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As digital technology increasingly contr...

As digital technology increasingly controls the lives of young people, scientists have begun to wonder: Is the Internet good or bad for kids?

  “It’s impossible to answer that question because the Internet is so many things,” says psychologist Patricia Greenfield. “It’s networked computer games and news about politics and instant messaging and e-mails to your grandmother. It can be both an educational resource and a hiding place for kidnappers.”

  Adults have many reasons to worry about kids’ Internet use. In chat rooms, for instance, it is easy to lie and kids can get trapped in dangerous situations. In searching for and visiting websites, kids can come across words and pictures that they may not be prepared for. To help prevent that situation, in 2000, the US Congress passed the Children’s Internet Protection Act, which requires schools to block offensive and obscene(淫秽的)websites.

  Researches have pointed out how confusing the Internet can be for children, even when they think they know how it works. To find out how much kids know about the technology, Zheng Yan, an educational professor in New York, interviews over 300 students in grades four to eight. Most of the youngest students think the Internet is simply an icon (图标) on the screen. It often isn’t until 10 that kids realize that the Internet is a network of millions of computers. It takes another 2 or 3 years for them to understand that a stranger can see what they’ve posted.

  Understanding the technology helps kids understand how dangerous the web can be. It’s not simply enough to block harmful websites or to limit the number of hours kids spend online. Learning about the Internet can also give young people the power to use it in beneficial ways.

1.By saying “the Internet is so many things”, Patricia Greenfield means that ______.

A. computer technology is hard for people to master

B. computers have more disadvantages than expected

C. computers have more advantages than expected

D. computers bring advantages as well as disadvantages

2.According to the Children’s Internet Protection Act passed in 2000, ______.

A. children are not allowed to go online at schools

B. schools must watch students’ behavior all the time

C. children must be prevented from having access to unhealthy websites

D. it is against the law to search for unhealthy information online

3.In the mind of very young children, the Internet is ______.

A. harmful                 B. simple

C. a complicated network      D. a news source

4.What might be talked about in the following paragraph?

A. How to protect children against the danger of the Internet.

B. How to use the Internet for beneficial purposes.

C. What the public think of the Children’s Internet Protection Act

D. How the Children’s Internet Protection Act was passed.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:随着数码科技越来越多地影响到年轻人的生活,科学家们开始怀疑:互联网对孩子的成长是好还是坏?孩子们的思维是简单的,容易受到网上不良信息的伤害。我们应该做的就是,让孩子真正了解互联网,从而引导孩子们趋利避害。 1.It can be both an educational resource and a hiding place for kidnappers.”可知,互联网可以作为教育资源,同时也暗藏着绑架等危险,故选D。 2.which requires schools to block offensive and obscene(淫秽的)websites”可知,法令的颁布是为了防止孩子受到不良网站上的信息的影响,故选C。 3.Most of the youngest students think the Internet is simply an icon (图标) on the screen.”可知,大多数孩子认为互联网仅仅就是一个图标,直到10岁,孩子们才会意识到互联网是成千上万个电脑连成的一张网,故选B。 4.Learning about the Internet can also give young people the power to use it in beneficial ways.”可知,了解互联网以后,年轻人会做到趋利避害,文章接下来可能会讲到怎样趋利避害,故选B。 考点:科技类短文阅读

Being the youngest child has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, babies are spoiled and often get away with behavior that other family members can’t. On the other hand, many youngest children feel that they never quite measure up to their more experienced and successful siblings (兄弟姐妹). To borrow a phrase from a famous comedian, they get no respect.

  Some parents look on their youngest child as their last chance to do everything right, so the youngest may feel great performance pressure, similar to a firstborn. Other parents will never allow their last child to be unhappy, ever. In most families, however, the parents have more experience and are more likely to give them more freedom on such issues as developmental milestones, toilet training, dating, and so on. They are more confident that things will work out for the best, and their relationship with their lastborn is less intense than that with the older children.

  Having some distance in their relationship with their parents can give the lastborn freedom to explore new ideas and new places, but if it is too great, the youngest children may feel disconnected, as though they don’t belong to the family.

  Since lastborns are seldom the strongest or most capable during childhood, they often carve out a place for themselves by being clever and charming. Within the family, they know how to get along well with their siblings. They may become peacekeepers, but they’re also able to cause much trouble when it serves their purposes. Playing the “baby card” also allows them to avoid punishment for wrongdoing, for example, breaking a sibling’s toy.

  Only with such a full understanding can you, as a parent, help your “baby” develop into a fully grown-up person.

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1.What may dissatisfy the youngest child in the family?

A. Being given too much pressure by the parents.

B. Being looked down upon by the other family members.

C. Not getting along well with their siblings.

D. Feeling that they fail to do as well as their siblings.

2.In most families, the youngest child _______.

A. is expected to realize their parents’ unfinished dreams

B. lives a life of less pressure from their parents

C. is often ignored and forgotten by their parents

D. doesn’t like to get close to his / her parents 

3.Which of the following characteristics may NOT appear in the lastborn during their childhood?

Strong-minded.     B. Attractive.     C. Sociable.       D. Troublesome.

4.By talking about the characteristics of the youngest child, this passage ______.

A. gives parents some help in bringing up the youngest child

B. reminds parents to give the youngest child extra care

C. shows it is hard for the youngest child to succeed

D. calls on parents to treat the youngest child fairly



Have you come across much western children’s literature?

Most English speaking children grow up with the same delightful set of fictional (小说的) characters. The Winnie the Pooh stories involve a strange selections of animals such as a kangaroo, a pig, a donkey, a tiger, an owl and a bear, who live together in a wood, leading fairy ordinary lives. Far more exciting and dangerous events take place in The Wind in the Willows, the story of the foolish Mr. Toad and all his adventures.

Talking animals is also the main characters in The Jungle Book and the Just So Stories. In the latter we find lots of imaginative explanations as to why the world is like what it is.

Far more laughter comes from Roald Dahi’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Whillie Wonka is the perfect adult in the eyes of children with all his clever ideas and endless supply of sweets. Also much loved is Bilbo Baggins, the funny little rabbit, who ends up having adventures with wolves and dragons. Of course, the stories go on in the much more serious The Lord of the Rings, better read a few years later. A new star in the world of magic and children’s fiction is Harry Potter, the schoolboy who learns spells rather than maths. Adventures books remain popular, too. Although well over a century old now, Treasure Island is still an enthralling story with young Jim Hawkins dealing with secret maps and pirates. Such books make childhood a time of wonder and imagination.

1.Which of these is NOT mentioned as a character in The Winnie the Pooh stories?

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       A.             B.                    C.               D.

2.In which book would you expect to find the chapter “How the tiger got his stripes?”

A. The Wind in the Willows.

B. Just So Stories.

C. Treasure Island.

D. The Lord of the Rings.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Treasure Island was written a long time ago.

B. Roald Dahi’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a light-hearted book.

C. The Lord of the Rings was published earlier than Harry Potter.

D. Jim Hawkins wrote Treasure Island.

4.The underlined word “enthralling” in paragraph 4 means___________.

A. disappointing     B. modern       C. interesting      D. frightening



I looked up at the signs, trying to make sure which train I needed to take to Narita Airport. So I could catch the flight that would take me home to Canada. I was feeling the    of my huge pack, which contained gifts for my family. The Japanese language was    to me. You could imagine how hopeless I felt when I failed to see any symbol that      familiar. 

  Just then, a woman stopped and asked in    which way I wanted to go. She helped me    the platform number, the price and the time of departure.

  I thanked her. Having ten minutes left, she     I join her for a quick tea. She told me she was born in Japan,   spending a year backpacking in New York had let her experience the life of a woman     alone. We excitedly traded stories but soon our    chat was over. Her train was leaving. Before leaving, she hurriedly      both our drinks. “Save your money,” she said.

  I stood up and pulled the load once more onto my back.     , she reappeared with a square box    in white and red paper. She pushed the box into my     . It was warm.

  “For the train. Goodbye.” I had    these specially prepared boxed meals for sale in the stations. They looked delicious but they were    my budget.

  As I waited on the platform, my pack didn’t feel    heavy as before. Though I had been given one more     to carry, I felt light-hearted with the taste of warm food, the    of my homecoming and the generosity(慷慨)of a Japanese woman I    ran into on the way. And I never even    her name when she introduced herself.

1.A. pressure     B. weight    C. content   D. value

2.A. attractive   B. simple    C. funny     D. mysterious

3.A. sounded    B. looked       C. turned       D. remained

4.A. English    B. Japanese   C. French     D. Chinese

5.A. call for     B. account for   C. find out       D. work out 

6.A. demanded  B. insisted   C. wanted   D. hoped

7.A. so           B. and       C. but        D. or

8.A. working    B. living    C. traveling   D. struggling

9.A. serious    B. short       C. constant   D. private 

10.A. drank up        B. emptied out   C. paid for        D. filled with

11.A. At the same time  B. By that time   C. All of a sudden      D. In time

12.A. hidden    B. wrapped   C. covered    D. decorated

13.A. pack     B. cups      C. hands     D. bottles

14.A. tasted        B. seen      C. touched   D. smelt 

15.A. about        B. within     C. upon        D. beyond  

16.A. any       B. too            C. as          D. much

17.A. food        B. pack      C. burden    D. gift

18.A. plan      B. promise   C. dream     D. decision

19.A. unexpectedly     B. unluckily     C. hurriedly     D. finally

20.A. caught   B. forgot    C. called    D. asked



Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours ______ a decision.

A. they reached      B. did they reach   C. they reach    D. do they reach



Why was it so noisy over there?

The Twins were surrounded by their fans ____ they stepped out of the hall.

A. until         B. the moment      C. in case      D. so that



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