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One of the latest trend(趋势) in American ...

One of the latest trend(趋势) in American Childcare is Chinese au pairs. Au Pair in Stamford, for example, has got increasing numbers of request for Chinese au pairs from aero to around 4,000 since 2004. And thats true all across the country.

  I thought it would be useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age Joseph Stocke, the managing director of s company, says of his 2-year old son. I would at least like to  give him the chance to use the language in the future, After only six months of being cared by 25-year-old woman from China, the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions, his dad says.

  Li Drake, a Chinese native raising two children in Minnesota with an American husband, had another reason for looking for an au pair from China. She didnt want her children to miss out on their roots. Because I am Chinese, my husband and I wanted the children to keep exposed to(接触) the language and culture. she says.

  Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom, says Suzanne Flynn, a professor in language education of Children. But parents must understand that just one year with au pair is unlikely to produce wonders.  Complete mastery demands continued learning until the age of 10 or 12.

  The popularity if au pairs from China has been strengthened by the increasing numbers of American parents who want their children who want their children to learn Chinese. It is expected that American demand for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years.

1.What does that term au pair in the text mean?

A. A mother raising her children on her own

B. A child learning a foreign language at home

C. A professor in language education of children

D. A young foreign woman taking care of children.

2.Li Drake has her children study Chinese because she wants them ______.

A. to live in China some day

B. to speak the language at home

C. to catch up wit other children

D. to learn about the Chinese culture

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. Learning Chinese is becoming popular In America,

B. Educated woman do better in looking after children

C. Chinese au pairs need to improve their English Skills.

D. Children can learn a foreign language well in six months.


1.D 2.D 3.A 【解析】 试题分析: 本文属于说明文体裁。在文中作者提出美国现在存在的一种潮流趋势,即越来越多的美国人希望孩子能够学汉语,而且他们都希望孩子能够在家里和来自中国的学生学习汉语,他们认为这样在生活中通过交流来学习汉语要比在学校学习有优势。 1.误选项为A, 因为文中多次提到学汉语的儿童。但是根据文章第三段….had another reason for looking for an au pair from China. 和文章第四段“Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom,”可以推断美国家长希望孩子能够在家和来自中国的人们学英语,由此判断au pair是指住在家里可以教给孩子语言的年轻人。故答案选D。 2.”可知她让孩子学汉语的原因是想让孩子了解中国的文化。故答案选D。 3.判断推理。作者在文章首段提到美国的潮流就是小孩子在家学习汉语,而且给出了具体的数字证明,再通过文章末段It is expected that American demand for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years可知.美国对au pairs的需求将会继续增长,由此判断A选项内容正确。 考点:考查社会文化类短文阅读。

Since the first Earth Day in 1970,American have gotten a lot greener toward the environment .We didnt know at that time there even was an environment ,let alone that there was a problem with it, says Bruce Anderson, president of Earth Day USA.

But what began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement .Business people, political leaders, university professors, and especially millions of grass-roots Americans are taking part in the movement.The understanding has increased many ,many times, says Gaylord Nelson, the former governor from Wisconsin, who thought up the first According to US government reports , emissions (排放)from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 tons .The number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9 .Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with , the world is a safer and healthier place .A kind of Green thinking has become part of practices .

Great improvement has been achieved .In 1988 there were only 600 recycling programs ,; today in 1995 there are about 6,600 .Advanced lights ,motors , and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution .

   Twenty five years ago , there were hardly any education programs for environment .Today , its hard to find a public school , university , or law school that does not have such a kind of program . Until we do that , nothing else will change! say Bruce Anderson .

1.According to Anderson , before 1970, Americans had little idea about ___

A. the social movement

B. recycling techniques

C. environmental problems

D. the importance of Earth Day

2.Where does the support for environmental protection mainly come from?

A. The grass roots level

B. The business circle

C. Government officials

D. University professors

3.What have Americans achieved in environmental protection ?

A. They have cut car emissions to the lowest

B. They have settled their environmental problems

C. They have lowered their CO levels in forty cities.

D. They have reduced pollution through effective measures .

4.What is especially important for environmental protection according to the last paragraph ?

A. Education

B. Planning

C. Green living

D. CO reduction



Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband ,Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

  During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.

  He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.

   Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husbands name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.

   My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.

That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.

1.What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?

A. Go shopping

B. Find a house

C. Join his family

D. Take his family

2.The girls parents got Rashids phone number from_______.

A. a friend of his family

B. a Sydney policeman

C. a letter in his papers

D. a stranger in Sydney

3.What does the underlined word restored in the last paragraph mean?

A. Showed

B. Sent out

C. Delivered

D. Gave back

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. From India to Australia.

B. Living in a New Country.

C. Turning Trash to Treasure.

D. In Search of New Friends.










Nearly five years before, and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted

Some cherry tomatoes(圣女果)in our back garden. Since then for all these year we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As result, the plants are growing somewhere. The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had any disease or insect attack problems. We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost!




Are you facing a situation that looking impossible to fix?

  In 1969, the pollution is terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It ______1.(be)imaginable that it could be ever be cleaned up. The rive was so polluted that it ______2.(actual) caught fire and burned. Now year late,this rive is one of_______3.most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

  But river wasn’t changed in a few days_____4.even a few months. It took years of work _______5.(reduce) industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is______6.(clean) than ever.

  Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit _____7.is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don’t know how to control your credit card use. When you face such impossible situation, don’t you want a quick fix and something to change immediately.

  While there are_______8.(amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the  _______9.(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be_______10.(patience)



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