, the Garden Writers Association of America(GWAA) held their annual meeting in Anchorage and after learning our program, Plant a Row for Bean's became Plant a Row For The Hungry. ...which brought the program to national attention.”可知,作者发起的活动得到了GWAA的推广并引起了全国的关注,故选C。 考点:社会类短文阅读

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I became a gardener when I was twelve. My early      of gardening may not have originated from my love for nature. It was to    my parents.

At that time, we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood. But my mother often looked with     at this work of natural art. Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her, “something else to   !” Seeing the neighbors busy with gardening, my father ever thought it a waste of time.

At that age, I always did something     to whatever my parents did! If gardening were something they found      , I would plant a garden!

I planted some lily(百合花)seeds in the yard. But they failed to     . I continued to plant sunflower seeds and roses. Wild     joy, I found the first rose bloom(开花). One by one, the flowers bloomed their heads off.      , I was touched by this land of wonder.

   , my parents showed no interest in my garden. My father even   at me because he found it was       to move around my garden to the driveway. To my mother’s      , I put in her vase my real roses which, in her eyes, were simply weeds    flowers.

Regardless of their    , I kept on planting my garden and     to enjoy the pleasure of gardening. Plants make such good companions: they breathe, they bloom, they     to care and love.

It has been many years since I made my first garden out of my desire to   my parents. Today I become known as Mrs. Greenthumbs, teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show which makes my parents feel very   . And now I could say it is my affection for    that makes me a real gardener.

1.A. memory       B. dream      C. intention     D. design

2.A. please      B. change      C. help      D. annoy

3.A. doubt        B. appreciation   C. surprise    D. excitement

4.A. collect up   B. care about     C. clean up    D. come in

5.A. equal      B. similar        C. superior    D. opposite

6.A. painful     B. valuable      C. upsetting    D. interesting

7.A. come up     B. break out     C. hold on      D. get through

8.A. to            B. with      C. in             D. by

9.A. Luckily       B. Cheerfully   C. Regularly   D. Eventually

10.A. Instead      B. However       C. Therefore  D. Besides

11.A. shouted      B. laughed       C. glanced    D. jumped

12.A. convenient   B. troublesome    C. enjoyable D. dangerous

13.A. sadness      B. displeasure   C. delight  D. relief

14.A. other than    B. more than     C. rather than D. less than

15.A. dislike      B. encouragement  C. threat      D. suggestion

16.A. decided     B. stopped        C. continued    D. struggled

17.A. devote      B. turn           C. respond      D. lead

18.A. defeat       B. satisfy       C. respect   D. challenge

19.A. proud       B. comfortable    C. strange     D. disappointed

20.A. freedom     B. life          C. growth      D. nature



________ your present bad mood, you’d better put off the work till next week, when you may be in higher spirits.

A. In charge of        B. In spite of

C. In terms of         D. In view of



The virus came without people’s being aware of it and it was ________ assumed to be a common one. But with more cases reported, it proved wrong.

A. precisely  B. relatively

C. initially   D. purely



Since there is _____ an expanding market for mystery novels, all publishers will want to increase the number of mystery novels they publish.

A. eventually        B. faithfully

C. conventionally     D. apparently



As oil is running out on the earth, we are in need of searching for other _____ energy resources.

A. alternative   B. abundant

C. creative       D. automatic



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