满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Kids who eat b...

NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Kids who eat better perform better in school, a new study of Nova Scotia fifthgraders confirms.

Students who ate an adequate amount of fruit,vegetables,protein,fiber and other components of a healthy diet were significantly less likely to fail a literacy test,Dr.Paul J.Veugelers of the University of Alberta in Edmonton and colleagues found.

While a healthy diet is generally assumed to be important for good school performance, there has actually been little research on this topic, Veugelers and his colleagues note.To investigate,they looked at 4, 589 fifthgraders participating in the Children's Lifestyle and Schoolperformance Study, 875 (19.1 percent) of whom had failed an elementary literacy assessment.

The better a student's eating habits based on several measures of diet quality,including adequacy and variety, the less likely he or she was to have failed the test, the researchers found,even after they adjusted the data for the effects of parental income and education, school and sex.Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and getting fewer calories from fat, was also associated with a lower risk of failing the test.

To date, Veugelers and his team say, most research on diet and school performance has focused on the importance of eating breakfast, as well as the ill effects of hunger and malnutrition(营养不良).

“This study extends current knowledge in this area by demonstrating the independent importance of overall diet quality to academic performance.We should not only realize the importance of children's nutrition at breakfast but also that throughout the day,” the researchers conclude.

Another research from the UK is suggesting that children's diets in the preschool years affects how they perform at school later on.The researchers from the Institute of Education, at the University of London say in fact that what children were eating in those days before primary school has more of an effect than the chicken nuggets(块) they ate at lunchtime.The researchers say they have found that children who ate a diet of “junk food” at the age of three, made less progress in school between the ages of six and ten.They say children's diet at later ages appears to have less impact on their school attainment.

1..According to Dr.Paul J.Veugelers, students who have a healthy diet________.

A.are more likely to fail in their school performance

B.definitely can perform better in their school work

C.usually have more of fat and less of fruit and vegetables

D.tend to perform better in their school work

2..It can be implied from the passage that________.

A.little research has been done on the importance of breakfast

B.most students participating in the research failed the test

C.the adequacy and variety of foods can mean better school performance

D.eating more chicken nuggets leads to good school performance

3..The underlined word “literacy” (in Para.2) probably refers to ________.

A.the ability to read and write

B.a guessing game

C.the art of painting

D.the ability to handle practical task

4..Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Children should have more“junk food”at lunch time.

B.Preschool diets can have more impact on children's school work.

C.A child who often has“junk food”at 3 is bound to fail in school work.

D.The older a child is,the more impact of what he eats has on school work.


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 1.答案 D [细节理解题。根据第二段可知答案为D。] 2.2】答案 C [细节理解题。根据第四段第二句话可知答案为C。] 3.3】答案 A [词义猜测题。根据全文可知合理的饮食、全面的营养能让孩子在学校里有很好的表现,能让他们在考试中顺利通过。所以可推知literacy意为“读写能力”。] 4.4】答案 B [细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句话可知答案为B。根据文章倒数第二句话可知A项错误;C项太绝对,应排除;根据文章最后一句话“They say children's diet...attainment”可知D项错误。]

Some people can stay up all night and still get work done the next day.I'm not one of them.After a night without enough sleep, I feel badtempered.I have trouble remembering things.And all I want to do is to crawl into bed and sleep.

How do you feel after you've stayed up late to finish schoolwork? Or the day after an overnight party? Scientists now say that your answers to these questions may depend on your genes.

New research suggests that a gene called “period 3” affects how well you function without sleep.The “period 3” gene comes in two forms:short and long.Everyone has two copies of the gene.So, you may have two longs, two shorts, or one of each.Your particular combination depends on what your parents passed on to you.

Scientists from the University of Surrey in England studied 24 people who had either two short or two long copies of “period 3”.Study participants had to stay awake 40 hours straight.Then,they took tests that measured  how quickly they pushed a button when numbers flashed on screen and how well they could remember lists of numbers.

Results showed that the people with the short form of “period 3” performed much better on these tests than the people with the long form did.In both groups,people performed worst in the early morning.

After the first round of experiments,participants were finally allowed to sleep.People in the group that performed well on the tests (those with the short form of “period 3”) took about 18 minutes to nod off.

People with the long “period 3” gene, by contrast, fell asleep in just 8 minutes.They also spent more time on deep sleep.That suggests that people with the long form of the gene need more and deeper sleep to keep their brains working in top form.

I think I must have the long form of“period 3”.What about you?

1.The purpose of this passage might be________.

A.to tell us the importance of plenty of sleep

B.to tell the result of a research on sleepy gene

C.to inform the harm of lacking sleep

D.to announce the sleeping rules of humans

2.Which of the following decides how well you perform without sleep?

A.One short form.

B.One long copy.

C.One short and two long copies.

D.Period 3.

3.What kind of people need less sleep according to the research?

A.Those with two long copies of the gene.

B.Those with two short copies of the gene.

C.Those with one short and one long copy of the gene.

D.Those with three short copies of the gene.

4.If one lacks enough sleep,one should avoid doing important or dangerous things


A.at dawn  B.at night

C.in the afternoon  D.at noon



One of the warmest Christmas memories that I have was the year that I was Santa Claus.I was a young substitute(替代者)for a ____with a new family just starting out in life.I was ____ to work at the local grade school on the last day ____ the Christmas holidays.

I can still ____ going from classroom to classroom and doing my best to____both old and joyful at the same time.I was about 50 pounds heavier then,____I had the round little belly part down fine.My beard,however,was another ____as it kept sliding halfway down my face.I thought that more than a few of the kids ____me,but it didn't matter.They still enjoyed ____ Santa.They still laughed and delighted in their__45__gifts and candy canes.They still felt joyous and happy.They still knew that they were____and that was all that mattered to them.

If there is one____that I could give to each of you at Christmas time and____day of the year,it would be that knowledge that you are loved.You are loved and ____by a greater love than you could ever imagine.You are loved by God who____you.In all the difficulties,problems,and heartaches this world ____,you are loved.In all the obstacles you must overcome,challenges you must ____,and pains you must go through,you are loved.In all the mistakes you make,times you stumble(绊倒),and___ paths you take,you are loved.You are loved every second in your life with a glorious love that will ____end.

Know that you are loved.Know that God loves you always.Rejoice(欣喜)in this love with the ____heart of a child.And then,like a jolly(欢乐的)laughing Santa,go out and share it with the world.

1.A.worker  B.farmer

C.student  D.teacher

2.A.called in  B.called on

C.called down  D.called at

3.A.after  B.before

C.during  D.over

4.A.regret  B.stop

C.remember  D.consider

5.A.taste  B.sound  C.smell  D.feel

6.A.but  B.and  C.so  D.still

7.A.matter  B.pound

C.gift  D.knowledge

8.A.recognized  B.welcomed

C.visited  D.memorized

9.A.buying  B.selling

C.writing  D.seeing

10.A.big  B.small  C.old  D.ugly

11.A.hated  B.thrown

C.loved  D.forgotten

12.A.thing  B.man  C.woman  D.school

13.A.another  B.every

C.one  D.either

14..A.looked out  B.looked for

C.watched over  D.watched out

15.A.kept  B.made

C.liked  D.removed

16.A.takes  B.fetches

C.carries  D.brings

17.A.face  B.hand  C.break  D.please

18..A.right B.wrong  C.real  D.busy

19..A.seldom  B.often

C.never  D.almost

20.A.joyous  B.angry

C.jealous  D.pitiful



—Can you help me with this problem?

—It's beyond my __________.I didn't work it out, either.

A.strength  B.ability

C.energy  D.force



To win in these areas, the firm needs a sustainable __________ advantage.

A.competitive  B.active

C.attentive  D.sensitive



—The hotel business in China is as __________ as that in developed countries


—Yes, but we still have a long way on energysaving hotels.

A.innocent  B.curious

C.perfect  D.mature



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