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Sense of humor is just one of the many t...

Sense of humor is just one of the many things shared by Alfred and Anthony Melillo, 64-year-old twin brothers from East Haven who made history in February 2012. On Christmas Eve, 2002, Anthony had a heart transplant(移植)from a 21-year-old donor(捐赠者). Two days before Valentine’s Day in 2012, Alfred received a 19-year-old heart, marking the first time on record that twin adults each received heart transplants.

“I’m 15 minutes older than him. But now I’m younger because of my heart and I’m not going to respect him, ”Alfred said with a smile, pointing to his brother while talking to a roomful of reporters, who laughed frequently at their jokes.

While the twins knew that genetics(遗传学)might have played a role in their condition, they recognized that their bad eating habits might have also contributed to their heart problems. “We’d put half a pound of butter on a steak. I overdid it on all the food that tasted good, so I guess I deserved what I got for not dieting properly. ”

The discussion moved to Anthony’s recovery. In the five years since his heart transplant, he had been on an exercise program where he regularly rode a bicycle for five miles, swam each day, and walked a couple of miles. He was still on medication(药物治疗)but not nearly as much as Alfred, who was just in the early stage of his recovery.

Alfred said his goal, of course, was to feel even better than his brother. “But”, he added, “I love my brother very much. We’re very close and I’m sure we’ll do just fine. ”

1.What is this passage about? (within 10 words)


2.What did Alfred and Anthony have in common in character according to Paragraph 1? (within 7 words)


3.Why did Alfred say he was younger than Anthony? (within 8 words)


4.What were the most probable two causes of the brothers’heart problem? (within 6 words)


5.What did Anthony do for five years after his operation? (within 7 words)



1.It is about the twin brothers who received heart transplants/receiving heart transplant 2.They both had a sense of humor. / They were both humorous. 3. Because his new heart was younger(than Anthony’s). 4. Genetics and their(bad)eating habits/their improper diet. 5. He was on an exercise program. /He kept on exercising. 【解析】 1. 2. 3.“I’m 15 minutes older than him. But now I’m younger because of my heart.可得出答案。 4. 5.In the five years since his heart transplant, he had been on an exercise program where he regularly rode a bicycle for five miles, swam each day, and walked a couple of miles. 可知答案。

When your parents advise you to “get an education” in order to raise your income, they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to provide manpower(人力资源for your society, but not so much that you prove an embarrassment to your society.

Get a high school diploma, at least. Without that, you will be occupationally dead unless your name happens to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison, and you can successfully dropout in grade school.

Get a college degree, if possible. With a B. A., you are on the launching pad. But now you have to start to put on the brakes. If you go for a master’s degree, make sure it is an M.B.A., and the famous law of diminishing(逐渐减少的) returns begins to take effect.

Do you know, for instance, that long-haul truck drivers earn more per year than full professors? Yes, the average salary for those truckers was $24000 while the full professors managed to earn just $23030.

A doctorate is the highest degree you can get. Except for a few specialized fields such as physics or chemistry where the degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial purposes, if you pursue such a degree in any other field, you will face a future which is not bright. There are more doctors unemployed or underemployed in this country than any other part of the world.

If you become a doctor in English or history or anthropology or political science or languages or—worst of all—in philosophy, you run the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands. Not for our needs, mind you, but for our demands.

Thousands of doctors are selling shoes, driving cars, waiting on table, and endlessly filling out applications month after month. They may also take a job in some high school or backwater(闭塞) college that pays much less than the doorkeeper earns.

You can equate the level of income with the level of education only so far. Far enough, that is, to make you useful to the gross national product, but not so far that nobody can turn much of a profit on you.

1. According to the writer, what the society expects of education is to turn out people who ______.

A. will not be a disgrace to society   

B. will become loyal citizens

C. can take care of themselves   

D. can meet the nation’s demand as a source of manpower

2. Many doctors are out of job because ______.

A. they are improperly educated

B. they are of little commercial value to their society

C. there are fewer jobs in high schools

D. they prefer easier jobs that make more money

3.The nation is only interested in people ______.

A. with diplomas

B. who specialize in physics and chemistry

C. who are valuable to the gross national product

D. who receive little education

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Bernard Shaw didn’t finish high school, nor did Edison.

B. One must think carefully before pursuing a master’s degree.

C. The higher your education level, the more money you will earn.

D. If you are too well-educated, you’ll be overeducated for society’s demands.

5. The writer sees education as ______.

A. a means of providing job security and financial security and a means of meeting a country’s demands for technical workers

B. a way to broaden one’s horizons

C. more important than finding a job

D. an opportunity that everyone should have



Most of the guests who come on our trips have never been to Egypt before .We want to make everyone comfortable and at ease, but we do always get the same questions in advance of trip. So here I will give you some travel tips.

What should I wear?

If you’re lucky enough to visit Egypt between November and February, pack a sweater. You’ll need it——the desert gets rather cold at night. During the day, the temperature will be agreeable and comfortable. Any other time, pack as if you’re going to Phoenix of Vegas in August. For the ladies, bathing suits are normal if there’s a pool where you are going, but leave the string bikini at home –it is a Muslim country, after all. Last, if you are planning on visiting any mosques(清真寺)or certain parts of upper Egypt, ladies will need to plan on bringing something that comes at least to the elbow(肘部), and no shorts for men or women in those areas.

What special things do I need to pack?

One of my favorite things in the world to bring to Egypt is an Evian Mister, a sprayer with a fine mist of Evian water. You may be able to find it in your local drug store. Spray a little on your face or head , and your body temperature will feel like it’s dropped 10 or 15 degrees. Other items include your camera, sun block and extra batteries.

How do I communicate with home?

Internet cafes are plentiful everywhere, especially in Cairo, Luxor, and Alexandria. If you have international calling on you phone, you should be able to use it-AT&T and Sprint both work internationally for sure, but make sure you have the international coverage. A satellite phone is best if you are certain to need coverage in the middle of the country, like while sailing up the Nile , but for most people these days a cell phone is fine.

What medical preparation do I need?

In a word: none! The one thing you may come down with in Egypt is politely called “Pharoah ’s Revenge. ” The thing that gets rid of pharoah’s Revenge is a regionally produced medicine, and is available at every drugstore for $1 a box . DON’T              drink local water. DO drink bottled water, avoid the skins of fresh vegetables, and you’ll be fine.

1. What clothing is proper for ladies visiting a mosque?

A. String bikinis    B. Bathing suits

C. Long-sleeve clothesD. Shorts.

2.What’s the use of an Evian Mister?

A. To relieve your thirst.B. To cool yourself down.

C. To prevent sunburns.D. To drive away insects.

3.What information is provided about distance communication?

A. A cell phone is enough for most people.

B. AT&T and Sprint offer free service in Egypt.

C. A satellite phone doesn’t work in Mid-Egypt.

D. Internet cafes are only available in big cities.

4.What does “Pharoah ‘s Revenge” probably refer to in the last paragraph?

A. A battle       B. A tale

C. A diseaseD. A plant

5.The purpose of this passage is to       .

A. describe a journey to Egypt to the tourists

B. offer some practical tips on traveling in Egypt

C. warn readers of the awful insects in Egypt   

D. appeal to more possible tourists to the journey



What do you use to get around town? A car? A bike? Your feet ? perhaps you should try a segway!

The Segway is perfect for short journeys. It’s an electric vehicle that consists of a platform between two wheels, with a pole that connects the platform to the handlebars. To ride it , you step up onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster, and back-wards to slow down.

On older models, direction was controlled by a twist grip(扭转把手)on the left handlebar. This varies the speeds between the two motors, and a decrease in the speed of the left wheel would turn the Segway to the left . With newer models you simply lean to the left or right. Meanwhile, a gyroscope (陀螺仪)detects your movements and prevents the machine from falling over. The Segway has a maximum speed of 19 km per hour and a range of about 38 km. after that, you need to plug it and recharge the battery.

Segways are used for a variety of purposes. People with mobility problems can now enjoy walks in the country with their friends and family. Some golfers see them as an alternative to the golf cart . And dog owners now have an easier way to take the dog to the park. A few police forces use Segways, too. They allow officers to move quickly while maintaining contact with the public. They’re also becoming a common sight on airport . However, the most popular use is in tourism , particularly for city tours . Visit any major tourist city in summer, sit outside a cafe for a while and there’s a good chance you’ll see a group of tourists passing on Segways.

1.How do you turn to the left on a Segway of the new model?

A. Lean to the leftB. Adjust the twist grip

C. Press the left bar    D. Control the gyroscope

2.How far can you travel on a Segway at most?

A. Less than 19 kmB. About 19 km

C. About 38 km        D. Over 45 km

3.The Segway is most commonly used by        .

A. familiesB. golfers

C. policeD. tourists

4.Which of the following correctly shows the order in which information about the Segway is provided?

A. Introduction→Ways of application→ structure→Principle of operation

B. Introduction→ Principle of operation→Structure →Ways of application

C. Introduction → Structure → Principle of operation →ways of application

D. Structure→ Introduction→Principle of operation→Ways of application

5.Which of the following pictures shows the Segways being used?

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Anne Sanders was practicing soccer moves, which was not normal. Usually, Anne only plays basketball. She wins every basketball game she plays, and she loses at any other game.  "Anne", I waved to her. "Why are you playing soccer?"

"Well, the gym teacher is doing something different," she said. "There are teams of four and partners of two.We get to pick our partners, and I want someone to pick me. "Anne held up a list.

"It looks like I'm on a team with you, Stacey, and Paul," I said.  "Stacey is my best friend.Maybe we can be together: " Just then,  Stacey and Paul came over.  They had heard of the teams.

"Do you want to be partners, Stacey?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to be partners with Paul," she claimed. I didn't blame her. Paul was as fast as a rocket, and my nickname was "Snail".  "But we are best friends," said Stacey.  “So I guess I'II be with you. "

It was our first game. Stacey went to talk to some other friends afterwards, and Paul and Anne were talking about winning their game. I was sipping on my water, when I overheard Stacey, "She's worse than I thought; if I played the team alone,, I would have won easily. She's worse than a snail.  She's more like a statue. "

That night, I felt terrible for losing and mad at Stacey for calling me a statue. After all, she was my best friend and my only friend. Anyway, the phone rang, and it was Stacey. At first, I thought she might apologize, but no such luck.

“Allison,  the game tomorrow is canceled, "  she said.

"Okay," I replied.  "Sorry about the game today", Stacey hung up on me.

The next day, I went over to the soccer field. I knew the game was canceled, but maybe I could help clean up.But instead of a mess, I saw a soccer game in progress.  Stacey and were playing, and Anne was hiding in the corner.  "Paul made me pretend to be sick, "  she whispered.  “He wants to play with Stacey because she's so fast. "

So Anne and I went to get ice cream.  Even if I lost Stacey ,I just created a lifelong friendship.

1.Why did Anne practice playing soccer?

A. Because she wanted to win in all games.

B. Because she didn't want to be left out.

C. Because she intended to be a normal student.

D. Because she hoped to do something different.

2.What did Stacey complain about Allison?

A. Allison called her nickname.            

B. Allison was as fast as a rocket.

C. Allison didn't treat her as a best friend   

D. Allison moved too slowly in the game.

3.Stacey phoned Allison in order to

A. get rid of Allison as a partner    

B. apologize for calling Allison a statue

C. tell Allison there was no game tomorrow 

D. encourage Allison to fight in the next game

4.Allison went to the soccer field to________

A. watch a soccer game                 

B. keep the soccer field clean

C. find out Why the game was cancelled    

D. make preparations for another game

5.What conclusion can we draw from this passage?

A. Allison wanted to be partners with Anne.

B. Stacey called Allison to show real concern.

C. Allison and Anne would be friends forever.

D. Anne was hiding in the corner because she was sick.



There was once a group of young people searching everywhere for happiness but what they got was only annoyance, grief and misery.

So they   36  Socrates for advice on where happiness 37 . But  38   giving any answers, Socrates asked them to help with building a   39  first. The group of guys had to   40  the task, laying aside their own business of seeking happiness. It took them a long time to cut down a tall tree, gouging out (挖空) the center. Through painstaking effort, they made a canoe out of the tree. They launched the canoe into a river, and then  41   together in it, singing with  42 .

Socrates asked, “My children, do you have happiness now?” They answered in chorus: “We  43   be happier!” Socrates   44 , “That’s it!   45   you are too busy pursuing something to notice anything bitter, happiness will occur.”

From the story I got to know that happiness  46 hides behind every tiny thing that you are involved in, and that you may only get pleasure through  47  work and creativity.

We may have to   48   pain in our daily life and in the process of 49    happiness. Sometimes we tend to look for happiness in  50   things, like a new car, clothes, etc. True long term happiness, however, comes from within our   51  and spirit. So why not turn suffering into  52  life, and  53   tears into the light in your heart? Only in this way can we make it through and find true happiness.

So my dear friends, just remember happiness is a state of mind and a matter of  54  , and I   55   you all a life of happiness.

1. A. pointed toB. referred toC. turned toD. kept to

2. A. layB. belongedC. stoodD. laid

3. A. apart fromB. instead ofC. other thanD. for fear of

4. A. house        B. boatC. bridgeD. school

5. A. set about    B. set downC. set outD. set up

6. A. sat        B. stoodC. gotD. rowed

7. A. joyB. sorrowC. curiosityD. hope

8. A. mustn’t        B. shouldn’tC. couldn’tD. needn’t

9. A. declared    B. thoughtC. addedD. assumed

10. A. Unless    B. WheneverC. UntilD. However

11. A. never        B. alwaysC. everD. seldom

12. A. cautiousB. endlessC. hardD. effective

13. A. experienceB. avoidC. enjoyD. deny

14. A. searchingB. seekingC. hopingD. improving

15. A. spiritual        B. niceC. newD. material

16.A. body         B. partC. soulD. head

17. A. blaming    B. praisingC. endingD. cursing

18.A. turn   B. put    C. divideD. draw

19.A. time   B. energyC. factD. choice

20.A. wish   B. promise   C. bringD. Require



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