满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the...

Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr Sanders, the man who started this ______ was not always very rich. At one time, he ______ a small gas station next to a highway (公路). Many truck drivers ______ there to get gas and take a rest. Mr Sanders realized they were often ______, so he began serving sandwiches and coffee. ______ the sandwiches he made tasted good, and didn’t ______ too much, more and more ______ came to eat at his place. _____ Mr Sanders began to serve fried chicken. People ______ it very much, and his new business grew rapidly. Not long after, however, another highway was _____, and many drivers no longer went ______ Mr Sanders’ restaurant. So he had to_____ it. Then he traveled around the country ______ to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants. He _____. By 1967, there were almost 5000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. And now, ___15___ you go in the United States, you will see one. If you like chicken, I’m sure, you’ll enjoy eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.

1.A. business        B. shop       C. life         D. search

2.A. found          B. worked     C. saw        D. owned

3.A. passed         B. got to       C. stopped     D. left

4.A. late            B. hungry     C. tired        D. sick

5.A. Although       B. If          C. As         D. Once

6.A. need           B. pay        C. spend       D. cost

7.A. passengers      B. drivers     C. students      D. doctors

8.A. Then          B. So         C. But          D. For

9.A. ate            B. liked       C. tried         D. drank

10.A. appeared      B. found      C. built          D. broken

11.A. out           B. to         C. over          D. on

12.A. close         B. run        C. return         D. take

13.A. trying        B. believing    C. thinking       D. suggesting

14.A. failed        B. fails        C. succeeds       D. succeeded

15.A. whenever     B. wherever    C. where         D. when


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:本篇是一篇故事类短文。文章主要讲述的是肯德基创始人桑德斯的故事。桑德斯一开始是开加油站的。细心的桑德斯发现,人们前来加油的同时还会休息一会儿,顺便吃点东西。于是,桑德斯开始为司机提供便宜、美味的三明治。后来,桑德斯的生意变得很惨淡,他不得不关闭店铺,走访全国,尝试着开炸鸡店的想法。桑德斯终于成功了。现在,肯德基几乎遍布美国的各个地方。 1.Mr Sanders, the man who started this ____was not always very rich.”肯德基的创办人桑德斯先生并不总是富有的。start a business创立一个公司,创业。A商业,事业,生意;B商店;C生活,生命;D搜寻。故选A。 2.so he began serving sandwiches and coffee”和文意可知,桑德斯起初拥有一个小的加油站,后来,他开始为等候加油的车主提供三明治和咖啡。A发现,找到;B工作;C看到;D拥有。故选D。 3.Many truck drivers ______ there to get gas and take a rest.”有许多司机前来加油和休息。司机停在那里(桑德斯的店前)是为了等候加油或休息。A经过;B到达;C停止;D离开。故选C。 4.so he began serving sandwiches and coffee”可知,桑德斯意识到,司机往往会感到饥饿,于是才想到为大家提供三明治。A迟到的;B饥饿的;C劳累的;D生病的。故选B。 5.______ the sandwiches he made tasted good”因为桑德斯制作的三明治很好吃,所以越来越多的人前来享用。A尽管;B如果,是否;C因为,正如;D一旦。故选C。 6.and didn’t ______ too much”,cost指花费金钱,且主语是物。A需要;B支付;C花费,度过;D花费(金钱)。故选D。 7.Many truck drivers ______ there to get gas...”可知,前来的顾客都是加油的司机。A乘客;B司机;C学生;D医生。故选B。 8.______ Mr Sanders began to serve fried chicken.”后来,桑德斯先生开始提供炸鸡。A然后,后来;B因此;C但是;D因为。故选A。 9.People ______ it very much, and his new business grew rapidly.”人们非常喜欢那里的炸鸡,于是,桑德斯的生意发展得很迅速。A吃;B喜欢;C尝试;D喝。故选B。 10.another highway was ______,”修建了另一条高速公路。A出现,似乎;B发现,找到;C建立,建造;D破碎,坏掉。故选C。 11.and many drivers no longer went ______ Mr Sanders’ restaurant.”新的高速公路修建以后,许多司机不再走原来的高速公路了,桑德斯的生意开始变糟糕了。go to...去......。A向外;B朝,向;C在......上方;D在......上。故选B。 12.So he had to_____ it.”没有了生意,桑德斯不得不关闭了店门。A关闭;B跑;C返回;D带走。故选A。 13.Then he traveled around the country ______ to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants.”后来,桑德斯周游全国,尝试着兜售开炸鸡店的想法。A尝试;B相信;C认为;D建议。故选A。 14.By 1967, there were almost 5000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants.”可知,桑德斯成功了。叙述过去的事情,应该用一般过去时。A“失败”的过去式;B“失败”的一般式;C“成功”的一般式;D“成功”的过去式。故选D。 15.And now, ______ you go in the United States, you will see one.”现在,无论你走到美国的任何一个地方,你都能发现一家肯德基店。A无论何时;B无论何地;C......地方;D当。这里用whereever引导让步状语从句,强调肯德基店很多。故选B。 考点:故事类短文阅读

假设你校英语社团举办以“讲求文明,从我做起”为主题的征文活动,请你以“On the Way to School”为题,写一篇英语短文。

内容主要包括:1. 遵守交通法规;   2. 注意举止文明。

注意:1. 词数120左右;   2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 题目已经拟好,不计入总词数。

On the Way to School
















In order to promote participation in outdoors exercise, our school organized an activity to climb Tianlong Mountain on April 10. The majority of my class joined the activity.

Early in the morning, having assembled outside the school gate, we head straight to the thickly-forested Tianlong Mountain. We set out for the top in high spirits when the moment we arrived at the foot of the mountain. In course of the climb, we cooperated with each other to pass the rocky or steep areas. Laughing and cheering, we eventually reached the summit, which we were greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air. Viewing from the top, the city was beautiful. Bathing in the warm sunshine, we entertained us with stories, songs, dances and game.

This event was extremely beneficial and we strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!




1. In this state, it is ________________(非法的) for anyone under the age of 21 to drink alcohol.

2. One without a sense of self-worth is unable to understand or ______________(欣赏) the worth of others.

3. Have you __________________(明确地) decided to go to the US.

4.The school has pupils from many different cultural _______________(背景,经历).

5. She has _____________(安排) for her son to have swimming lessons during the summer vacation.

6.I’m eager to f___________ out what would happen if the rotation of the earth suddenly began to slow down.

7. They had a q_____________ over some money three years ago and they haven’t spoken to each other since.

8.The kids have a p______________ attitude towards the new program.

9. His parents were very c_____________ about his safety.

10. Kinney p__________ seven novels in cartoons between 2007 and 2012.



Everybody knows how to learn. Learning is a ____1._____(nature) thing. It begins the minute we are born. Our first teachers are our families. At home we learn to talk and to dress and to feed ourselves. We learn these and other skills by  _____2._____(follow).

Then we go to school. A teacher tells us what to learn and how to learn. Many teachers teach us, and we pass many tests and exams. Then people say we are educated.

Are we really educated? Let’s think about the real meaning of learning. Knowing facts doesn’t mean being able to solve problems. Solving problems requires  ____3._____(create), not just _____4.____ good memory. Some people who don’t know many facts can also be good at solving problems.

Henry Ford is a good example. He __5._____(leave) school at the age of 15. Later, when his company couldn’t build cars fast enough, he solved the problem. He thought of the assembly line. Today the answer seems simple. Yet, just think of the many university _____6._____(graduate) who never solve any problems.

What does a good teacher do? Does he give students facts to remember? Well, yes, we must sometimes remember facts. But a good teacher ____7.___(show) how to find answers. He brings us to the stream of knowledge so we can think for ourselves. When we are thirsty , we know ____8._____ to go.

True learning combines intake _____9.____ output. We take information into our brains . Then we use it. Think of a computer; it stores a lot of information , ___10.___ it can’t think. It only obeys commands. A person who only remembers facts hasn’t really learned. Learning takes place only when a person can use what he knows.



My neighbor Jennifer is blind, but you’d never know it. She makes such good use of her other    , including her "sixth sense", that she hardly gives the impression that she has     anything. Jennifer looks after her children much like the rest of us,   that she doesn’t push too hard on them,   really benefit a lot from her relaxed attitude. She knows when to clean the house, and she moves around so fast that     often don't realize she's blind.

I   this the first time after my six-year-old daughter, Kayla, went to play there. When Kayla came home, she was very     about her day. She told me they had baked cookies, played games and done art projects. But she was     excited about her finger-painting project.

“Mom, guess what?” said Kayla, all smiles. “I learned how to     colors today! Blue and red make purple, and yellow and blue make green! And Jennifer  with us”. To my great   , my child had learnt about color from a blind friend! Then Kayla continued, “Jennifer told me my     showed joy, pride and a sense of accomplishment(成就感). She really _  what I was doing!” Kayla said she had never known how good finger paints felt     Jennifer showed her how to paint without looking at her paper.

I realized Kayla didn't know that Jennifer was blind. It had just never   in conversation. When I told my daughter that Jennifer was blind, she was   for a moment. At first, she didn't believe me. “But Mommy, Jennifer knew exactly what was in my picture!” Kayla    . And I knew my child was    because Jennifer had listened to Kayla describe her art work. Jennifer had also heard Kayla's   in her work.

We were silent for a minute. Then Kayla said slowly, “You know, Mommy, Jennifer really did ‘see’ my picture. She just used my     .”

Indeed, she uses a special type of “vision” that all mothers have.


2.A.enjoyedB.foundC.missed D.got




6.A.witnessed B.heardC.recognizedD.realized

7.A.sad B.satisfiedC.excitedD.sorry

8.A.not at all    B.not soC.a littleD.especially

9.A.mixB.drawC.write  D.paint

10.A.stayedB.painted C.talkedD.studied

11.A.surprise  B.encouragementC.delightD.excitement

12.A.attitudeB.pictureC.homework D.paper

13.A.understoodB.found    C.saw D.touched

14.A.afterB.unlessC.until D.when

15.A.talked aboutB.turned outC.referred to D.come up

16.A.curiousB.quiet C.puzzledD.worried

17.A.criedB.insisted C.required D.informed


19.A.shortcomingsB.difficultiesC.pride D.description

20.A.eyes B.pensC.handsD.paper



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