满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My friends and I have just finished lunc...

My friends and I have just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to rain heavily. When it got     , I decided to brave the drizzle(毛毛雨) and get my car, which was parked at my office three streets away.

My friends     that I shouldnt go, as I was seven months pregnant. I told them that I’d be very     . One of them wanted to come with me but I insisted that she stay with another friend who     help with her baby.

I walked out of the hotel and started making my         to the car. At the traffic lights, a van     and the passenger came out with an umbrella.     I knew what was happening, he walked right     me and told me hed go with me to my     . I was very embarrassed and said politely that he didnt need to, but he was very     .

During our walk, he kept telling me to walk     , as the ground was wet. When we got to the car park, I thanked him and he left. I did not get his name and may not even     him now, after all these years. Did he     stop for me? Ill never know.

So how did I move     after the event? I was at home when I noticed two Indian builders walking in the heavy rain. They were probably on their way to the     site near my house, which was a long     . I went out and passed them an umbrella. They were shocked by my gesture and could not     at once. I told them they     take it and keep it. They were very grateful and     me, probably wondered why a stranger would be offering such     .

1.A.heavier  B.stronger C.lighterD.smaller

2.A.wished  B.promisedC.deniedD.argued

3.A.careful    B. anxiousC. busyD. late

4.A.received  B. wantedC. neededD. provided

5.A.callB. wayC. markD. excuse

6.A.passed   B. stoppedC. leftD. started

7.A.Until    B. WhenC. AfterD. Before

8.A.roundB. pastC. besideD. near

9.A.hotelB. destinationC. streetD. car

10.A.gentle   B. toughC. stubbornD. persistent

11.A.slower   B. fasterC. directlyD. cheerfully

12.A.accept   B. rememberC. knowD. recognize

13.A.purposely B. sociallyC. willinglyD. morally

14.A.forward  B. onwardsC. backD. past

15.A.developing B. exhibition      C. campingD. construction

16.A.drive     B. walkC. areaD. length

17.A.respond   B. greetC. understandD. interrupt

18.A.had to    B. shouldC. mustD. might

19.A.beyond    B. exceptC. likeD. with

20.A.treatment  B. adviceC. warmthD. kindness


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇故事类短文,讲述了作者在雨中得到好心人的帮助,在雨中打着伞陪她一同到停车场取车。作者心存感激同时也深受感动,在她和陌生的好心人分手之后,她也帮助了两名在雨中行走的印度建筑工人,把爱心之链延续了下去。 1.从前句中的rain heavily和后面的the drizzle(毛毛雨)可以判断作者当雨下的小了的时候冒雨去停车场取车,选C。 2.根据下文中as I was seven months pregnant.可以推断朋友们反对她这种冒险的行为,因为她怀孕七个月了,选D。 3. careful 仔细的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. busy忙的;D. late晚的。从情理推断在别人的反对下,为了让友人们放心,作者答应自己会小心的,其他不符合语境,选A。 4.从空后内容可以判断作者坚持让她的朋友留下来照顾需要帮助照料孩子的另一个朋友,选C。 5.固定短语:make one’s way to sp“朝某地走去”,从上文可知作者要冒雨去取车,所以是离开旅馆朝车走去,选B。 6.从后句内容and the passenger came out with an umbrella.可以判断当时情况是车停下来,走下一位乘客,选B。 7.从情理推断作者走在路上,一位陌生的乘客冲她走过来,作者根本没想到会有人来帮助她,所以选D。句意:我还没明白发生了什么事,他朝我走了过来….. 8.从下文可知这位好心人是让作者和他一起共用一把雨伞,所以是走到作者旁边,near“在附近”,距离比beside要远,选B。 9.好心的陌生人不知道作者要去哪里,所以用笼统的词destination,而且从下文可知作者要去的是停车场,选B。 10.根据下文可知尽管作者拒绝好心人的帮助,但是最后还是在他的坚持下,陪同作者一起去取车,由此判断选D。 11.天下着雨,地面很湿,作者又是一名孕妇,由此判断为了安全起见,这位好心人提醒作者要走慢点,选A。 12.从上文可知帮助作者的是一位完全陌生的人,所以作者不知道他的姓名,甚至是再次见面也不会认出他来,know强调“认识”,而recognize则指“认出”是,一时性的行为。选D。 13.从上文可知作者是在红绿灯前碰到的这位好心的陌生人,当时他正好下车,所以作者想这位好心人是不是看到作者这名孕妇在雨中行走,而有意地下车来帮助她。 14.从下文的内容可知作者是讲述自己在遇见这位好心人之后,继续行路时发生的事情,选A。 15.由前句中two Indian builders可以推断这两名建筑工人是去建筑工地,选D。 16.从前句中walking in the heavy rain.可知这两个建筑工人是在雨中步行,排除A。long不修饰area,而根据语境判断作者认为他们得走很远的路才能到达他们要去的地方,故答案选B。 17.根据and前内容They were shocked by my gesture推断当时这两名建筑工人没有想到会有人给他们雨伞,所以是一时没有反应过来,选A。 18.当作者递给这两个陌生人雨伞的时候,他们在惊讶之余没有反应过来,所以作者告诉他们应该接过伞,接受她的帮助,其他选项不符合语境,选B。 19.在帮助这两个建筑工人之前作者也曾受到过别人的帮助,她当时也是不明就里,没有意识到是怎么回事,现在这两个工人和她的反应相同,所以选C。 20.仁慈,善意。从上文内容可知作者在遇到了好心人帮她之后,她也把这份爱心传递了下去,主动帮助了两名雨中的建筑工人,所以这是一种善意的行为,选D。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读

Were leaving the seaside city for home. Do you have any sea products      here?

A. to buy          B. bought

C. to be bought    D. buying



It was the hotel waiter that helped the guest be relieved of her pain with his special medical skill. Without his help, she      so quickly.

A. cant recover           B. mustnt have recovered

C. couldnt have recovered  D. couldnt recover



Because something unexpected        , the famous singer had to put off her schedule.

A. came up       B. cleared up

C. stayed up    D. ended up



According to statistics, Chinese people between the ages of 18 and 70 read 6.7 books___   last year, including paper books and e-books.

A. on purpose       B. in return

C. on average      D. in common



     nation uses nuclear weapons will engage the whole world in war.

A. Whatever         B. Whichever

C. No matter what   D. No matter which



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