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One day, Jack’s parents told him that hi...

One day, Jack’s parents told him that his grandpa would retire after working for forty years. Jack said in surprise, “I’m only seven, so it means grandpa has been... er... A really long time!”

His parents said, “Yes. That’s why we are going to have a surprise party for him.”

Jack loved his grandpa and wanted to do something special for him. He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position on that card, so he decided to build a new one for his grandpa.

When the big day came, Jack was ready. But he didn’t want to put his gift together with others’. He carried it around with him the whole evening.

When all the other people left, he took his grandpa’s hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift.

His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must be a beautiful gift. May I open it now?” “Sure!” Jack said excitedly.

As grandpa opened the gift, tears came into his eyes. Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got! They were business cards with his new position: FULL-TIME GRANDPA! Jack said, “Now your full-time job is my grandpa!”

“ Well, how much do I get paid?” his Grandpa asked, smiling. “As many hugs as    you want!” With these words, Jack gave grandpa a hug. “Well, I guess that means I’m the richest man in the world!” said grandpa.

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1.Who was going to retire?

A. Jack’s grandma.           B. Jack’s grandpa.

C. Jack’s mother.            D. Jack’s father.

2.What did Jack decide to do for his grandpa?

A. To build a new position for him.

B. To draw a picture for him.

C. To sing a song for him.

D. To buy a gift for him.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Jack was the first one to give his gift to his grandpa.

B. Jack was the last one to give his gift to his grandpa.

C. Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with other people.

D. Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with his parents.

4.Why were there tears in grandpa’s eyes?

A. Because he would lose his position.

B. Because he was not cared for.

C. Because he was moved by Jack’s gift.

D. Because he was unhappy.


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析: 本文讲述了杰克的爷爷退休了,杰克送了他一份特别的礼物,让爷爷很感动的故事 1.细节理解题。由由文章第一句可知 2.细节理解题。由第三段最后一句He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position on that card, so he decided to build a new one for his grandpa.他知道他的爷爷将不在是名片上的这个职位了,于是决定给爷爷在建立一个新的职位,因此选A 3.细节理解题。由第五段When all the other people left, he took his grandpa’s hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift.可知他是最后一个送礼物的。 4.细节理解题。由倒数第二段第二句Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got!这是爷爷收到的最好的礼物,所以很感动,故选C项。 考点:社会生活类阅读。

Many people earn their living with their hands. Ed earns his living with his feet! And a very good living it is, too.

Ed’s story began in a very small town in Brazil. His father and mother were very poor. Seven people lived in their tiny house. Ed’s father often played football. Little Ed wanted to play football too. So his father made a soft ball for him to kick. It was a sock filled with soft materials. The little boy kicked it every day.

At last Ed learned to kick a real football. By the time he was 11, he played football very well.

One day Ed was playing with some men. A man passing by saw how fast the boy ran. He stopped to watch. How well Ed kicked the ball!

After the game, the man called Ed to him. “My name is Mr. Dee,” he said. “I used to play football for a living. Will you let me teach you what I know?”

“Oh, yes!” Ed answered.

In the next four years, Mr. Dee trained Ed to be a fine player. The boy worked hard. At last Mr. Dee talked to Ed’s father. “This boy is ready to play with the big teams,” he said. “Let me take him to a city that has a good team.”

Mr. Dee took Ed to Santos, Brazil. There, the boy joined the Santos Football Club.

In his first big game, Ed helped his team win by seven points. He made four of the seven points!

Many people thought he was the best football player in the world. He was “The King of Football”

1.What is said about Ed’s family when he was a little child?

A. There were seven people in his family.

B. His father made soft balls for a living.

C. His parents liked playing football.

D. His parents bought him a football.

2.When he first saw Ed playing football, Mr. Dee was attracted by       .

A. his young age

B. his running speed

C. his love for football

D. his playing with men

3.What can we know about Mr. Dee from the text?

A. He joined the Santos Football Club.

B. He and Ed used to live in the same town.

C. He had been the best football player in Brazil.

D. He happened to find a very good football player.



All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea.

In China, for example, tea is always served when people get together. The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at homes or in tea houses. They prefer their tea plain(原味), with nothing else in it.

Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called a tea ceremony. It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in Japanese homes.

Another tea-drink country is England. In England, the late afternoon is “teatime”. Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. The English usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with cream and sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and little sandwiches at teatime.

In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold tea—“iced tea”. Sometimes they drink iced tea from cans, like soda.

1.The passage is about         .

A. Chinese tea

B. why tea is important

C. the teatime in England

D. different ways of tea drinking in different countries

2.Tea is popular        .

A. all around the world

B. only in the United States

C. only in English-speaking countries

D. in Asian countries

3.The English like to       .

A. eat cakes and cookies with their tea

B. drink their tea plain

C. have tea with dinner

D. drink their tea in a special room



请你以中学生的名义写一篇不少于100词的文章呼吁世界各地的中学生加入到拯救大熊猫(the giant panda)的行列中来。要求用到提示内容,行文连贯、流畅、完整。内容包括:

1.大熊猫是中国的稀有(rare)动物,也是世界的稀有动物之一,为中国人民和世界人民所喜爱;  2.大熊猫生长在山里,以竹子为食,由于山林遭到破坏,竹子被砍伐,大熊猫觅食越来越困难,正濒临灭绝; 3.我国已建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫,但需要更多的资金;4.我们希望大家伸出援助之手来保护大熊猫。










[1] It’s good to make a mistake, and here is why. First of all, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. It’s always good to try new things because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never try anything new, how can you improve? How can you expand? The simple answer is “You can’t”. Look around you. Almost everything valuable you see in your world is the result of _____________.

[2] Another good thing about mistakes is this: when you are making mistakes, you are learning. Consider this: Edison failed 10000 times before he perfected the light bulb. When asked how it felt to fail that many times, he remarked that he hadn’t failed 10000 times, but rather had learned 10000 things that didn’t work.

[3] Finally, when you make a mistake you are much closer to success. Why? Because when all is said and done, you will have tried only a few things before you succeed. Every time you made a mistake, you got rid of one bad thing and stepped closer to success.

[4] But this all doesn’t mean that you should go ahead without considering the consequences of a mistake. Instead, when you try something new, you have to be willing to set some reasonable limits so that you will have opportunities to try again in case that it doesn’t work out as you expected. We all have limited resources so don’t blow them all at one time. Realize that it probably won’t be perfect the first time and use these resources appropriately so you can learn, improve, and try it again. Only by using your mistakes in this way can you make significant advances in your career.

[5] There is an old saying that goes, “If you’re not making mistake, you’re not trying hard enough.” So go forth and make mistakes.

1.List three reasons why making a mistake is good for you. (Please answer within 5 words for each blank.)

_________________________ ____________________ ________________________

2. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4? (Please answer within 8 words.)


3.Fill in the blank in paragraph 1 with proper words. (Please answer within 5 words.)


4. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

You should take its bad results into account though making a mistake is good.


5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.




Sure,it's good to get along well with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.

And yes,it's good to get along well with your teacher because,in general,it's smart to learn how to get along well with the different types of people you'll meet throughout your life.

In fact,kids who get along well with their teachers not only learn more,but they're more comfortable with asking questions and getting extra help.This makes it easier for them to understand new materials and makes them do their best on tests.When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher,he or she can be someone to turn to with problems,such as problems with learning or school issues(问题).

Here is a question:what if you don't get along with your teachers?In fact,teachers want to get along well with you and enjoy seeing you learn.But teachers and students sometimes have personality clashes(个性冲突),which can happen between any two people.If you show your teacher that you want to make the situation better,he or she will probably do everything possible to make that happen.By dealing with a problem like this,you learn something about how to get along with people who are different from you.

However if a certain teacher isn't your favorite,you can still have a successful relationship with her or him,especially ________.Here are some of those responsibilities(责任):

Attend class ready to learn.

Be prepared for class with the right stationery,books,and completed assignments(作业).

Listen when your teacher is talking.

Do your best,whether it's a classroom assignment,homework,or a test.

1.The passage is written for ________.

A.students           B.teachers

C.advisers           D.parents

2.According to the passage,getting along well with your teachers will make you ________.

A.have no problems with study

B.get a better seat in the classroom

C.get the best scores in the exams

D.have more pleasant time in the classroom

3.The underlined word “that” in the fourth paragraph refers to ________.

A.the happy time you have in the classroom

B.getting along very well with classmates

C.a better relationship between you and your teacher

D.the disappearance of personality differences

4.“________”can be filled in the blank.

A.if you fulfill(履行)your basic responsibilities as a student

B.if you are thought of as a good student

C.if you know some basic social skills

D.if you are easygoing and helpful

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The importance of friendship in schools.

B.The importance of a good relationship with your teachers.

C.Studying skills for students.

D.Useful skills to get along well with your teachers.



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