满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Unless some extra money________, the the...

Unless some extra money________, the theatre will be close.

A. was found    B. finds   C. is found    D. found


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词的时态和语态。句意:除非找到一些额外的钱,否则,剧院就倒闭了。根据主句的将来时态可知,状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时,因为find和money之间是被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故选C。 考点:考查动词时态和语态。  

Im sorry for breaking the cup.

Oh, _________ Ive got plenty.

A. forget it  B.my pleasureC. help yourself   D. pardon me




Oseola McCarty spent more than 75 years washing and ironing other people’s clothes. As a laundrywoman, she was paid only a few dollars each time. Certainly nobody would consider her rich, so they were all amazed when Miss McCarty decided to donate $ 150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi.

The money was all my savings. She could save such a large amount of money because she lived a very simple life. She never learned to drive, and when she wanted to go somewhere, she just walked. She never flew to anywhere till the donation(捐助),and in 50 years she had been out of the South only once. The house in which she lived was also a rather modest one her last uncle left her. Only after she became known in America did she begin to travel all over the country. Since then, she had been the subject of many interviews and articles and was even invited to the White House.

Her donation was for students who clearly needed financial help. She herself left school in the sixth grade and had never married or had children. She said to the reporters that the idea of helping somebody’s child go to college gave her much pleasure.



用约120个词就Miss McCarty的捐助谈谈你的想法,内容包括:














人物:英国人查理德·阿维斯(Richard Avis










同年同月同日生的人:time twin











In-Company Experience

Challenging posts in industry for gap year students. Use your academic and interpersonal skills to improve a product or service provided by a top name company-and get paid for it!

Camp World

Work in camps for young people in one or more of the five continents. You help organize sports activities and other outdoor pursuits and you could end up with a qualification as an instructor.



Community Care

Volunteer work at home and abroad with the physically and mentally handicapped, the homeless, the elderly and orphans. You’ll need to be committed, patient and sensitive to others.

Academic Study Year

Spend a whole year studying at a foreign university in Europe, the USA or even further afield, without the pressure of exams. Accommodation with local families. Grants available.



Conservation International

Conservation and research work with teams of volunteers on nature reserves in South America and Africa. Projects include monitoring wildlife, path building and water and soil conservation. 

Language Teachers Abroad

Teach your own language or English in almost any country in the world. Class sizes vary from one to one hundred and resources can be basic, but your students will welcome you with open arms.             

1.I grow up in a very big family. My parents have raised twelve kids and I am their first-born. It has been my duty to help my mom take care of my brothers and sisters. To handle them, often I have to organize an outdoor activity, like a softball game. I must say that I have the potential to work as an instructor.

2.Last year, my dog got crippled after losing the fight to my neighbor’s bulldog. I rinsed its wound with some lotion and tied its leg with a stick. I had him take medicine every day for a full month. Finally he recovered. I think I can help the elderly and the disabled as well. I feel so good when I can offer help.

3.I am a film buff. A big fan of Antonio Banderas. He is so wild and charming. Because of him, I fell in love with Spain. The Latin dance and the bullfight are really exciting. Oh, if only I could stay in Spain as an exchange student! I would be learning Spanish so well that I can watch a Spanish film with the dubbing.

4. I had the experience of working as a social worker in Switzerland last summer. I love the country and its people. There are great mountains for climbers and the local people are so nice to strangers. I helped the kids with their English. My teaching skills improved greatly during my stay. Now I’m well prepared to work as a language instructor.

5.I spent my gap year traveling all over Africa last year. It was definitely an eye- opening experience. The exotic clothes and tribal dances of the people really fascinated me. But I was most amazed by the wildlife there. I really took great pleasure in watching those animals hunting their prey. You know, I specialize in zoology, and I’m a good observer.



Scientists today are making greater effort to study ocean currents (洋流) . Most do it using satellites and other high-tech equipment. However, ocean expert Curtis Ebbesmeyer does it in a special way -- by studying movements of random floating garbage. A scientist with many years experience, he started this type of research in the early 1990s when he heard about hundreds of athletic shoes washing up on the shores of the northwest coast of the United States. There were so many shoes that people were setting up swap meets to try and match left and right shoes to sell or wear.

   Ebbesmeyer found out in his researches that the shoes — about 60,000 in total — fell into the ocean in a shipping accident. He phoned the shoe company and asked if they wanted the shoes back. As expected, the company told him that they didn't. Ebbesmeyer realized this could be a great experiment. If he learned when and where the shoes went into the water and tracked where they landed, he could learn a lot about the patterns of ocean currents.

   The Pacific Northwest is one of the world's best areas for beachcombing(海滩搜寻) because winds and currents join here, and as a result, there is a group of serious beachcombers in the area. Ebbesmeyer got to know a lot of them and asked for their help in collecting information about where the shoes landed. In a year he collected reliable information on 1, 600 shoes. With this data, he and a colleague were able to test and improve a computer program designed to model ocean currents, and publish the findings of their study.

   As the result of his work, Ebbesmeyer has become known as the scientist to call with questions about any unusual objects found floating in the ocean. He has even started an association of beachcombers and ocean experts, with 500 subscribers from West Africa to New Zealand. They have recorded all lost objects ranging from potatoes to golf gloves.

1.The underlined phrase swap meets in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______________.

A. fitting rooms

B. trading fairs

C. business talks

D. group meetings

2.Ebbesmeyer phoned the shoe company to find out _____________.

A. what caused the shipping accident

B. when and where the shoes went missing

C. whether it was all right to use their shoes

D. how much they lost in the shipping accident

3.How did Ebbesmeyer prove his assumption?

A. By collecting information from beachcombers.

B. By studying the shoes found by beachcomber.

C. By searching the web for ocean currents models.

D. By researching ocean currents data in the library.

4.Ebbesmeyer is most famous for ___________________.

A. traveling widely the coastal cities of the world

B. making records for any lost objects on the sea

C. running a global currents research association

D. phoning about any doubtful objects on the sea

5.What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

A. To call people's attention to ocean pollution.

B. To warn people of shipping safety in the ocean.

C. To explain a unique way of studying ocean currents.

D. To give tips on how to search for lost objects on the beach.



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