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Shirley Temple, who died on February 10,...

Shirley Temple, who died on February 10, 2014, was that rare example of a Hollywood child star who, when the cameras stopped rolling, carved out a new career.

For four years, she was Hollywood’s biggest box-office star representing the kind of sweet, innocent girl that everyone wanted as their daughter. However, years later, she reappeared as a successful politician.

Shirley Temple was born in Santa Monica, California on 23 April 1928. Encouraged by her mother, she learned to dance while she was just three.

In 1934, Stand Up and Cheer became her first film and the film was a great success. At the age of six she was earning $1,250 a week — more than $21,000 at today’s values.

Across the world, audiences flocked to see her in films such as Little Miss Marker, The Little Colonel and The Littlest Rebel.

In 1935 she was awarded a special Oscar (Academy Award) and her foot and hand prints were added to those of stars such as Jean Harlow and Mary Pickford outside Grauman’s Chinese theatre in Hollywood. The peak of her film career came in 1939 when The Little Princess became a box-office success.

Temple starred in a total of 43 feature films. But she found it difficult to maintain her film career in adulthood and retired from Hollywood in 1950.

She disappeared from the spotlight for nearly 20 years. She returned to the public eye in 1967, as a Republican candidate for Congress. When Nixon became president, he rewarded her with an appointment to the American delegation to the United Nations. Then, in 1974, President Ford appointed her the United States Ambassador(大使) to Ghana. George Bush Snr, appointed her Ambassador to Czechoslovakia.

Shirley Temple drew a line between her childhood stardom and her later political career. “Some people are stuck on this image of the little girl,” she once said. “She is not me. We shouldn’t live in the past; my life is now.” Nevertheless, for many across the world, the name Shirley Temple always called to mind a superstar child.

1.Shirley Temple died at the age of _____.

A. 75             B. 80            C. 86           D. 90

2.What happened to Shirley Temple when she was 7 years old?

A. She won a special Oscar.          

B. She began to learn to dance.

C. She appeared in her first film.      

D. She retired from Hollywood.

3.Which of the following represents the peak of Shirley Temple’s film career?

A. Stand Up and Cheer.              B. Little Miss Marker.

C. The Little Colonel.                D. The Little Princess.

4.We can infer that _____.

A. the films in which Shirley Temple starred in adulthood were not popular

B. Jean Harlow and Mary Pickford appeared in the same film with Temple

C. Shirley Temple succeeded in being elected as Congresswoman in 1967

D. Shirley Temple was the youngest person to receive an Academy Award


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章通介绍了Shirley Temple的生平,及她的成就。 1. 2. 3. 4. 考点:考查人物传记类阅读

In our world today, the media and entertainment industries are constantly focusing on beauty over brains. Movies, television shows, commercials, and magazines all make use of models and actors whose physical attributes(特性) will sell their product.

As our country is trying to reduce the obesity numbers, eating disorder statistics continue to increase due to the push for thinner people. While obesity is a serious medical condition that can lead to many health problems, many of us try to lose weight for appearance purposes. Children as young as elementary school age have begun to worry about the numbers that appear on the scale. In my opinion, it seems that “fat” has become the new“ugly”.

Two weeks ago, 37-year-old Wisconsin television reporter Livingston, who is 235 pounds, received an email from a man named Krause. In the email Krause attacked her, writing,“Your physical condition hasn’t improved for many years. Surely you don’t consider yourself a suitable example for this community’s young people, girls in particular.”

Today, it seems that a vast majority of people care more about how they look and appear to their peers rather than what is inside. The truth is that every person is built differently; we all come in different shapes and sizes. Just because someone is heavier, that doesn’t mean they eat large amounts of junk food around the day. Likewise, even though a person is thin, that doesn’t mean they are necessarily healthy and fit.

If you are reading this and you struggle with your weight or your appearance, please recognize that you are beautiful and special in your own way. You are worth so much more than you realize, and even if I don’t know you, understand that I respect and support you. Beauty is not defined by size; it is defined by how we treat others and respect ourselves. In the words of the talented film actress Kirstie Alley, “There’s a lot more to life than how fat or thin you are.”

1.With so many people losing weight, it will end in        .

A. models’ and actors’ appearance in ads

B. the fall of media and entertainment industries

C. more and more people becoming obesity

D. more people’s suffering from eating disorder

2.The underlined phrase “the numbers that appear on the scale” in the second paragraph may mean     .

A. intelligenceB. weightC. patienceD. strength

3.The writer used the example of Jennifer Livingston to show        .

A. people think “fat” looks ugly

B. fat people are becoming cleverer

C. physical condition is good

D. young people never follow example

4.What Kirstie Alley said means         .

A. people should pay attention to the appearance

B. there is no need for any people to go on diet

C. people are beautiful when they concern others

D. there’s always someone who understands and supports you



What is a six-letter word that immediately comes to mind when you need some information on the Internet? You probably thought of Google. But Google wasn’t always the name of the famous search engine. In fact, the original name was BackRub!

BackRub was the name two graduate students gave to the new search engine they developed in 1996. They called it BackRub because the engine used backlinks to measure the popularity of Web sites. Later, they wanted a better name — a name that suggests huge quantities of data. They thought of the word googol. (A googol is a number followed by 100 zeros.) When they checked the Internet registry of names to see if googol was already taken, one of the students misspelled the word by mistake, and that’s how Google was born.

Google is just one example of a name change in the business world. Many other companies have decided to change their names or the names of their products. Here are some more examples:

Jerry Yang and David Filo, two young computer specialists, developed a guide to Internet content in 1994. They called it “Jerry and David’s Guide to World Wide Web.” But they soon realized that this wasn’t a very catchy name, so they searched through a dictionary and found a better one: “Yahoo.”

Sometimes companies change their names because of the popularity of one of their products. In 1962, a young runner named Phil Knight started a company called Blue Ribbon Sports. In 1971, Knight decided to design and manufacture his own brand of shoes. He named the shoes after the Greek goddess of victory — Nike. Nike shoes became so well known that Knight changed the name of the whole company to Nike.

1.According to the text, Google        .

A. has been famous since 1996

B. is a result of a spelling mistake 

C. means a number followed by 100 zeros

D. is the original name of the search engine

2.Jerry and David changed the guide’s name to Yahoo because the original name        .

A. had been registeredB. had been forgotten  

C. was not attractiveD. was too short

3.The company Nike got its name from        .

A. its foundersB. its customers    

C. its popular productsD. its advanced techniques

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. The name changesB. The history of Google

C. How to choose a name?D. Why are names important?






















The Japanese love to give gifts.This habit is not practiced only on special occasions,but it’s widely accepted as social responsibility.Because gift-giving is an important social aspect of Japanese life.It’s important to be aware of some key factors.

Devalue the gifts you give.The important thing is to act and seem modest.You don’t want the receiver to think that you are arrogant or proud.Denigrate(贬低)your gift as much as possible.It doesn’t matter if the label on the box bears the symbol for a famous brand,The Japanese value the appearance of a modest gift-giver who tries to stay from praise.

Praise the gift you receive.Although praising may seem obvious,overpraising the gift is the key.It’s also important to praise the fine taste of the gift-giver in making that particular choice for you.And don’t forget to give a thousand and one thanks.

__________________, unless you are urged to do so.And when you do,you must take the utmost care in unwrapping it.Don’t look eager,and be careful that you don’t tear the paper or cut the ribbon.After observing,praising,and thanking,be sure to rewrap the gift as if it had never been opened.Try to appear as if you take great pride in the value of it the gift.

Choose gifts with practical value.In general,don’t buy things such as ornaments,vases,and kitchenware,it’s already assumed that everyone has these things.To do so may suggest that you don’t approve of the other person’s taste.Also,most Japanese houses are very small and don’t have extra space for useless junk.

1.What is the best title for the passage?(no more than l0 words).


2.Fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words.(no 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!more than 6 words)


3.List three kinds of things you’d better not buy for a Japanese friend.

          _____                 _____                

4.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.


5.What do the Japanese usually do when they receive a gift? (no more than l0 words)




Phil White has just returned from an 18,000-mile, around-the-world bicycle trip.White had two reasons for mak学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ing this epic journey.First of all, he wanted to use the trip to raise money for charity, which he did.He raised 70,000 for the British charity, Oxfam.White's second reason for making the trip was to break the world record and become the fastest person to cycle around the world.He is still waiting to find out if he has broken the record or not.

White set off from Trafalgar Square, in London, on 19th June 2004 and was back 299 days later.He spent more than l,300 hours in the saddle(车座) and destroyed four sets of tyres and three bike chains.He had the adventure of his life crossing Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia, Australia, Ne学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!w Zealand and the Americas.Amazingly, he did all of this with absolutely no support team.No jeep carrying food, water and medicine.No doctor.Nothing! Just a bike and a very, very long road.

The journey was lonely and desperate at times.He also had to fight his way across deserts, through jungles and over mountains.He cycled through heavy rains and temperatures of up to 45 degrees, all to help people in need.There were other dangers along the road.In Iran, he was chased by armed robbers and was lucky to escape with his life and the little money he had.The worst thing that happened to him was having to cycle into a headwind on a road that crosses the south of Australia.For l,000 kilometres he battled against the wind that was constantly pushing him.This part of the trip was slow, hard work and depressing, but he made it in the end.Now Mr.White is back and intends to write a book about his adventures.

1.When Phil White returned from his trip, he __________.

A.broke the world recordB.collected money for Oxfam

C.destroyed several bikes D.travelled about l,300 hours

2.What does the underlined word "epic" in Paragraph l most probably mean?

A.Very slow but exciting.B.Very long and difficult.

C.Very smooth but tiring.D.Very lonely and depressing.

3.During his journey around the world, Phil White __________.

A.fought heroically against robbers in Iran

B.experienced the extremes of heat and cold

C.managed to ride against the wind in Australia

D.had a team of people who travelled with him

4.Which of the following words can best describe Phil White?

A.Imaginative.   B.Patriotic. 

C.Modest.      D.Determined.

5.What actually inspired Phil White to overcome all the difficulties?

A.To help people in need.B.To test his new bicycle.

C.To prove his potential.D.To show off his ability.



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