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In China people believe in the saying “o...

In China people believe in the saying out of debt, out of pressure; however in the west, it is just the ______ when you are in debt, you are trustworthy and financially capable.

A. objectiveB. oppositeC. contraryD. contradictory


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在中国,人们都相信这句俗语“无债一身轻”,然而在西方却恰恰相反———当你有债务的时候,你是值得信赖并且有经济能力的。A客观的;B相反的,迥然不同的;C相反的,相对立的;D矛盾的。opposite主要是指观点的对立,而contrary.主要是指事物矛盾双方的另一面,故答案选B。 考点:考查形容词辨析。  

I don’t like any humor in this serious speech because I can’t think of any circumstance ______ this would be beneficial or useful.

A. whichB. whetherC. whereD. as



—Do you understand the film The Hobbit, the most amazing US-made one last year?

—______, but I am confused at many scenes.

A. Not a littleB. Not a bitC. Just a bitD. No problem



针对目前高三学生学习压力较大的现状,有人以“Effective Ways to Release the Stress”为题于上周调查采访了五个学校的500名高三学生。请你根据以下调查结果的图表写一份报告,并再谈谈自己或身边同学释放压力的有效方法。

参考词汇:心理咨询室the psychological consulting office

Effective Ways to Release the Stress

Nowadays more and more senior three students are getting stressed in their studies. ……

高考资源网( www.ks5u.com),中国最大的高考网站,您身边的高考专家。



HARVARD, the top university in the United States, is a dream place for many students. Imagine being able to see how unique Harvard students are. Asking them what they learn. And how their classes are conducted.

This month, 300 students from different parts of China had an opportunity to spend a week with Harvard students. They gathered in the High School Attached to Fudan University in Shanghai where the Harvard College Association for US-China Relations Summit for Young Leaders in China (HSYLC 2007) took place. Over 40 Harvard undergraduates took part in it!

Around 2,000 Chinese students applied online for the program, which included various activities. Wang Wenjing, 17, from Shanghai Jingye High School was one of the 300 participants to be selected.

Seminars (研讨会)

Every day, the schedule was very busy filled with seminars, lectures, workshops (研习班), games and parties. Wang liked the seminars most.

Seminars are small classes with no more than 10 students. Wang could choose six from 40 different seminars to attend. A Harvard student led each one.

"They explored international issues such as US immigration (移民). We were allowed lively discussion and sometimes the only thing we did in a class was debate," Wang said. "To prepare for the next seminar, we often stayed up late doing research. No one could keep silent and it was fun to share ideas with others."

Celebrities’(名人) lectures

Each day, two or three lectures were given. Wang was excited that the lecturers were famous figures that before she had only seen on TV.

"I finally know why people are crazy about Yi Zhongtian. He is intelligent and eloquent (有口才的). Pu Bajia taught me how to overcome difficulties and plan for the future. All the lectures were inspiring," she said.

At the closing ceremony, Wang and her partner from Nanjing presented their workshop project. It was a survey of how Chinese view Americans, as an article about how Americans view Chinese is popular on the Internet.

"The program taught me what I could not otherwise learn in the classroom. Harvard students also let me know how important to be creative," she said.

Background information

300 Chinese students had an opportunity to spend a week with students of Harvard University, the most _1.______ one in the USA, being able to see how unique the Harvard students are, what they learn and how their classes are 2.___ out.

The programme was _3.____ in the PRC, with over 40 Harvard undergraduate students _4.____ part in it.

About 2000 Chinese students applied online, but only 300 were luckily chosen.

__5. __


Seminars are small classes with only 10 students, __6._____ by a Harvard student.

There were 40 different seminars for participants to choose from.

The Chinese students had to __7.  _____ or debate in class.

Everyone had to stay up late, __8.  ___ for the next one.



Every day two or three _9.____ lectures were given by famous figures who once appeared on TV, such as Yi Zhongtian.


Participants had to present their workshop projects, intended to encourage their ___10.___.



The United Nations climate talks in Doha, Qatar, continued into their second week, Wednesday, as delegates from nearly 200 countries struggle to craft a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol, the global agreement on climate change that expires at the end of this month.

The negotiations are deadlocked (陷入僵局)over demands by poorer nations for financial help in coping with climate change.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on delegates at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to speed up their work on an agreement to address a warming planet.

“Let us be under no illusion(幻想), this is a crisis, a threat to us all, our economies, our security and the well-being of our children and those who will come after," he said. "No one is immune to climate change, rich or poor.”

Delegates from nearly 200 countries --- rich and poor --- are in Doha to extend the Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 global climate change agreement that expires (到期)at the end of this month, and to begin to forge a new agreement to replace it.

Two issues block the way forward.  Developing countries are demanding that industrialized nations fulfill their pledges(保证)under Kyoto to reduce their climate-changing industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and to put new, larger emission curbs on the table. 

The developing nations, led by China, are also insisting that rich nations provide more aid to poorer countries to help them cope with the effects of climate change, including rising sea levels and more violent storms. 

In Doha Wednesday, Tim Gore, a climate change policy advisor for Oxfam International, a confederation of groups working on social justice issues, applauded efforts by England, Germany and Sweden to increase their climate aid and expects other nations to follow. 

“Those announcements are truly welcome.  And they shine a spotlight on those that have remained silent: the U.S., Canada, Japan, even Australia," Gore said. "But we need to be very clear as well that those types of announcements made in press conferences can be no substitute for clear commitments in the text that poor countries have come here to negotiate.”

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. China plays an important role in The United Nations climate talks in Doha, Qatar.

B. The United Nations climate talks in Doha, Qatar, continued into their second week, Wednesday.

C. Developing countries want rich nations to pay for climate change.

D. Ban Ki-moon called on delegates at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to speed up their work on an agreement to address a warming planet.

2.What did United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Climate change will do harm to all the countries in the world.

B. There is no hope to deal with the problem.

C. Illusion(幻想)is a crisis, a threat to us all.

D. Ban Ki-moon called on delegates to cope with a warming planet.

3.What does the underlined word in Paragraph Five forge mean?

A. put aside B. deal with    C. call off      D. work out 

4.Which of the following is Not true?

A. Climate change includes rising sea levels and more violent storms.

B. All the industrialized nations will carry out their promises under Kyoto to reduce their climate-changing industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and to put new, larger emission curbs on the table. 

C. Tim Gore thought highly of the efforts by England, Germany and Sweden to increase their climate aid and expects other nations to follow.

D. The U.S., Canada, Japan, even Australia didn’t make announcements to be responsible for the climate changes.



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