满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Cell phones are so cheap that almost all...

Cell phones are so cheap that almost all people can afford it. _____ you go, you can see people holding cell phones doing different things. Our life style has changed greatly _____ of the widespread of mobile phones.

Mobile phones change _____ way we contact others. In the past, we contacted our families, relatives and friends by writing letters _____ just going to a certain area to make a phone call. Now, if we want to contact them, all we need to do is to take out our cell phone, dial the number and then we can reach _____ in a minute.

With a cell phone, we _____ take photos and locate ourselves easily. All cell phones have a camera function. We can take photos anywhere we want and do _____ need to take our camera. Besides, _____ we are lost, we can use a cell phone to locate ourselves and find the right direction.


1.wherever 2.because 3.the 4.or 5.them 6.can 7.not 8.if/when 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:随着手机的广泛的使用,我们的生活方式也发生了巨大的改变。 1.wherever。考查名词性从句。Wherever“无论哪里”之意。无论你去哪里,你可以看到人们抓着手机做不同的事情。 2.because。考查介词短语。这里考查介词短语because of因为。由于手机的广泛使用,我们的生活发生了巨大的改变。 3.the。考查冠词。这里诶特指,故用冠词the。手机改变了我们联系其他人的方式。 4.or。考查连词。连词or为“或者”之意。在过去我们通过书信或者去一个可以打电话的地方联系家人、亲戚和朋友。 5.them。考查代词。代词them指代上文中的our families, relatives and friends。句意:然后,我们能在一分钟之内联系到他们。 6.can。考查情态动词。情态动词can表示“可以”。有手机,我们可以拍照片和定位自己。 7.not。考查副词。根据句意,这里用否定形式。我们不需要带我们的照相机。 8.if/when。考查连词。这里用连词if“如果”或when“当……的时候”。这里表示:如果我们迷路,或者当我们迷路的时候。 考点:考查说明文

On this Christmas Day I had the wonderful opportunity to see the true spirit of Christmas.

My big family always ____ presents together at the start of the New Year and have done so in this way for more than 40 years. Since the beginning, my grandfather and grandmother have ____ their children and cousins on this day in their small farmhouse.

With 13 ____ and uncles and more than 30 cousins in this group, there were usually more than 50 people in the room to exchange gifts. Because of the activity, the flying wrapping paper, so many people and the limited space of a 65-year-old farmhouse living room, most of the individual moments went ____.

My nephew, Jack (9 year old), who was walking by my 5-year-old cousin, Seth, in the Christmas chaos, noticed that Seth was crying. Jack ____ to ask him what was wrong and why he was crying. Seth ____ that he didnt receive any toys!

Almost without _____, Jack looked down to the only two toys he had received, and _____ Seth with his best toy! He said, Here, you can have this one. I dont have to have it. I have other toys I can play with at home.

Tears were welling up in my eyes! I was moved by this huge act of _____. I was so _____ of my nephew and what he had done when he thought no one else was looking.

I gave him a huge _____ and told him that he had demonstrated(演示) the true _____ of Christmas!

1.A. choose    B. exchangeC. return    D. borrow

2.A. entertainedB. celebrated    C. praised          D. advertised

3.A. leadersB. guides            C. aunts                D. partners

4.A. undoubted    B. unnoticed    C. unfinished    D. unchanged

5.A. changed        B. forgot        C. stepped            D. stopped

6.A. reacted        B. respondedC. applauded        D. disturbed

7.A. smile    B. gesture    C. happiness    D. thought

8.A. introducedB. producedC. described            D. presented

9.A. kindness     B. honesty    C. courage    D. strength

10.A. aware        B. proud        C. certain                D. ashamed

11.A. duty    B. pain    C. hug            D. pity

12.A. meaning    B. feeling    C. ending  D. greeting



Is _______ three hours _______ the poor boy to come to school on foot?

A. it; that it takesB. there; that it takes

C. there; when         D. it; that  



No. 1 Middle School of Anxiang is the very place ______ Song Zhenyu, the Provincial science top of Hunan in 2014, was studying.

A. thatB. which

C. whereD. from which



Try to spend your time just on the things you find _______.

A. worth doing themB. worth being done

C. worthy of ding themD. worthy of being done



_______ about the economic crisis that he decided to look for more information about it.

A. So curious he was    B. So curious was he

C. Such curious he was  D. Such curious was he



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