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Money Matters for Students GETTING A GRA...

Money Matters for Students


Who pays?

The Local Education Authority (LEA) for the area in which the student is living.

Who can get this money?

Anyone who gets a place on a first degree course, although a student who has already attended a course of advanced further education may not. Students must also have been resident in the UK for at least three years, which can exclude (排除) some students from overseas.


If a student has worked before going to college:

A student who is 26 or more before the course starts and who has worked for at least three of the previous six years will get extra money--£155 a year if 26, increasing to a maximum of £615 at 29 or more.

If a student is handicapped (残疾的):

LEAs will give up to £500 to help meet extra expenses—such as buying a tape recorder for a blind student, extra heating or special food.


Most of the big banks offer special services to students who open accounts (in the hope that they will stay with the bank when they become rich officials). A student won’t usually have to pay bank charges as long as the account stays in credit. Some banks allow students to overdraw by £100 or so, and still don’t make charges (though they do charge interest).

1.A student from Japan who has been staying in England for a year and intends to go to college in a few months will _________.

A. get money if he is taking a first degree course       

B. be unable to get money from any LEA

C. get money from any LEA when he has finished his course

D. have to open a bank account before he gets any money

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. A student already attending a course of advanced education is sure to get a grant.

B. A student aged 30 can get extra money—£615 a year.

C. A student usually must pay back charges when the account is in credit.

D. Students are allowed to overdraw by £100 or so in any bank.

3.Why is it likely that a bank will welcome new students as their customers?

A. They know students receive money regularly.     

B. They charge students extra.

C. They hope students will be rich in the future.      

D. They need student accounts in term-time.

4.Where can you probably read this passage?

A. A notice-board in a college.B. A dictionary.   

C. A newspaper.D. A banking office.


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:钱对学生们来说至关重要。谁来给他们的教育埋单哪?有什么条件的学生才可以得到资助呢?特殊情况还有哪些?让我们认认真真地读一读吧。 1. 2. 3. 4. 考点:广告类阅读。

There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.

One day, feeling very sad and lonely, she was walking through a grassland when she noticed a small butterfly caught in a thorn (荆棘) bush. The young girl carefully released the butterfly. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

“For your wonderful kindness,” the good fairy said to the girl, “I will give you any wish you would like.” The little girl thought for a moment and then replied, “I want to be happy.” The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the fairy disappeared.

As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she. Everyone asked her the secret of happiness. She would only smile and answer, “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.”

When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all gathered around her, believing that her unbelievable secret of happiness would die with her. “Tell us, please,” they begged, “Tell us what the good fairy said.” The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, “She told me that everyone, no matter how secure they seemed, no matter how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me.”

1.Noticing the butterfly was caught by the thorn, the orphan girl _______.

A. helped the butterfly escape from the thorn     

B. felt sad, but she didn′t go up to help it

C. fell down on it too[                  

D. failed to help it release from the thorn

2.The butterfly _________ after it was saved by the little girl.

A. flew away        B. still died   

C. changed into a fairy    D. was more beautiful than before

3.The only thing that the little girl wanted was_________.

A. to be rich         B. to have her own parents

C. to have a lot of friends   D. to be happy

4.The neighbors all gathered around the old happy woman when she was dying, because ______.

A. they loved this woman deeply and they didn′t want her to die

B. the woman had lots of money to be shared after she died

C. they wanted to know the secret of her lifetime happiness

D. they wanted to pray for her after her death



I arrived in the classroom,ready to share my knowledge and experience with 75 students who would be my English literature class.Having taught in the US for 17 years,I had no   about my ability to hold their attention and to  on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.

I was shocked when the monitor shouted,“    !” The entire class rose as I entered the room,and I was somewhat     about how to get them to sit down again,but once that awkwardness (尴尬) was over,I quickly     calmness and began what I thought was a fact—packed lecture,sure to gain their respect—perhaps    their admiration.I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a(n)     of achievement.

My students    diaries.However,as I read them,the happy mood was gradually    by a strong sense of sadness.The first diary said, “Our literature teacher didn’t teach us anything today.    her next lecture will be better.”Greatly surprised,I read diary after diary,each expressing a   theme.“Didn’t I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework (哲学体系) of Western thought and laid the historical    for all the works we’ll study in class,” I complained.“How    they say I didn’t teach them anything?

It was a long term,and it     became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as    of my students.I thought a teacher’s job was to raise    questions and provide enough background so that students could _   their own conclusions.My students thought a teacher’s job was to provide     information as directly and clearly as possible.What a difference!

  ,I also learnt a lot,and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a_   American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.

1.A.certainty B.idea C.doubt D.experience

2.A.impress B.put C.leave D.fix

3.A.Attention       B.Look out C.At ease D. Stand up

4.A.puzzled B.sure C.curious D.worried

5.A.found     B.returned C.regained D.followed

6.A.more    B.even     C.yet D.still

7.A.thought B.sense C.emotion D.idea

8.A.shared     B.borrowed     C.kept D.read

9.A. replaced      B.  taken   C. caught   D. moved

10.A.Naturally   B.Perhaps C.Fortunately D.Reasonably

11.A.different B.same C.similar D.usual

12.A.happenings B.characters C.development D.background

13.A.should B.need C.will D.must

14.A.immediately B.certainly C.simply D.gradually

15.A.that B.what C.those D.ones

16.A.difficult B.interesting C.ordinary D.unusual

17.A.draw     B.get C.decide D.give

18.A.strange B.standard C.exact D.serious

19.A.Therefore     B.However C.Besides D.Though

20.A.stricter B.happier C.worse D.better



---Peter, where did you guys go for the summer vacation?

  ---We _______ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach.

A. wereB. had beenC. have beenD. will be



I don’t think The Flowers of War by Zhang Yimou is popular among teenagers, _________?

A. are theyB. isn’t itC. do ID. is it



The school shop, ________ customers are mainly students, is closed during class time.

A. which B. whereC. whose D. when



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