满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The first day at school has left a deep ...

The first day at school has left a deep ___ on me.I'll never forget it.

As soon as I rushed into the classroom,the bell rang.A young beautiful woman came in,but she was ____,no smile on her face.“You are not permitted to ____ me in the course of class unless...”She was speaking when I heard a____“Lily,Lily”from outside the door.My grandmother was standing there with a pair of socks in her hand.I didn't realize I was bare feet____ then.I wanted to ____ them.but I dared not do that.I shook my hand,____“Don't wait here any longer.Leave quickly.”As I did so,I still ____my eyes on my teacher.I really didn't want her to take ____ of me,but she did.She went out to get the socks.When she gave them to me,she looked at me for a while.My face suddenly turned ____ and my heart ____ faster.I began to put the socks on.Unfortunately I was so nervous that my ____ hands couldn't get them onto my feet easily.Just then I heard my name called.I ____ from my seat quickly.“Can you ____the numbers from one to one hundred?” the teacher asked.I nodded. ____her surprise,I did very well.Finally she said,“Be ___, please.Study hard.”I looked ____ her to find a smile on her face.I felt ____ at last.

The first day at school has stayed in my ____ as something embarrassing(尴尬)but ___.

1.A.memory  B.impression  C.imagination  D.feeling

2.A.modern   B.humorous  C.gentle  D.serious

3.A.trouble  B.question  C.interrupt  D.excuse

4.A.voice  B.sound  C.noise  D.word

5.A.before  B.after  C.just  D.until

6.A.get  B.throw  C.accept   D.wear

7.A.saying  B.meaning   C.crying  D.shouting

8.A.fixed B.laid  C.opened   D.shut

9.A.care  B.interest  C.attention   D.notice

10.A.pale  B.white  C.red  D.black

11.A.beat  B.jumped  C.struck   D.felt

12.A.small  B.dirty  C.shaking   D.own

13.A.rose  B.raised  C.stand up  D.jumped

14.A.add  B.count  C.recognize  D.write

15.A.With  B. For  C.To  D.Great to

16..A.careful  B.sitting  C.quiet  D.seated

17.A.up at  B.over  C. around  D.through

18.A.sorry  B.relaxed  C.disappointed  D.puzzled

19.A.body  B.classroom  C.memory  D.heart

20.A.strange  B.sweet  C.bad  D.terrible


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.B 【解析】 1.答案 B [考查固定短语。leave a deep impression on...给……留下很深的印象。] 2.2】答案 D [从老师脸上的表情以及下边所说的话来推测,老师非常“严肃”。] 3.3】答案 C [考查上下文的逻辑关系。老师讲课时,不能随意“打断”。] 4.4】答案 A [本空考查词义辨析。voice说话声;sound响声;noise噪音。] 5.5】答案 D [not...until是一个固定句型,意为“直到……才”。] 6.6】答案 A [get在此处意为“取”,其他几个选项均不符合故事情节。] 7.7】答案 B [老师正在上课,Lily不可能在课堂上说话或大声叫嚷。mean意为“意思是”。] 8.8】答案 A [fix one's eyes on...盯着……。] 9.9】答案 D [take notice of(有意)注意,留意,理会;take care of 关心,照顾。] 10.0】答案 C [Lily不想让老师发现自己,但事与愿违,Lily觉得很不好意思,脸“红”了。] 11.1】答案 A [指心脏“跳动”应用beat。] 12.2】答案 C [根据I was so nervous 判断Lily非常紧张,shaking和此意相呼应。] 13.3】答案 A [rose是vi.意为“站起来”,符合题意。raised是vt,后面须跟宾语;stand up时态错误;jumped与题意不符。] 14.4】答案 B [count数数的意思。] 15.5】答案 C [to one's surprise使某人吃惊的是。] 16.6】答案 D [be seated是系表结构,表示“坐下”。表示“坐下”还可以说sit down或seat 17.7】答案 A [我“抬头”看老师,才发现老师脸上带着微笑。] 18.8】答案 B [看到老师微笑着,“我”感到“放松”了。] 19.9】答案 C [在“我”的“记忆”中。] 20.20】答案 B [but表示转折,故前后两个词应该意义相反,所以B正确。]

She is looking forward________to the ball.

A.to be invited  B.being invited

C.to inviting  D.to being invited



—What is the new bridge like?

—Well,it is now________of the old one.

A.more than the width twice

B.more than twice the width

C.more than twice as wide as

D.twice more than as wide as



—I don't imagine Russ and his poor dog had a good time on

 the deserted island,________?

—I have no idea.

A.didn't they   B.do you

C.did they  D.hadn't they



She started laughing loudly when I began to sing,which made me feel very________.

A.amazed  B.excited  C.embarrassed  D.interested



My father likes playing golf;he's really enthusiastic________it.

A.by  B.with  C.about  D.on



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