满分5 > 高中英语试题 >















Dear friends,

    May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.

  With the improvement of living standard, there are a lot of waste on campus. For example the students













                                                           That’s all. Thank you!


One possible version: Dear friends, May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here. With the improvement of living standard, there are a lot of waste on campus. For example the students leave the lights on in the daytime, water running after washing and remains of a lot of food after eating on the table. Some of the students even ask their parents for pocket money. So it’s high time that we had to deal with the problem. The reasons are as follows: In the first place, the bad habit of being wasteful will have a bad influence on their own character. Secondly, it adds financial burden to their parents. Last but not the least, it also exhausts the world’s very limited natural resources, water and electricity. But how to reduce the waste? In my opinion, it’s everyone’s business to fight against waste. On one hand, I should start with myself to save everything. On the other hand, I’d like to remind my friends here to take the lead in reducing the waste. Therefore, I’m sure, with everyone’s doing his bit, we will charge the present situation. 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇演讲稿,属于实用文体。在谋篇布局时可以按照表格提示信息采用三段式,首先对现在校园的浪费现象进行描述。许多学生不能吃完他们点的食物并且随意的丢弃它们fail to eat the foods they have ordered and throw away the leftovers into the dustbin;.一些学生白天不关灯Others leave the lights on in the daytime;还有水龙头也不能及时的关掉water taps are sometimes left running。然后在第二段发表自己的看法,需要从两方面进行阐述:要将节约食物制定为规则,并且及时关灯或水龙头。最后提出采取的措施,发起号召,要求人们行动起来。在写作中要适当使用连接词以使文章行文连贯,语言流畅。时态方面可以使用一般现在时和一般将来时来分别介绍存在的现象和自己的希望。 【亮点说明】本篇范文要点全面,结构清晰,层次分明。在篇章结构上作者用三段分别介绍了存在的浪费现象、存在的危害、需要采取的措施以及提出号召。在语言方面,作者使用了大量的连接词语,比如in the first place ,secondly ,last but not the least ;on one hand ,on the other hand等和过渡性语言But how to reduce the waste?,不仅使文章具有层次感,而且也使句子更为连贯通顺,增强了语言的逻辑性。此外作者还使用虚拟语气It is high time that we should deal with the problem.增强了文章的可读性。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  

句子转换和完成句子 (满分10分)

1.Many people consider acupuncture to be a good treatment for a lot of medical problems.

Acupuncture __________ _________ by many people ________a good treatment for a lot of medical problems.

2.Every student in the school has access to the school library.

The school library is ___________ __________ every student in the school.

3.Generally speaking, its quite necessary to check the source of information you find on the Internet.

As ______ _______ ______, its quite necessary to check the source of information you find on the Internet.

4.You have the right to make a decision. Its ______ _____you to make a decision.

5.有了移动电话, 无论在哪里, 我们都可以与别人保持联系。

  With mobile phones, we can _______ _______ _______ _______others wherever we are.

6.直到她摘下墨镜, 我才认出她是一位著名的影星。

________ _______ ________ ________she took off her dark glassed that I realized she

was a famous film star.


There are more and more family problems _______ _______ lack of communication.



动词填空 (满分5分)

1.Technology _______(see) some amazing developments in the last few decades.

2.With the great weight _______(take) off her mind, she passed the text successfully.

3.Im sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _______(meet) my guests.

4.If penicillin had not been available, many people _________(die) from sickness or even small wounds.

5.Sarah, hurry up, Im afraid you wont have time to get________(change).

6.The bell _________ (indicate) the end of the period rang, interrupting our heated discussion

7. _________ (not complete) the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.

8.Wherever you go, you can see the product ___________ (advertise).

9.The project is so designed that once _______ (begin) nothing can be done to change it.

10.The suggestion that the plan _________(delay) will be discussed tomorrow.



单词拼写 (满分5分)

1.One of the main d_________to their products is that they tend to waste electricity.

2.This monument was built in honor of those who s________their lives for the countrys independence.

3.Peter stood out among the job hunters because of his c________of English, so the company employed him as a translator.

4.I tried to c________in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.

5.I believed Mary will turn up at night. I know she is always very ________(准时) for appointments.

6.Im going to show you just a few examples of how common these _________(现象) are.

7.I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly ________(上瘾)

8.There is ___________(大量的) evidence that a persons character is reflected in their handwriting.

9.After her father died, the girl ________(不与人交往) from others and often stayed alone。

10.I have been __________(订阅) to this magazine for years.



It often seems that people have a hard time in speaking a seemingly familiar name. Did you ever have someone's name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were not able to recall it? When this happened,what did you do? Next time this happens again,what should you do?

You should n学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ot try to学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! recall it. Instead, just do something else for a couple of minutes and then the name may come into your head. Why? The name is just there, since you have met this person and learned his name. It, waiting there, only has to be dug out. The initial(最初的) effort to recall prepares the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious (下意识的) activities that go to work to dig up a dim(模糊的)memory. Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn't loosen your memory; it only tightens it.

Thats why students find the preparatory method greatly helpful in examinations. They read over the questions before trying to answer any of them. Then they answer first the ones of which they are most confident. At the same time, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking place; work is being done on the more difficult questions. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers to the more difficult ones will usually begin to come into consciousness. It is often just a question of waiting for recall to come to the memory.

You see, forcing ourselves to think hard to recall something usually doesnt help. Chances are that the harder we think, the more difficulty we face in thinking of what we want to. Offering our mind time to work is what we are expected to do.


People 1.______ to recall what they are sure they know.



They are 2.______ not to try to recall it immediately. They can do something else for a while 3._____ of thinking hard about it.



It takes time for the subconscious activities to go to work to dig up a dim memory, in which case forcing oneself to recall can make the memory 5._____.



Students find the preparatory method of great 6.______ in examinations. They, having read over the questions, first answer easy ones. 7._____, the subconscious activities are 8._____ to deal with harder ones.


People should offer their mind time to work so that a dim memory can be 10._____ up.



As we drove along, my spirits went up again, and I turned, with pleasure, to the thought of the new life which I was entering. But though it was not far past the middle of September, the heavy clouds and strong north-easterly wind combined to make the day extremely cold; and the journey seemed a very long one, so that it was nearly one o’clock before we reached the place of our destination. Yet when we entered the gateway, my heart failed me, and I wished it were a mile or two farther off. For the first time in my life I must stand alone: there was no retreating now. I must enter that house, and introduce myself among its strange people. But how was it to be done? True, I was wps_clip_image-23292near nineteen; but, thanks to the protecting care of my mother and sister, I well knew that many a girl of fifteen, or under, was gifted with a more womanly address, and greater ease and self-possession, than I was. Yet, anyway, I would do very well, after all; and the children, of course, I should soon be at ease with them.

“Be calm, be calm, whatever happens,” I said within myself; and truly I was so fully absorbed in steadying my nerves and keeping down the rebellious beat of my heart that when I was admitted into the hall and into the presence of Mrs. Bloomfield, I almost forgot to answer her polite greeting; and it afterwards struck me that the little I did say was spoken in the tone of one half-dead or half-asleep.

   With due politeness, however, she showed me my bedroom, and left me there to take a little refreshment for a little while and led me into the dining-room. Some beefsteaks and potatoes were set before me; and while I dined upon these, she sat opposite, watching me (as I thought) and trying to keep something like a conversation— consisting chiefly of commonplace remarks. In fact, my attention was almost wholly absorbed in my dinner: not from appetite, but from the toughness of the beefsteaks, and the numbness of my hands.

   “I have had so little time to attend to their education myself, but I think they are clever children, and very willing to learn, especially the little boy; he is, I think, the flower of the flock— a generous, noble-spirited boy, one to be led, but not driven, and remarkable for always speaking the truth.” “His sister Mary Ann will require watching,” continued she, “but she is a very good girl on the whole, though I wish her to be kept out of the nursery as much as possible, as she is now almost six years old, and might acquire bad habits from the nurses. I have ordered her bed to be placed in your room, and if you will be so kind as to look after her washing and dressing, and take charge of her clothes, she needs to have nothing further to do with the nursery maid.”

I replied I was quite willing to do so; and at that moment the children entered the room. Tom Bloomfield was a well-grown boy of seven. Mary was a tall girl, for her age of six, somewhat dark like her mother. The second sister was Fanny, a very pretty little girl, looking little younger than Mary. The remaining one was Harriet, a little broad, fat, merry, playful thing of scarcely two, whom I had more desire for than all the rest — but with her I had nothing to do.

1.Which of the following statements best describes how the writer felt when she entered Mrs. Bloomfield’s home?

A. She was nervous, dissatisfied with her manners but still confident.

B. She was cold, hungry but eager to see all the children in the family.

C. She was frightened, nervous and regretful about her decision.

D. She was calm, confident and very happy with all the family.

2.What job would the writer take in Mrs Bloomfield’s home?

A. A nursery maid.     B. A house cleaner.    C. A home cook.     D. A family teacher.

3.Which of the following was TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer had some difficulty with her lunch because of the tough food and the cold.

B. The delicious food took the writer's attention away from Mrs. Bloomfield’s words.

C. All twps_clip_image-528he children were well educated before the writer came to the family.

D. All the children in the family were looked after by Mrs Bloomfield herself.

4.From the passage, we can infer that _______.

A. Mrs Bloomfield would treat the writer kindly and help her a lot

B. The youngest girl Harriet would be the writer’s favorite student

C. the writer would take on more responsibilities than she should

D. Tom Bloomfield would be the cleverest of all the children



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