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Bulletin Board Workshops are held at Wo...


Bulletin Board

Workshops are held at Women’s Health Centre, 1441 29 St. N.W.

If you are interested, please call 944-2260 or visit www.womenhealthcentre.ca.

Eating to Get to Your Healthiest Weight

If you are seeking professional help with your weight-loss efforts, then this workshop series, presented by Dawn Peacock, BSc, RD, is for you. The workshop will take place on Fridays, July 10 between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. or July 24 between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Fee: $120

How to Reduce Depression

& Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are two disorders that often affect women at the same time. They may go unrecognized and cause needless suffering. This four-part class, offered by Elizabeth Miles, MSc, Rpsych, will help reduce the suffering. The classes will be held on Wednesdays, July 8, between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. or July 22 between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Fee: $120.

How Do I Protect

My Bones?

Osteoporosis (骨质疏松) is a serious health condition that affects women as they age. Come to this workshop, presented by Irene Jackson, RN, MN, to find out more about osteoporosis and learn how you can reduce your risk factors and protect your bones. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fee: $150.

Raising Your Child

in a Weight Obsessed World

We live in a world where television and restaurants are pushing super-sized hamburgers and soft drinks, while magazines feature pencil-thin models. This presentation, by Keri Sullivan, MSc, RD, Eating Disorder Program, will offer ways to build healthy environments and behaviours for children. The presentation will be offered on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fee: $150.

1.You are not free on Wednesdays. To help your child be in good shape, you need to join in _______.

A. Eating to Get to Your Healthiest Weight

B. How to Reduce Depression & Anxiety

C. How Do I Protect My Bones

D. Raising Your Child in a Weight Obsessed World    

2.A woman with weight and bone problems can go to the evening classes _______.

A. on July 10 & Aug. 16       B. on July 8 & Aug. 24

C. on July 24 & Aug. 16       D. on July 22 & Aug. 24     

3.Which of the following is TRUE, according to the ad?

A. To lose weight, women can attend the class offered by Elizabeth Miles.

B. Women may not be aware of the depression and anxiety they are suffering.

C. Hamburgers and soft drinks are the main causes of children’s bad behaviours.

D. Pencil-thin models are always shown on televisions.

4.We can infer from the ad that osteoporosis is likely to happen to _______.

A. the middle-aged women     

B. women who are easily depressed

C. those who are getting old    

D. overweight children


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:本文主要介绍了几个健身的广告。这些广告包括健体的、减肥的、保护骨骼、减轻压力的等。 1.Eating to Get to Your Healthiest Weight 部分的If you are seeking professional help with your weight-loss efforts,…和The workshop will take place on Fridays判断:如果你想让孩子保持身体健康、良好体型,周三没有时间,这里是周五举行此类课程,故选A。 2.Eating to Get to Your Healthiest Weight可知减肥July 24 between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.7月24日的晚上7点到9点进行;根据How Do I ProtectMy Bones?的The workshop will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.可知保护骨骼的课程在8月16日晚上八点进行。故选C。 3.推断题。根据How to Reduce Depression & Anxiety中的Depression and anxiety are two disorders that often affect women at the same time. They may go unrecognized and cause needless suffering.可知妇女们没有意识到沮丧和焦虑的问题。故选B。 4.How Do I Protect My Bones?部分中的Osteoporosis (骨质疏松) is a serious health condition that affects women as they age可知随着年龄的增长,宜发生骨质疏松症。故选C。 考点:考查广告类短文阅读

At the age of 16, Clara Barton was advised to become a teacher, since she was quite shy. She taught in Massachusetts for ten years, and was invited to Bordentown, New Jersey, to teach in a private school. She saw personally that these communities needed free education for their citizens, and she responded by creating a free school, one of the first in her state. Later, officials ignored her and appointed a male as principal instead. She resigned and moved to Washington DC, becoming the first woman employed by the U. S. Patent Office. 

Clara Barton was forever changed by her experience with the troops in the Civil War. She saw surgeons dressing wounds with cornhusks(玉米叶), since they had nothing else. The medical supplies for the Army were well behind the troops, who were moving faster than their medical supply lines. She brought in a wagon of bandages and medical supplies that she had collected personally beforehand. Barton continued to work on the battlefields throughout the war. 

She helped in the identification process of 13,000 dead Union soldiers. Afterward, she was an important figure in a campaign to identify missing soldiers from the Civil War. This non-stop work debilitated her, and upon recommendation by her physicians, she traveled to Europe to recover herself.

While in Europe, and still in poor health Miss Barton was moved by the hardship on civilians brought about by the France-Prussia war. She helped in their relief effort, and in that work she was inspired to create the Red Cross, which served all troops and civilians. 

Clara Barton returned to America and then began the establishment of the American Red Cross. The US government did not think there would ever be another war, after the horror of the Civil War. But she convinced them that the Red Cross would be valuable to serve in times of natural disasters, as well. This was her lasting legacy(遗产), an agency that still provides aid to victims today.

1.What does this text mainly tell us about?

A. The establishment of the American Red Cross.

B. A general introduction of Clara Bartons life.

C. Clara Bartons contribution to the Red Cross.

D. Clara Bartons service in the army.

2.Why did Clara give up her job in the free school?

A. Because officials didnt make her principal.

B. Because she wanted to work in a Patent Office.

C. Because she wanted to serve in the army.

D. Because she was not satisfied with the pay.

3.The underlined word debilitated in the third paragraph means        .

A. rewardedB. satisfiedC. disturbedD. weakened

4.What is the greatest contribution made by Clara Barton?

A. She set up a free school.

B. She collected supplies for the army.

C. She identified missing soldiers.

D. She set up the American Red Cross.



Once upon a time, there was a lovely vegetable field, on which grew a very thick tree. Both the vegetables and the tree gave the place a wonderful appearance, which was the joy of the gardens owner. What no one knew was that the vegetables in the field and the tree couldnt stand each other. The vegetables hated the trees shadow, because it left them only just enough light to survive. The tree, on the other hand, hated the vegetables because they drank nearly all the water before it could get to him, leaving him with just enough to survive.

The situation became so extreme that the vegetables got totally fed up and decided to use up all the water in the ground so that the tree would dry up. The tree answered back by refusing to give the vegetables shadow from the hot midday sun, so they both began to dry up. Before long, the vegetables were really thin and the trees branches were drying up.

Neither of them thought that the gardener, on seeing his vegetable field becoming worse, would stop watering it. When he did that, both the tree and the vegetables really learned what thirst was. There seemed to be no solution, but one of the vegetables, a small courgette(小胡瓜), understood what was going on, and decided to deal with it. Despite the little water and the unbearable heat, the little courgette did all he could to grow, grow...He managed to grow so big that the gardener started watering the field again. The gardener wanted to enter that beautiful big courgette in some gardening contest.

And so the vegetables and the tree realized that it was better to help each other than to fight. They should really learn how to live in harmony with those around them, doing the best they could. So they decided to work together, using both the shadow and the water in the best combination to grow good vegetables. Seeing how well they were doing, the gardener now gave the best of care to his vegetable field, watering it better than any other field for miles around.
1.What is the problem between the tree and the vegetables?

A. They looked down upon each other.

B. They didnt leave water to each other.

C. They couldnt stand each other.

D. They didnt know how to protect themselves.

2.What is the result of the fight between the tree and the vegetables?

A. They grew taller and stronger.

B. They were both drying up.

C. The tree defeated the vegetables.

D. The vegetables defeated the tree.

3.The courgette thought of ways to solve the conflict by        .

A. making peace with the tree        B. working together with other vegetables

C. entering the gardening contests     D. growing big enough

4.What can we learn from this passage?

A. We ought to live in harmony with others.

B. We ought to save as much water as possible.

C. We ought to learn from each other in some ways.

D. We ought to learn to respect each other.



I was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in and out in a short while. Yet, I     myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway. I had never seen so many people there on a weekday. It seemed someone might have made an announcement,     customers to carry as many packages as they could. I also needed to have my own package     . The queue moved very slowly. My patience     and I got annoyed. The longer it took, the angrier I became. When I got to the counter finally, I finished my     quickly and briefly, and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front door.

“Excuse me,” I said, trying not to be too pushy. Several people had to move     to make room for me to get to the      .

I stepped out,     about the service conditions. Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I     into the parking lot.

A woman was coming across the lot in my     . She was walking with determination, and each step sounded very     . I noticed that she looked as if she could breathe fire. It stopped me in my tracks. Had I looked like that? Her body language said that she was having a       day. My anger melted away. I wished I could wrap her in a      but I was a stranger. So I did what I could in a minute     she hurried past me-I smiled. In a second everything changed. She was astonished, then somewhat     . Then her face softened and her shoulders     . I saw her take a deep breath. Her pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed each other.

I continued to smile all the way to my car. Wow, it’s amazing     a simple smile can do.

From then on, I became aware of people’s      and my own, the way we show our feelings. Now I use that     every day to let it      me that when facing the world, I can try a smile.

1.A. foundB. dislikedC. keptD. avoided

2.A. hoping        B. welcoming    C. requiring    D. ordering

3.A. paid            B. received    C. weighed    D. bought

4.A. died out      B. faded out    C. burst out    D. ran out

5.A. business        B. duty        C. turn       D. part

6.A. on        B. about        C. in        D. aside

7.A. counter        B. office        C. exit    D. car

8.A. talking        B. complainingC. worrying    D. hearing

9.A. headed        B. looked        C. pulled        D. turned

10.A. way        B. time        C. direction    D. course

11.A. slow        B. stable        C. light      D. heavy

12.A. rough        B. dull        C. smooth    D. bright

13.A. smile        B. hug        C. bag       D. touch

14.A. until        B. though     C. before     D. since

15.A. excited        B. frightened    C. cheered    D. confused

16.A. trembled    B. raised        C. relaxed    D. tightened

17.A. what        B. that        C. how         D. when

18.A. appearances    B. reactions    C. behaviors    D. expressions

19.A. treatment    B. awareness    C. conclusion    D. achievement

20.A. remind        B. warn         C. convince      D. tell



—Hi, Mike! We’re going biking along the beach this weekend.

—_______. I love being bathed in the sunshine.

A. Count me inB. By all meansC. Go aheadD. My pleasure



Just in front of our house _______ with a history of 1,000 years.
A. does a tall tree standB. stands a tall tree
C. is standing a tall treeD. a tall tree stands



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