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短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在...





修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写上修改后的词。

注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处, 多者 ( 从第11处起 ) 不计分。

A pretty, well-dressed young lady stops a taxi in a big square, and said to the driver, “Do you see that young man at other side of the square?”

Yes, said the taxi driver. The young man was standing outside a restaurant and look impatiently at his watch every few second.

“Take me over there,” said the young lady.

There was a lot of cars and buses in the square, so the taxi driver asked, “Are you afraid to across the street?”

“Oh, no!” said the young lady. So I promised that I would meet the young man of lunch at one o’ clock, and it is now a quarter to two. If I arrive at in a taxi, it will at least seem as if I had tried not to be later.”


1.stops改为stopped 2.other前加the 3.look改为looking 4.second改为seconds 5.was改为were 6.across改为cross 7.So改为But 8.of改为for 9.去掉at 10.later改为late 【解析】 试题分析:本篇小故事讲述了一个赴约迟到的女士搭出租车,为了让对方觉得至少她是努力不迟到的。 1. 2. 3. standing”为并列谓语,故将look改为looking,其前承前省略was. 4. few seconds.故将second改为seconds. 5. be句型be动词的单复根据其后的名词来定。根据“cars”,故将was改为were. 6. afraid to do sth:“怕而不敢做某事”故将介词across改为动词cross. 7. 8. sb for lunch:“和某人一起吃饭”,故将of改为for. 9. 10. late:“迟到”,无比较含义,且later(adv./adj.)以后(的),后来(的),故该处将later改为late. 考点:考查基本单词和语法

第一节 单词拼写(每小题1分,满分8分)


1.When having English class, I heard two students _______ (低语) to each other.

2.________ (learn) to speak a foreign language makes ones life rich.

3.Up    now, many supermarkets and stores in Huzhou have stopped to offer plastic bags to their customers.

4.F     is the mother of success.

5.We should try our best to       (克服) all difficulties

6.He felt completely      ease with Mary.

7.I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around    (curious).

8.He went from door to door , ________ (gather ) waste papers and magazines .




--- Mum, my old bike has gone wrong again. What shall I do?

---       1.

--- Great! But can I have a mountain bike?

--- Why a mountain bike? There’re no mountains around here.

--- Mountain bikes are stronger, and they’re better at going up hills. But I

---       2.--- Money. Do you know how much they cost? At least $300 each! How can I get so much money?

---      3.

--- Over a year! But I need one now.

---      4.

--- I suppose about $150 each.

--- Well, that sounds more reasonable. If you save $5 a week, you’ll have enough in about six months.

---       5.

--- Well, go ahead with your saving and I’ll make up the rest in six months. Now, go and get your old bike repaired.

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As an English speaker, you must know a lot of English words. You can read, speak and understand. But there is another kind of language you have to know the language of the body, a part of what is called non-verbal communication. All over the world, people “talk” with their eyes. When Chinese people meet, they usually shake their hands. What do American and British do?

Americans are more informal than the British. They like to be friendly. They use first name, they ask questions and they talk easily about themselves. When they sit down, they like to relax in their chairs and make themselves comfortable.

British people are more quiet. They take more time to make friends. They like to know you before they ask you home.

When British and American people meet someone for the first time, they shake hands. They do not usually shake hands with people they know well. Women sometimes kiss their women friends, and men kiss women friends (on one cheek only). When a man meets a man friend, he just smiles, and says “Hello”. Men do not kiss each other. Even fathers and sons do not often kiss each other.

1.What is “body language”?

A. Body language is the system of human expression newly invented recently.

B. Body language is the system of human expression by means of words.

C. Body language is a common system of human expression with words and signs.

D. Body language is the system of human expression by sign, movements, etc.

2.People use body language          .

A. in Asia         B. in America

C. in Britain      D. all over the world

3.What will an American man do when he meets a woman friend?

A. He will say “Hello”.     B. He will just smile.

C. He will kiss her.          D. He will shake hands.

4.What does the underlined phrase in the third paragraph mean?

A. Ask you about your home address.

B. Invite you to be a visitor of their home.

C. Name you as “home”.

D. Ask you some questions.



There is one language that is used in every country in the world. The people who use it are young and old, short and tall, thin and fat. It is everybody’s second language. It is easy to understand, although you can’t hear it. It is sign(手势) language.

When you wave to a friend who is across the street, you are using sign language. When you smile at someone, you are saying, “I want to be friendly”, but you are not using speech. You are using body language. When you raise your hand in class, you are saying, “Please ask me. I think I know the correct answer.”

Babies who can’t talk can point at things. They are using sign language. A policeman who wants to stop traffic holds up his hands. He is using sign language.

Many years ago, a French priest, Charles Michel de Epee, became interested in education for deaf people. He invented a finger alphabet (字母表). It is still in use. People can make the sign(手势) for letters and spell words with their hands, and deaf people can read and understand them. Soon there were schools for the deaf in many countries. The only university for the deaf is Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C.

Today, in the United States, there are special TV news programs for deaf people. The newsreader tells the news in sign language. At the same time, the words appear on the TV screen.

The actors in the Theatre of Deaf don’t spell every word. Sometimes they use hand signs. When they put two hands together, it means sandwich. They can make a roof with their hands when they want to show a house. One finger in front of an actor’s mouth can mean quiet. You can talk to people who are behind windows that are closed. And when you go swimming with your friends, you can have conversations under water.

How many hand signs do you use every day?

1.Which of the following about sign language is TRUE?

A. It is a special language used in a few countries in the world.

B. It is a way to express one’s ideas without words.

C. It is only used by the deaf.

D. It can be heard.

2.If you want to express the idea that “I am very friendly” to someone, you will ______.

A. raise your hand

B. put one hand onto the other

C. smile to the person

D. make a roof with your hands

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Hand signs instead of finger signs are used every day.

B. There are schools, colleges and universities for the deaf in the USA.

C. The French priest Charles invented sign language.

D. Even babies are using sign language.

4.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. an introduction to sign language

B. the importance of sign language

C. a famous priest in France

D. how to use sign language



About the year 1990, a small dark-haired boy named Charles Chaplin was often seen waiting outside the back entrances of theatres. He looked thin and hungry. He was hoping to get work in show business. He could sing and dance, and above all, he knew how to make people laugh. But he couldn’t get work and therefore wandered about the city streets. Sometimes he was sent away to a home for children who had no parents.

But twenty years later this same Chaplin became the greatest, best known, and best loved comedian in the world. Nearly all visitors to cinema must have seen some of Chaplin’s films. People everywhere had sat and laughed at them until the tears ran down their faces. Even people who don’t understand English can enjoy Chaplin’s films because they are almost silent. It isn’t what he says that makes people laugh. His comedy doesn’t depend on words or languages. It depends on little actions which mean the same thing to people all over the world. Acting out, without words, of common human situations plays an important part in the dances and plays of many countries. It’s a kind of world language.

Chapin lived most of his life in America and died in Switzerland on Christmas 1977, at the age of eighty-eight. There was sadness all over the world at the news of his death.

1.Why was young Chaplin waiting outside the back of the theatres?

A. He wanted to enjoy a play in the theatre.

B. He was hungry and wanted some food.

C. He liked to play a part in play and thus made a living.

D. He wished to become a man of business.

2.People all over the world can enjoy Chaplin’s films without translation because ____ .

A .English is widely known in the world

B. they can enjoy the film silently

C. they are mostly comedies

D. most of them are silent

3.Chaplin is regarded as king of comedy mainly because______.

A. he acted out the common situations best in his comedy

B. he could sing and dance well

C. he knew how to make people laugh

D. lots of people have seen his film



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