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It’s known that the 62-year-old Jim Bevi...

Its known that the 62-year-old Jim Bevier has a great passion. This former FedEx pilot wasnt ____ on his horse farm, teaching h学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!is grandkids to ____. In his spar学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!e time, Bevier helps distribute ____ for blindness around the globe.

Bevier now is a volunteer pilot for Orbis, a nonprofit organization which has fought blindness学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! for over 25 years. One of ____ weapons is the Flying Eye Hospital, an old-fashioned DC-10 aircraft. Beviers mission is to land this giant sight-saving bird on runways that are most ____ not designed for it. Its not ____ flying for FedEx, says Bevier. We have to ____ the runway is long enough, figure out the fuel load, and find the ____ place to park in case of accidents.

Once he gets the ____ to its destination, the aircraft becomes a place for local ____ to get training, so they can treat certain conditions and ____ blindness for people. The plane stays on location for weeks. ____ Bevier is free to return home, he likes to stay and ____ those who arrive for medical checks. Im glad to see them get on the airplane and come out the next day, and they can ____. Bevier says. Many walk on dirt roads for miles; many are blind children.

____, the volunteer doctors cant handle all the patients. A Vietnamese boy was ever ____ away. Bevier says. A pilots job involves hours and hours of boredom, so you learn to keep your ____ under control. But when the poor boy didnt get picked, I ____ down. he admits.

____ as the job may be, Bevier isnt looking into retirement anytime soon. I dont play golf, and I tell my kids not to buy me tennis shoes, he says. But I ____ of my grandchild学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ren back home, and all I want is for those kids to be able to see their own grandparents for the first time.

1.A. anxiousB. proud    C. contentD. active

2.A. rideB. driveC. workD. study

3.A. signsB. curesC. fundsD. ways

4.A. his    B. herC. ours学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!D. its

5.A. similarly B. definitelyC. differentlyD. exactly

6.A. beyondB. onC. likeD. within

7.A. refer toB. work outC. make sureD. give up

8.A. safestB. largest    C. wildestD. farthest

9.A. shopB. hotelC. restaurantD. hospital

10.A. villagers    B. patientsC. friends    D. doctors

11.A. preventB. restrict    C. warnD. stop

12.A. WhileB. OnceC. Unless    D. If

13.A. examine    B. considerC. meetD. ignore

14.A. walkB. seeC. leaveD. concern

15.A. ThereforeB. BesidesC. SomehowD. However

16.A. putB. turned    C. givenD. thrown

17.A. effortsB. advantagesC. plansD. emotions

18.A. settledB. knockedC. broke    D. held

19.A. Exciting    B. ChallengingC. DisappointingD. Attracting

20.A. thinkB. dream    C. hearD. talk


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.D 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:Jim Bevier是一位六十二岁的退休飞行员,他一直为一个防治失明的非盈利组织义务驾驶飞机,从事着到世界各地去救治失明患者的事业。尽管工作辛苦,但是看着进去接受治疗的盲人走出来重见光明是最让他感到满足的时刻。 1.形容词辨析。A. 焦虑的;B. 骄傲的;C.满意的;D. 积极的。根据下文内容可知他在业余时间去帮助失明的人们,由此可知他不满足带孙子孙女,或者呆在自己的马场,选C。 2.动词辨析。A.骑;B. 驾驶;C. 工作;D. 学习。根据情理可知他只能教给小孩子们骑车,其余不符合情理。 3.名词辨析。A. 标志;B.对策;C. 基金;D. 方法。根据下文内容可知Bevier是一位防治失明组织的志愿者,由此推测他是帮助发放药品,故选B。 4.代词辨析。A. 他的;B.她的;C. 我们的;D.它的。根据上文内容可知此处指a nonprofit organization,故答案选D。 5.副词辨析A. 相似;B. 确切;C. 不同;D. 精确。Bevier驾驶的飞机大多数时候降落的地点不是有专门飞机跑道的地方,选B,其他不符合句意。 6.介词辨析。 A. 超出;B. 在上;C.像;D. 在内。根据下文Bevier的讲述可知大多数降落的地方不像标准的飞机跑道,选C。 7.动词短语辨析。A. 宁肯;B. 计算出;C.确信;D.放弃。由后句内容可知他们必须为了防止意外而确保跑道的长度等各方面情况,选C。 8.形容词辨析。A. 最安全;B.最大;C. 最野蛮;D. 最远。根据前句内容和后面in case of accident等判断他们要选择最安全的降落地,选A.。 9.名词辨析。 A.商店;B.旅馆;C. 餐厅;D. 医院。由上文内可知这架飞机名叫the Flying Eye Hospital,所以选D。 10.名词辨析。 A. 村民;B. 病人;C. 朋友;D.医生。从后句内容they can treat certain conditions可以判断为了在他们离开后当地的医生能够去应付某些医疗情况他们还要培训当地的医生,选D。 11.动词辨析。A. 阻止;B. 在严格;C. 警告;D. 停止。根据and前面内容可以推测医生要能治疗某些疾病,以免引起失明,也就是防止人们失明,选A。 12.连词辨析。 A. 同时;B. 一旦;C. 除非;D. 如果。前后句内容为转折关系,他可以回家,但是他却喜欢呆在那里看那些前来检查的人们,所以选A。 13.动词辨析。A.检查;B.认为;C. 会见,看;D. 忽略。根据后句内容I’m glad to see them get on the airplane可知他是喜欢见到那些人们,选C。 14.动词辨析。A. 走;B. 看;C. 离开;D. 联系。从文章内容可知Bevier工作的医院是诊治失明的,所以当人们治疗之后会恢复视力,重新看到光明,选B。 15.副词辨析。 A. 因此;B. 包括;C. 而且;D. 然而。上文提到他喜欢看到那些经过治疗后 恢复视力的人们,而此处说他们不能处理治疗所有的病人,由此判断为转折关系,选D。 16.动词辨析。 A. 放;B.转弯;C. 给;D. 投。根据上句内容可知这些志愿医生不能治疗病人时,只能拒绝他们,让他们失望地离开,turn sb away 把某人拒之门外,选B。 17.名词辨析。 A. 影响;B. 益处;C. 计划;D. 情绪。前句提到他们的工作不仅有着长时间的枯燥,而且还要面对各种病人,各种情况,再根据下文内容可以判断,他们要学会控制自己的各种情感,选D。 18.动词辨析。A. 定居;B. 敲;C.打破;D. 抓住。Bevier是一名充满爱心的志愿者,当他看到孩子因不能接受治疗而被拒之门外的时候,他内心是痛苦的,break down 情绪垮掉,失声痛哭,选C。 19.形容词辨析。A. 激动的;B. 有挑战的;C. 失望的;D. 进攻的。从上文的叙述可知他们的工作是很辛苦的,选C。 20.动词辨析。A. 认为;B. 梦想;C. 听见;D. 交谈。Bevier因工作需要会长时间离家在外,所以他看到这些孩子的时候会想起自己的孙子孙女们,选A。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

–I dont know what I _______ without the suitcase you lent me.

Glad to have been of some help to you.

A. should have doneB. would doC. would have doneD. should do



Jenny has got _______ it takes to be a good actress. In other words, she has the potential to become famous.

A. whenB. whatC. thatD. how



Such a fright _______ that he dropped his bag and ran away.

A. did the man getB. the man gotC. got the manD. the man did get



The new supermarket announced that the first to purchase goods on the opening day_______ get a big prize.

A. mustB. willC. shallD. need



_______ from J.K. Rowlings book series 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!of the same title, the Harry Potter movies are universally acknowledged as classics.

A. AdaptingB. Having adaptedC. AdaptedD. To be adapted



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