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Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? 1. The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

Make a plan for achieving goals that you believe will make you happy. Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value.

Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively(消极地) when you are surrounded by people who think that way. 2.

When something goes wrong, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks(挫折) to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the things back to their favor.

3. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.

4. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance, you will be subconsciously(下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood.

Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.

Keeping healthy is another way to achievee happiness .___ 5._

A What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy

B On the contrary , if you are around people who are happy ,their emothional state will be easily passed to you

C Being overweight or not eating foods containing nutrition have a negative effort on your mood

D These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves

E Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy

F There are some tips in life that lead to happiness

G Its also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself


1.D 2.B 3.E 4.G 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:人人都想获得快乐,那么你知道快乐意味着什么吗?你知道如何获得快乐吗?在本文中作者介绍了一些在生活中创造快乐的办法。比如要和快乐的人在一起,这样就容易受他们积极态度的影响。而且要保持健康,健康的人才会更容易获得快乐。 1.考查对上下文的理解判断能力。在文章开头作者提出了几个问题来引出要谈论的话题,而D选项These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves中的questions恰好可以呼应上文,是对上文的承接,选D。 2.考查对上下文的理解判断能力。本段主题句是Surround yourself with happy people.意思是让自己处在快乐的人们之中。后句提到了和消极的人在一起的不良影响,由此判断B选项内容On the contrary , if you are around people who are happy ,their emotional state will be easily passed to you 符合语境,用正反论证法来论述本段中心,选B。 3.考查对上下文的理解判断能力。根据空后内容these few minutes 判断前句中应该提到minutes,由此判断E项内容Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy 适合语境,选E。 4.考查对上下文的理解判断能力。本段讲述了不管用什么方式的都要犒劳,奖赏自己,而G 选项It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself内容恰好提到了为自己做些好事,可以做为主题句,故选G。 5.考查对上下文的理解判断能力。本段提到了要保持健康Keeping healthy is another way to achievee happiness .而C选项中的肥胖,饮食都和健康有关,内容符合语境,选C。 考点:考查信息匹配

His first successful fight was for the equal rights of black people in South Africa. Then, as the first black president, he fought to unite the country and organize the government. Now Nelson Mandela has set his sights on a new enemy, AIDS.

On March 19 the former president, hosted his second AIDS­awareness concert. He warned that 25 million people in Africa were already infected with the fatal disease.

Mandela was born in a small village in South Africa in 1918. He was adopted by the chief of his tribe and could have been a chief himself and lived a happy country life.

But he refused to be a chief when his people lived under racial discrimination(歧视). He decided to fight for equal rights for all the people in South Africa. Before 1990, under the country’s Racial Segregation Law, coloured people and white people lived separately. Black people were treated unfairly even when taking a bus. Blacks had to stand at the back of the bus to make room for white people even when there were only a few of them on board.

For his opposition to the system, Mandela was arrested and spent 27 years in prison. He was freed in 1990 and became the president of the country after the first election was held in which everyone could vote. 

Mandela was not only a political fighter who attacked with speeches. He was also a trained boxer and fought in the ring when he was young.

“Although I did not enjoy the violence of boxing, I was  interested in how one moved one’s body to protect oneself, how one used a strategy both to attack and retreat,”he wrote in his autobiography.

As a skillful fighter, he chose music as his weapon against AIDS. He hopes to win another victory against AIDS.

1.When was Mandela arrested?

A.In 1963.

B.In 1990.

C.When he refused to be a chief.

D.When he became the president.

2.Nelson Mandela succeeded in doing the following EXCEPT ________.

A.winning the equal rights for the black people in South Africa

B.uniting South Africa

C.organizing a government in South Africa

D.controlling the spread of AIDS

3.Which of the following statements can best describe the life of Nelson Mandela?

A.Struggle is his life.

B.Sports make his fame.

C.Fight for equal rights.

D.A great fighter against the government.



Travel Information

Place of interest

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Water Cube

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West Lake

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Dragon Tower

Location (位置)



Hong Kong


Phone Number





Price of Ticket






Special bubbly (气泡状的) design

The  Broken Bridge

Cartoon characters


1.It is said that the love story about Xu Xian and the White Snake happened on _____.

A. Dragon TowerB. West Lake

C. Water CubeD. Disneyland

2.If a person in Hangzhou feels like visiting Water Cube, he should call _____to get  information.

A. 010-28315589B. 0451-82187899

C. 0571-68345576D. 0l0-28135589

3. Disneyland, which attracts a lot of tourists from home and abroad every year, is in  _____ according to the travel information.

A. Beijing    B. Harbin

C. Hong KongD. Hangzhou

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the travel information?

A. Water Cube is special in design.

B. The price of a ticket for West Lake is the highest.

C. In Disneyland.you can’t see any cartoon characters.

D.The price of a ticket for Dragon Tower is the lowest.



Many people have tried to simplify the spelling of English words. Unlike other languages , English sometimes spells the same sounds in very different ways . For example , there is light but white, loan but  phone ,and there are at least seven different ways of pronouncing ough: though, through ,bough. cough enough , ought and thorough .

The American President Theodore Roosevelt almost succeeded in simplifying English spelling .In 1906, Andrew Carnegie started the Simplified Spelling Board .He was one of the richest men in the United States of America .The boards plan was to make the spelling of words nearer to the way they sound .For example , the word though would be spelt tho and through would become thru. Other people on the board were Melvil Dewey , the head of the New York libraries , and Professor Brander Matthews of Columbia University 。They explained their idea to President Roosevelt , who thought that it was indeed logical .He immediately asked the government printer to sue simplified spelling in all government letters .

But people didn’t like the change, even if it made life easier. So the new simpler spelling was not popular. More importantly, when the American politicians (政客) discussed the plan, they did not like it either.

Because Roosevelt did not want to have any problems with the politicians, he changed his mind and told the printer to go back to the old way of spelling.

Since then no one in any government has dared to simplify English spelling. However,people do simplify some words, mainly in advertisements. For example, we often see tonite instead of tonight and thru instead of through

1.Many people have tried to simplify English spelling because________.

A. English words are too long to remember

B. there are many mistakes in English words

C. lots of words are spelt in many different ways

D. sometimes the same sounds have different spellings.

2. Who is NOT a member of the Simplified Spelling Board?

A. Andrew Carnegie.

B. Melvil Dewey.

C. Theodore Roosevelt. 

D. Brander Matthews.

3. What was Theodore Roosevelt’s attitude towards simplified spelling?


B. Supportive. 

C. Uncertain.

D. Doubtful.

4. According to the passage, simplified spelling________.

A. was welcomed by the US politicians

B. changed the way the words sound

C. has been used widely for over a century

D. was first used in US government letters.



An English traveler found himself in Norway with only enough money to buy the ticket for him to go back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England, he decided that he could easily spend the time without food. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship. The man closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinnertime came, he didn't go to dinning room, saying that he was not feeling very well.

The next morning he still didn't have breakfast and at lunchtime he again stayed in his room. But at dinnertime he was so hungry that he went to the dinning room and ate everything the waiter put in front of him. He got ready for the quarrel (争执).

Bring me the bill, he said. The bill, sir? said the waiter in surprise. There isn't any bill. On our ship meals are included (包括) in the money for the ticket, said the waiter.

1. The story happened _____.

A. in England

B. on a ship from Norway to England

C. in Norway

D. on a ship from England to Norway

2. The traveler didn’t go to the dinning room first because _____.

A. he had no money

B. he didn’t feel very well

C. he didn’t want to eat anything

D. he didn’t hear the sound of the bell

3.The traveler went to the dinning room to eat something because _____。

A. his friend had given him some money

B. the waiter had asked him to change his mind

C. he learned that there was no bill on the ship

D. he was too hungry.

4.After the traveler finished eating, _____.

A. he had a quarrel with waiter over the bill

B. he drank a lot

C. he asked the waiter to bring him the change (零钱)

D. he came to know that travelers on the ship had free meals



假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的班长李华,去年冬天你们班开展了“为西藏希望小学献爱心” (Helping the Children in the Hope Primary School in Tibet)的活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文短文向某中学生英语报投稿,介绍你们本次献爱心活动的全过程。



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