满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To my surprise, I hurried to the lecture...

To my surprise, I hurried to the lecture hall only ______ that the lecture had been cancelled.

A. to be informed   B. being informed    C. to inform     D. informing


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:使我惊讶的是,我匆忙来到会议大厅结果只是被通知讲座被取消了。这里用only to do表示出乎意料的结果,而且I和inform是被动关系,所以选A。 考点:考查不定式做结果状语  

--- Hey, Mary, your backpack looks nice. When did you buy it.

  --- I ____ it for two weeks.

A. had           B. bought          C. have had      D. have bought



Why do you insist on buying a car ______ you have such good public transportation here?

A. because         B. unless          C. when         D. though



The owner still doesn’t know _______ broke into the house and stole the money.

A. when it was that   B. who it was that   C. who was it that   D. when was it that



The scientists have made an exhaustive study of the virus _______ many people have been inflected.

A. to which        B. in which        C. with which     D. for which



When I was in Spain last summer, I ______ quite a lot of Spanish.

A. made up         B. picked up      C. gave up        D. took up



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