满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Knowing what colors look good _______ yo...

Knowing what colors look good _______ your skin is of great importance when you buy clothes.

A. beyond          B. within       C. against      D. over


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在买衣服的时候,知道什么颜色衬你的皮肤是很重要的。 A. beyond超过,B. within在…之内, C. against反对,映衬,D. over越过,所以选C。 考点:考查介词  

_______, Sharon couldn’t find her lost wallet. 

A. As she might try  B. Might she as try

C. She might as try      D. Try as she might



In spite of his disappointment, he _______ a weak smile. 

A. confirmedB. persuadedC. cancelled    D. managed



Ms Liu saw a fashion dress in a shop which set her heart racing. However, its price was far beyond her _______. 

A. range           B. certainty      C. reach       D. contact



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A. I mean it             B. A little bird told me   

C. It’s a deal            D. Great minds think alike



When the young man was shown the evidence, he _______ and told everything he had done to the police. 

A. broke up        B. broke away   C. broke off    D. broke down



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