满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Charles Dickens was born on February 7, ...

Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth.Finances were a constant concern for his family.The expenses of having a large family were too much for his father's salary.In fact, when Charles was just four months old, the family moved to a smaller home to cut expenses.

At a very young age, despite his family's financial situation, Charles dreamed of becoming a gentleman.However, when he was 12, it seemed his dream would never come true.He suffered a lot.Charles' education was unplanned, but he supplemented it with constant reading, particularly of the eighteenthcentury novels in his father's small library.He was poorly clothed, ill fed, forced to live in the cheapest place.

Also,12yearold Charles was removed from school and sent to work at a factory to help support the family.Charles was deeply marked by these experiences.This childhood poverty, although unknown to his readers until after his death, would be a heavy influence on Dickens' later views on social reform and the world he would create through his fiction.He knew those kinds of feelings.He was lost at that time when he worked hopelessly in the factory.That period was so bitter to the sensitive boy.When he was a successful, happy man, he could not look back upon it without tears in his eyes.

Luckily the situation improved within a year.Charles was released from his duties at the factory.

1.As a boy, Charles Dickens' dream was __________.

A.to be a writer  B.to be a gentleman

C.to work in a factory  D.to support his family

2.Charles Dickens was removed from school because __________.

A.he didn't like to go to school at all

B.he caused much trouble at school

C.he had to make money to support the family

D.he liked reading in his father's small library

3.What greatly affected Charles Dickens when he was young?

A.His constant reading.

B.His family's frequent move.

C.His leaving school to work.

D.His father's salary.

4.What can we know about Charles Dickens?

A.He received a good education when young.

B.He felt confused when working in the factory.

C.He worked in the factory for many years.

D.He started to work in the factory in 1826.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 【解析】 1.答案 B [细节信息题。由第二段第一句可知狄更斯童年时的梦想是成为一名绅士。] 2.2】答案 C [细节理解题。由第三段第一句可知。] 3.3】答案 C [细节理解题。由第三段可知狄更斯12岁时辍学去干活,这些痛苦的经历刻骨铭心,对他后来的写作有很大的影响。] 4.4】答案 B [细节理解题。由第三段中的“He was lost...”可知他在工厂干活时非常迷茫,不知何去何从。]

I had offered to watch my 3yearold daughter, so that my wife could go out with a friend.I was getting some work done in my study while she ____ to be having a good time in the other room.No problem, I figured.But then it got a little too ____  and I shouted, “What are you doing?” No response.I ____ my question and heard her say,“Oh...nothing.” Nothing?

I got up from my desk and ran out ____ the living room, where I saw her running across the hall.I followed and watched her as her little behind(屁股) made a quick____into the bathroom.I had her____!I told her to turn around.She____.I pulled out my big Daddy voice,“Young lady,I said turn around!”

____,she turned toward me.In her hand was what was left of my wife's new lipstick.And every square inch of her face was____with bright red! As she looked up at me with fearful eyes,I heard____ voice that had been shouted to me as a child.“How could you...You should know...How many times you have been____...What a bad thing to do...” It was just a matter of my picking out which old___I was going to use on her so that she would know what a bad girl she had been.But____I could let loose, I looked ____at the sweater on her.In big____  it said,“I'M A PERFECT LITTLE ANGEL(天使)!” I looked back up into her tearful eyes and,____seeing a bad girl who didn't listen,I saw a little angel full of____that I had come dangerously close to____.“Sweetheart, let's take a picture so Mommy can see how ____ you look.” I took the picture and thanked God that I didn't____the chance to prove what a perfect little angel she had given me.

1.A.happened  B.liked

C.appeared  D.pretended

2.A.long  B.quiet  C.calm  D.strange

3..A.asked  B.answered

C.raised  D.repeated

4.A.into  B.of  C.from  D.for

5.A.way  B.turn  C.change  D.progress

6.A.followed  B.scolded

C.cornered  D.fooled

7.A.laughed  B.listened

C.agreed  D.refused

8.A.Slowly  B.Eagerly

C.Angrily  D.Unfortunately

9.A.filled  B.marked

C.printed  D.covered

10.A.every  B.such  C.any  D.one

11.A.told  B.beaten

C.frightened  D.forbidden

12.A.reports  B.notice

C.advice  D.words

13.A.as  B.when  C.since  D.before

14.A.up  B.down  C.in  D.on

15.A.signs  B.letters

C.messages  D.figures

16.A.because of  B.instead of

C.in spite of  D.as a result of

17.A.value  B.sadness  C.pities  D.tricks

18.A.preventing  B.getting rid of

C.destroying  D.doing wrong on

19.A.dirty  B.ugly  C.special  D.silly

20.A.have  B.get  C.take  D.miss



She was the only one __________ the wreck.

A.surviving  B.having survived

C.to survive  D.survived



Her __________ wealth is in fact a very small sum.

A.supposing  B.supposed

C.to suppose  D.suppose



The managers discussed the plan __________ they would like to see __________

the next year.

A.that;carried out  B./;it carried out

C.that;carrying out D./;it carrying out



The project  __________ because of the lack of fund.

A.ended in failure  B.ended off failure

C.ended failure  D.ended up in success



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