满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Sarah hopes to become a friend of shares...

Sarah hopes to become a friend of       shares her interests.

A. whoever     B. whomever       C. anyone          D. whom


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Sarah希望成为和她有共同兴趣的人的朋友。介词of后面接的是宾语从句,宾语从句中缺少主语,用whoever=anyone who。Whomever在宾语从句中做宾语,anyone后面缺少who,whom前面缺少先行词,所以选A。 考点:考查宾语从句  

—“Could I see Doctor Huang tomorrow?” the patient asked.

—“      ” the nurse said politely, “He is only available today since this evening he will fly to Boston for a three-day meeting.”

A. Not likely.  B. Not exactly.  C. Not nearly.    D. Not really.



My daughter bought me six novels in English from England, most of      were the best-sellers of 2013.

A. whom       B. what           C. them           D. which



Our family sat in front of the television on the eve of the Spring Festival, happy___ the Spring Festival Evening Gala.

A. to watch B. watching      C. watched        D. to have watched



—I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.

   —It      true because there was little snow there.

A. may be not      B. won’t be        C. couldn’t be        D. 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!mustn’t be



We     at the airport; otherwise we would have arrived home by lunch time.

A. had delayed     B. were delayed    C. had been delayed    D. have delayed



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