满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- Was it by cutting down unnecessary e...

--- Was it by cutting down unnecessary expenditure ______ Mr. Simon saved the firm?

--- No, it was by improving work efficiency.

A. when       B. what     C. how       D. that


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查强调句。此句是强调句的一般疑问句形式。强调句的基本形式为:It is/was +被强调部分+that(人也可以用who)。在判断是否为强调句时可以去掉结构形式看剩下的部分是否完整,通常完整的话即为强调句。原句中去掉结构后是一完整的句子即:Mr. Simon saved the firm by cutting down unnecessary expenditure,强调方式状语。故D正确。 考点:考查强调句  

The house, ______ door often stays open until late at night, works as a home for the guards, some of ______ are from the countryside.

A. whose; whomB. which; whom

C. whose; themD. where; them



---What have you learned from your experience in the USA?

---Well, meeting people from another culture ______ be very difficult.

A. mustB. can

C. shouldD. shall



. ---Have you seen ____ iphone? I left it on the desk this morning.

---Is it ____ white one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. an; the       B. the; the

C. an; a      D. the; a



BEIJING, August 19--Shanghai will launch a pilot textbook recycling scheme in secondary schools from this fall semester to reduce textbook paper consumption, the Shanghai Education Commission revealed yesterday.

The first batch of textbooks to be recycled or reused will be middle school music material. Books on other subjects such as art, physical education and even major subjects like Chinese, math and English, will be included gradually.

The schools taking part in the program will have to purchase new textbooks about every five years and distribute them for students’ use during class sessions. But the books will have to be collected and kept on campus after class, rather than allowing students to take them back home, so that they could be passed on to the next batch of students.

Possessing one’s own brand-new textbooks has been a routine for local elementary school students for decades. The practice, however, leads to huge paper consumption, officials said.

For instance, there are nearly 2 million elementary school students in the city, with an estimated 4,000 tons of paper needed each year. Had these books been reused for five years, more than 80,000 trees could have been saved.

In western countries, such as Australia and America began this practice years ago, which set a good example to other countries, esp. developing ones.  (Edited from Shanghai Daily)


1. 写作内容:Is recycling textbooks a good suggestion?

2. 字数:150词左右;

3. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

4. 发表你的看法,谈谈你的认识。







Until just a few years ago, we doctors believed that the brain stopped making new neural(神经系统的) connections (meaning that your memory began to get worse) when the body stopped developing, usually in your early 20s. And we knew that, like any other body part, neurons weaken as we age. Loss of brain function due to neural breakdown was assumed to be a normal, unavoidable part of aging.

It turns out that we were wrong. In the past few years, it has been discovered that you can, in fact, make new neurons starting in your 20s and continuing well into old age. You can literally rewire the brain with new parts as the older parts wear out. How? Simple: Keep learning. Just as your body can pack on and condition new muscle, your brain can rebuild used-up neurons.

How strong is the evidence for this? Strong enough that a $200 million industry devoted to brain boosting software (products like Brain Age, MindFit, and Lumosity that supposedly improve your memory function) has sprung up out of nowhere. All “mental fitness” means are keeping your memory intact(everything from phone numbers to how to throw a football). So what can you do to stay smart?

Keep blood pressure down. People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop cognitive impairment later in life.

Eat more vitamins. Like E(in nuts and sunflower seeds), B6 and B12(beef, tuna), and folic acid(leafy greens, citrus, berries), which help keep your brain’s chemistry in balance.

Exercise your brain. This is the best way to rebuild and strengthen those precious neurons. Learn to play chess or the guitar. When you’re at a stoplight, try to recall the starting lineup of the 1983 Celtics. See a movie that doesn’t feature Ben Stiller. Or read, like, a book.

Title: How to keep the 1.________smart?



The brain no longer makes new neural connections once the 3.________ of one’s body has stopped.


4. ________


●New neurons continue to occur even in one’s old age.

5.________contributes to the development of the new parts of your brain.

●Many products which claim to improve your brain function appear in the 6._________.


●Keep yourself away from 8._________blood pressure.

9._________in more vitamins for the needs of your brain.

10._______your brain as much as you can.



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