满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many of us spend a great deal of time an...

Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right and others are wrong. Many people believe that it’s their job to       others how their positions, statements, and points of view are     , and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow       it, or at least learn something. Wrong!

Think about it. Have you ever been           by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that I’m wrong and you’re right.”? Or, has anyone you know ever      you when you corrected them, or made yourself “right” at their      ? Of course not. The truth is, all of us          to be corrected. We all want our positions to be        and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest          of the human heart. And those who learn to          are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the      of correcting others are often hated and    .

A wonderful way for becoming more peaceful and loving is to practise      others the joy of being right—give them the glory.         correcting. When someone says, “I really feel it’s important to…”, rather than jumping      and saying, “No, it’s more important to…”, simply let it go and allow their statement to    . The people in your life will become less defensive and more    . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have     . You’ll discover the joy of joining in and witnessing other people’s         , which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos (自我). Starting today, let others be       ”.

1.A. show    B. ask   C. prove       D. teach

2.A. unimportant      B. unbelievable C. incorrect   D. imperfect

3.A. consider       B. appreciate  C. understand   D. refuse

4.A. fooled    B. helped   C. Taught    D. corrected

5.A. thanked       B. rewarded  C. cared    D. accepted

6.A. side           B. price   C. expense      D. cost

7.A. like        B. hate   C. prefer    D. afford

8.A. admired       B. received  C. realized   D. respected

9.A. shortcomings      B. advantages  C. desires    D. wishes

10.A. talk        B. praise   C. help    D. listen

11.A. habit    B. form   C. position   D. purpose

12.A. punished   B. avoided  C. left    D. scolded

13.A. letting    B. lending  C. allowing   D. owing

14.A. Stop    B. Continue  C. Practise   D. Try

15.A. out        B. up   C. in     D. off

16.A. last        B. go   C. work    D. stand

17.A. helpful       B. loving      C. careful    D. popular

18.A. dreamed       B. wanted  C. asked    D. demanded

19.A. sufferings   B. worries  C. success   D. happiness

20.A. happy    B. right   C. sorry    D. proud


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了在我们的人生中,我们要学会宽容别人,学会谅解别人不要总是纠正,学会倾听,才能得到别人的爱戴 1.A考查动词辨析A. show展示;B. ask问;C. prove证明;D. teach教;此处指有些人总是指出别人的立场、观点等是错误的。show后跟的是how引导的宾语从句。干扰性比较大的是teach,teach。b.ste教(会)某人什么,但后面一般不跟从句,故选A项。 2.2】C考查形容词辨析A. unimportant不重要的;B. unbelievable难以置信的;C. incorrect不正确的;D. imperfect不完美的;由下文“纠iE"别人可知。文章的第一段用以提出问题,有些人老是指出别人的观点、立场等“不对”,因此选incorrect,相当于wrong。其他选项“不重要的”、“不可信的”、“不完美的”都与前后文出现的“纠正"别人在表达的逻辑上不一致。 3.3】B考查动词辨析A. consider考虑;B. appreciate感激;C. understand 理解;D. refuse拒绝;有些人在指出别人 错误的同时,期望别人会“感激”他们。首先refuses!拒绝”在此与作者所表达的意义相反,consider“考虑”,understand“理解”都没有把握好上下文的联系和提示。上文已经提到thank一词,故选B项。 4.4】D考查动词辨析A. fooled戏弄;B. helped帮助;C. Taught 教;D. corrected纠正;此处作者以反问的形式指出:你在“纠正’’别人的时候,别人感激过你吗?correct此处用作动词,意为“纠正”。fooled"欺骗”,helped"帮助”,与“感激’’在逻辑上矛盾;taught"教学”,意义不通,故选D项。 5.5】A考查动词辨析A. thanked感谢;B. rewarded奖赏;C. cared关心;D. accepted接受;此处整句都是作者的反问,言外之义:你在纠正别人的时候,别人并没有“感激”你,而是怨恨你、对你敬而远之,故选A项。 6.6】C考查名词辨析A. side边;B. price价格;C. expense费用;D. cost花费;atone'sexpense意为“以牺牲……为代价”。此处有踩着别人的肩膀往上爬之意。英语中。none's side是“站在某人一边”;prtce指的是“价格”;cost指的是做什么事情的“成本”,故选C项。 7.7】B考查动词辨析A. like喜欢;B. hate讨厌;C. prefer 更喜欢;D. afford买得起;此处作者指出实际的情况:我们都“不喜欢、痛恨”被别人“纠正”,hate to be done"痛恨、不喜欢被……”。like“喜欢”,prefer"更喜欢”偏离了此处的意义;afford to do意为“有钱干……,故选B项。 8.8】D考查动词辨析A. admired钦佩;B. received收到;C. realized 意识到;D. respected尊敬;由后面的understood可知,我们都希望自己的立场得到别人的“尊重”和理解。admired"崇拜”在语意上意味太强;receive"收到(具体的东西)”,realized"实现”不符合表达的需要,故选D项。 9.9】C考查名词辨析A. shortcomings缺点;B. advantages优点;C. desires愿望;D. wishes希望;指我们内心的“欲望”。shortcomings"缺点”,advantages"优点”,从意思上很容易排除;wishes干扰性较大,意思是“理想”,语意太强,而且与后面的 of the human heart不搭配。故选C项。 10.0】D考查动词辨析A. talk 谈论;B. praise表扬;C. help帮助;D. listen听;学会“倾听”别人的观点,才能得到别人的爱戴和尊敬。从不要老去纠正别人,而应该学会“倾听”这一角度,就能排除其他三个选项。 11.1】A考查名词辨析A. habit 习惯;B. form形式;C. position 位置;D. purpose目的;be in the habit of相当于have the habit of,故选A项。 12.2】B考查动词辨析A. punished惩罚;B. avoided避免;C. left离开;D. scolded责骂;由前面的“怨恨”可知,老是纠正别人会引起别人的“憎恨”和“回避”。left"留下”,不符合此处表达的意义;punished"惩罚”和scolded"批评”表达上太绝对,故选B项。 13.3】C考查动词辨析A. letting让;B. lending借出;C. allowing允许;D. owing亏欠;allowsb.sth.“允许某人拥有……”。1et没有此搭配;lendsb.sth.意为“借给某人某物”;owesb.sth.意为“欠某人什么”,故选C项。 14.4】A考查动词辨析A. Stop阻止;B. Continue继续;C. Practise练习;D. Try尝试;作者建议:“别再老是‘纠正’别人”,故用stopdoine"停止干……”,故选A项。 15.5】C考查副词辨析jumpin相当于breakin"插话、打断别人”。理解了此处的意思,便可排除其他选项,break out当战争、火灾、争吵等“爆发”讲;break up当物体或关系“破裂”讲;breakoff当“挣脱”或“打断(锁链等)”讲,故选C项。 16.6】D考查动词辨析A. last持续;B. go去;C. work 工作;D. stand站,忍受;stand意为“站得住脚、能成立”讲。last"持续”,work用作不及物动词,意为“起作用”,都脱离了作者表达的意图,故选D项。 17.7】B考查形容词辨析A. helpful有帮助的;B. loving可爱的;C. careful仔细的;D. popular流行的;此处应考虑与前面less defensive"减少敌意”在表达的逻辑上要一致,故选B项。 18.8】A考查动词辨析A. dreamed梦想;B. wanted想;C. asked问;D. demanded要求;此处作者表达的意思是:一旦你停止纠正别人,别人就会对你非常感激,超出你的期望。 此处应从“超出期望”这一角度去理解。asked和demanded意思都是“要求”,wanted“想”语意太弱,故选A项。 19.9】D考查名词辨析A. sufferings 苦痛;B. worries担忧;C. success成功;D. happiness幸福;目睹别人因为正确而获得的“幸福”。sufferings“磨难”,worries"担心的事”,success"成功”,都偏离了文章的意义,故选D项。 20.20】B考查形容词辨析A. happy 快乐的;B. right 正确的;C. sorry抱歉;D. proud骄傲;由全文可知,这是作者议论的中心:让别人“对”吧,故选B项。 考点:人生哲理类短文。

Unsatisfied_______with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.

A. though was he        B. was he though 

C. he was though        D. though he was



To his surprise, Jack found his son _______as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. 

A. dressed           B. dressing     C. to dress       D. being dressed



This is the only way we can think of______ the living standard of the public.

A. improving          B. to improve       C. improved        D. improve



The teacher with the students_______ discussing the films_______ the subjects are science fictions. 

A. are; whose          B. are; of which     C. is; of which     D. is; whose



—I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your party last night.

—_______, I know you’re busy these days.

A. Take your time       B. Forget it  

C. That’s right          D. My pleasure



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