满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Luo Nanfeng, a female college graduate o...

Luo Nanfeng, a female college graduate of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, joined three schoolmates of hers to open a foot massage(按摩) store in Chengdu. Their behavior has got the public very interested _1.__ the store.

At the very beginning, many people could not understand __2._ the four were willing to do such a job, which used to be considered a low one. But now they __3.___(change) their mind. Besides, people find __4.___ special because of the store’s ___5.___(different) from other ones. In their massage store, they let their customers make a __6.___ (decide) and choose the kind of massage and traditional Chinese medicine they need.

In the twenty-first century, society should treat the four college students _7.__ (fair) instead of 8.__ (look) down upon them. Actually,foot-washing is also __9.___ normal job. Therefore, there is no need to feel _10.__ (surprise).


1.in 2.why 3.have changed 4.it 5.difference 6.decision 7.fairly 8.looking 9.a 10.surprised 【解析】 试题分析: 1. interested in是固定用法,意思是对……感兴趣。 2. 3. 4. job,故用it。 5. of后接名词。 6.】Make a decision是固定用法,意思是做决定。 7. 8.】instead of后接动词-ing形式。 9.】“泛指一份正常的工作”所以用不定冠词。 10.】系动词之后用形容词作表语。 考点:考查语法填空

I was having my dinner at McDonald’s one evening when an old couple slowly walked in. They   their meal,took a table near the window and started    food out of the plate. There was one hamburger, one order of French fries(炸薯条) and one drink. The man    the food into two halves and carefully placed    before his wife.

He took a sip(一小口)of the drink. His wife also took one and then    the cup down between them. “That    old couple! All they can    is one meal for the two of them,” thought I.   the man began to eat his French fries. I   to my feet, went over and said that I was    to buy another meal for them. But he   refused me and said that they made it a     to share everything.

  ,the lady didn’t take a bite, She sat there     her husband eat, and taking turns (轮流) sipping the drink, Again I     to buy them something but was refused, When the man finished eating and was     his face with a napkin (纸巾). I     no longer stand it. I made an offer to them a third time.    being politely refused, I asked the lady      . “Madam, why aren’t you eating? You said that you share everything.     is it that you are waiting for?” “The teeth,” she answered.

1.A. served  B. requested    C. collected      D. ordered

2.A. carrying     B. taking      C. fetching   D. bringing

3.A. divided  B. cut   C. changed   D. formed

4.A. it      B. this      C. that    D. one

5.A. got   B. settled      C. set    D. turned

6.A. funny  B. crazy   C. strange   D. poor

7.A. afford  B.  pay   C. demand   D. choose

8.A.While  B. Since   C. As       D. Until

9.A.came  B.struggled  C. rushed       D. rose

10.A.anxious  B.willing      C.satisfied      D. quick

11.A.warmly  B.proudly  C. kindly          D. seriously

12.A.way  B.habit   C. case    D. model

13.A.Surprisingly B.Sadly     C. Shockingly      D. Bitterly

14.A.seeing  B.noticing  C. watching  D. finding

15.A.wanted  B.asked   C. planned     D. attempted

16.A.wiping  B.touching  C.bathing      D. washing

17.A.should  B.could   C.might    D. would

18.A.In   B. Upon   C. After    D. With

19.A.curiously B. carefully  C. naturally   D. plainly

20.A.How  B. Who   C. Why    D. What



1.___You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First plan your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. 2.____ A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television. When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

Make good use of your time in class. 3.___Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, and read that material. 4._____If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

5._____ You will probably discover some of them after you have tried these.

A. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

B. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. Maybe you are an ordinary student.

F. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.

G. This will help you understand the next class.



What was your favorite sport during your childhood? Maybe running around the playground or jumping rope for hours would bring you pleasure. At that time you weren’t thinking of health, you were just thinking of entertainment(娱乐). But in this age of high-tech home equipment, the simple joy of jumping rope has been forgotten. I think rediscovering it probably will give you a total-body exercise.

Although considered an excellent form of exercise, jumping rope has never been widely accepted because of two reasons. First, most people consider jumping rope to be an excellent form of cardiovascular (心血管的) exercise, but they also believe that it is simply too difficult. In other words, they don’t think they’ll be able to continue jumping for the near 20 minutes in order to achieve a beneficial physical effect. Second, many  people regard it as a little boring and overly repetitive —not as something fun or enjoyable.

As a matter of fact, jumping rope can be great fun as long as you find proper ways to practice it. Instead of doing the usual two-foot bounce(跳) over and over again, players good at rope-jumping often change their pattern every 10 or 20 jumps. A single bounce, a double –bounce, a skip, a knee-up, side swings, as well as a variety of other easy-to-learn free-style rope-jumping .

Nowadays researchers are discovering that jumping rope also prepares the brain for learning. It is an exercise allowing both brain hemispheres(半球)to perform equally to each other . In a word, jumping rope can be a life-long activity requiring little equipment, time and space, yet leading to a much healthier life.

1.One reason that can explain why rope jumping has not spread widely is that_____.

A. it is believed to be boring and repetitive

B. it is too difficult for people to learn to jump

C. it benefits the cardiovascular system

D. it requires little equipment, time and space

2.The first sentence in Paragraph 3 implies that        in rope jumping .

A. there is only one proper way to follow

B. the usual way should not be used again

C. the easiest way is always the best one

D. there are different kinds of ways to follow

3.According to the researchers, jumping rope         .

A. only prepares the brain for learning

B. is suitable for students only

C. helps both brain hemispheres work together

D. can be dangerous for old people

4.What is the author’s attitude towards rope jumping?

A. He strongly argues against it.

B. He is sitting on the fence of it .

C. He is for it.

D. He knows little about it .



Are you interested in travelling in the dangerous mountains in America? Here are some tour plans for you to choose.

Tour 1  Garland Valley

Bring your drink and lunch for this walk in a beautiful area of the Blue Mountains. Garland Valley is close to the town of Garland but is part of the National Park. Many wild animals live in this area, including many rare birds. This is a great walk for bird-lovers. The trip lasts four hours. Book in advance. Cost: $ 15 When: May 8, May 15

Tour 2  Flashlight Adventure

Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight and a pair of glasses, and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. A guide will lead the tour. Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night. The guide will tell you about the lives of the animals you see. Numbers are strictly controlled on night trips, so be sure to book early. This walk lasts two and a half hours.

Cost: $ 12 When: May 8, May 15, May22

Tour 3 Black Bear Count

There have been fires in this area in the last few years and the Office of the National Park is not sure how many black bears are still living. Some bears have been seen since the fires, and the Office has asked for young people to help count them. The entire trip will last three hours. Remember to book in advance.

Cost: Free When: May 8

Advice to be followed:

Please bring enough water and food for all walks.

Wear good walking shoes---no high heels.

Wear a hat for day walks.

Dress warmly for night walks.

Children must be with an adult.

Make sure your flashlight works well and bring extra batteries for night walks.

Follow all instructions from guides during the walks. The mountains are so dangerous that you have to care.

1.Where are these tours likely to take place?

A. In a modern noisy city.         B. In a special kind of zoo

C. In a park in the mountains.     D. In three different countries.

2.On which trip is it possible for you to see animals that are active

at night but may sleep during the day?

A. Flashlight Adventure       B. Garland Valley.

C. Black Bear Count         D. None of the trips.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Extra batteries are needed for Tour 1 & 3.

B. All three tours require booking in advance.

C. It’s clearly advised to wear a hat for Tour 2.

D. Tour 3 will take the longest hours to finish.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Some Adventure Tours in America

B. Hunting around the Great Mountains

C. Interesting Tours in Different Parks

D. Discovery Tours in the Mountains



You probably know you should say "please" and "thank you" at restaurants. You probably know the rules of a library. You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. But do you have music manners?

Keep It Down! You have to notice the volume of your music. You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. Some people might even get angry. Usually, when you play the music loud on an MP3 player, other people can't hear the words of the song. They just hear a loud sound. No one wants to listen to this. Very loud music can also be bad for your ears. So even if you are alone when listening to your MP3 players, you shouldn't turn it up too high.

Take Them Off! You need to know when to turn your MP3 off and put it away. Libraries and schools don't allow MP3 players. There are other places, like museums, that don't have rules, but it would be rude to have your MP3 player on. Sometimes, it doesn't make sense(无意义) to listen on your MP3 player at event. Why would you listen to music at a play, a movie or a sporting event? You would miss what is going on and others would wonder why you even came.

Take One Out! Once in a while it's okay just to take out one earphone and not the other. Imagine you are listening on your MP3 player when someone asks you the way. It would not be rude to take out one earphone, tell him the way, and put back the earphone and continue listening. You can also do this when you order food at a fast-food restaurant or when you answer the telephone.

It's Your Choice! There are times when you need to decide what is best. For example, some people can listen to music on their MP3 players when reading books, while others think it is disturbing. In cases like this, you need to do what seems right for you.

1.The underlined word "volume" in Paragraph 2 probably means    "_________."

A. the type of music

B. the length of a song

C. the amount of a sound

D. the color of an MP3 player

2.We should turn down the music when we are alone because loud music_________.

A. may annoy others           B. will make us tired

C. is bad for MP3 players     D. can hurt our ears

3.If we listen to our MP3 player at a play, _________.

A. the theatre won't allow it

B. we may miss part of the play

C. others won't hear the play well

D. the actors will get angry

4.The main idea of this passage is about _________.

A. music lovers      B. music manners

C. music players     D. MP3 earphones



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