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Tiredness, coughing, a runny nose and a ...

Tiredness, coughing, a runny nose and a sore throat—among all sicknesses there is probably none more common than the flu, which we all get now and then.

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However, bird flu is a completely different story.

Ten years ago, the H5N1 bird flu swept across 15 countries, including China, with sufferers reporting chest pain, difficulty breathing, fever and severe coughing. More than 600 people were infected, and about 60 percent died. Now another type of bird flu hit Shanghai and three neighboring provinces, and this time the virus is called H7N9. By the afternoon of April 11, the new virus had taken nine lives out of 35 infected, according to Xinhua News Agency.

The“H”and“N”in the virus’ name refers to two kinds of proteins on the surface of the virus. Any change of the numbers of the two proteins indicates a new mutation(变异). Most of the mutations only affect birds, such as chickens and pigeons, and don’t normally spread to humans. But once they do, the results can be disastrous.

“Any time an animal influenza virus crosses to humans, it is a cause for concern, ”Malik Peiris, virologist(病毒学家)at the University of Hong Kong, told Nature magazine. Take the SARS epidemic(传染病)10 years ago as an example. The virus behind the disease is thought to have jumped to humans from animals. The virus was a complete“stranger”to human bodies, which hadn’t developed an immunity against it.

But there is something more about the new H7N9 bird flu. Unlike the H5N1 bird flu, which causes severe sickness in birds, the H7N9 has been evolving under the radar(悄悄地)since it travels between birds without causing noticeable illness. That makes it difficult to keep track of the disease.

The good news is that there’s so far no sign that the virus is spreading from person to person. But since there is no vaccine for the disease yet, the World Health Organization recommends that you wash your hands after meeting with sick people and before and after you eat or prepare food, and they also suggest avoiding contact with birds or their eggs.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. The H5N1 bird flu turned out to have something to do with the SARS epidemic.

B. More than 600 people across the world died from the H5N1 bird flu ten years ago.

C. Most of the mutations of the proteins in the bird flu virus are harmful to both birds and humans.

D. The name, H7N9 bird flu, shows that there have been new mutations of the proteins in the virus.

2.With the example of the SARS epidemic in Paragraph 5, the author intends to   .

A. introduce where the SARS virus came from

B. inform us of the harmful effects of the SARS epidemic ten years ago

C. show the horrible effects an animal influenza virus can have once it spreads to humans

D. compare the differences between the SARS epidemic and the H7N9 bird flu

3.What makes the H7N9 bird flu more frightening than the H5N1 bird flu according to the text?

A. It can cause severe sickness in birds.

B. It can spread from person to person.

C. It affects a greater number of birds.

D. It doesn’t sicken birds and thus can spread unnoticed.

4.What are people advised to do to protect themselves against the H7N9 bird flu?

a. To get vaccinated for the disease.

b. To keep away from birds and their eggs.

c. To stop eating chickens and ducks.

d. To avoid meeting with sick people.

e. To wash hands thoroughly and regularly.

A. a, b   B. c, d

C. b, e   D. a, e


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.C 【解析】新一波禽流感疫情来袭, 你该如何应对? 1. 2.2】选C。推理判断题。这里列举SARS的例子是为了说明本段首句谈到的“Any time an animal influenza virus crosses to humans, it is a cause for concern”, 而本段又是进一步说明上一段最后一句话“But once they do, the results can be disastrous. ”, 所以C项为正确答案。 3.3】选D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知, H7N9禽流感与H5N1禽流感不同的是它不会在禽类间导致明显的疫情, 这使得它的传播不容易被及时发现, 故答案为D。 4.4】选C。细节理解题。由最后一段可知, 专家建议人们勤洗手, 尽量避免接触禽类以及禽类下的蛋, 所以C项为正确答案。最后一段提到了现在还没有针对H7N9禽流感的疫苗, 故a不对。c, d文中没有提及。

Every year Chris Brogan posts his three words for a new year. Many others and I have followed his lead for the past three or four years. They helped me a lot. My words for last year were“passion”, “focus”and“delegate”and I stayed true to them. This year, 2013, my goals are more personal and less professional.


Focus is making a repeat appearance on my list this year because I’m too much of a multitasker. The problem is that I have trouble finishing one thing with so many things calling me. When I was working as a writer, all my projects were handled via a schedule, I’m putting a fitness and housekeeping routine into my schedule.


I get so busy taking care of everyone else, and I forget to take care of myself and this has to change. My health suffers and my weight suffers. I have to get my health in check, not only for me but because I promised my 9-year-old son. I’ll make good food and lifestyle choices. I miss being thin, and it’s time to get it back.


What good is having it if I’m not taking time to enjoy it? I have a wonderful job, a happy family, and so much to be thankful for. So how come I spend all my time working? Last summer my family took our first vacation in four years, the best thing I’ve done for myself and my family in a long time. This year, I’m making sure to take time to enjoy life and celebrate its many blessings.

Do you have any words for 2013?

1.The underlined word “multitasker” probably refers to a person who   .

A. makes a living by writing

B. always fails to finish a task on time

C. has several things to do at the same time

D. pays more attention to fitness and housekeeping

2. Why does the writer have“HEALTH”as one of his three words?

A. He wants to take better care of others.

B. He’s gaining weight and feeling bad.

C. He did not take any exercise in the past.

D. He got the idea from his son.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The word“CELEBRATE”can remind the writer to enjoy life.

B. The writer has a vacation with his family every four years.

C. The word“FOCUS”can help the writer focus on his family.

D. The writer used to be overweight for lack of exercise.

4.The best title for the passage might be   .

A. Three Words for 2013

B. Health Should Go First

C. Keep Organized

D. Goals for 2013



What makes humans smarter than other animals? We’ve got a bigger brain, of course. But when it comes to brains, is bigger always better?

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Traditionally, scientists have thought that humans’ superior intelligence derived(源于)mostly from the fact that our brains are three times bigger than those of our nearest living relatives, chimpanzees. People even used to believe that because men have slightly larger brains than women that men are smarter.

This, however, is not the truth. Scientists at University College London in the UK have found that brain organization, and not brain size, is the key to the superiority of human intelligence, reported Live Science.

Through millions of years of evolution, our ancestors were constantly pushed to get smarter so that they could meet the demands of new environments. However, holding this growing intelligence in increasingly large brains was not the best choice because bigger brains require more energy to power. “This is when reorganization may come into play, ”said Christophe Soligo, a member of the London research team.

In the study, scientists looked at the brains of 17 species of primates(灵长目动物), including monkeys, apes and humans. They found that in the process of evolution, brains didn’t keep growing as a whole. Certain regions of the brain grew prior to others in response to species’ needs, and in this way they could make the best use of their limited brain space.

For example, when early humans were struggling to survive, the brain region in charge of using tools and finding food grew in size more than other regions. But in modern times, the prefrontal cortex(前额皮质)—the region in charge of social cognition(认知), moral judgments and goal-directed planning—grew more than the rest of the brain.

Think of the brain as a room. If a big room is poorly organized, it doesn’t necessarily store more stuff than a smaller one.

Paul Manger, professor at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, explains this principle using the example of whales. He told Scientific American: “Whales have big brains, absolutely. But if you look at the actual structure of the brain, it’s not very complex. Brain size only matters if the rest of the brain is organized properly. ”

1.It has recently been found that humans are smarter than the other animals mainly because   .

A. they are a species of primates

B. they have much larger brains

C. their brain structure is more complex

D. they were constantly pushed to get smarter

2.According to the article, in recent human evolution,    .

A. the brain kept growing in size to adapt to new environments

B. most regions of the brain didn’t change

C. the prefrontal cortex grew more than the rest of the brain

D. humans’ brains became increasingly simple so that humans could survive

3.What can we conclude from the article?

A. Gender makes a difference in intelligence.

B. The size of the brain has nothing to do with intelligence.

C. Species whose brain is organized properly tend to be smarter.

D. Larger brains are usually organized better than smaller ones.

4.The method the writer uses to develop the last paragraph is   .

A. by presenting research data

B. by giving examples

C. by making a comparison

D. by analyzing cause and effect



From Avatar to Lord of the Rings, plants are no strangers to playing big movie roles. However, no one has ever shot a film that plants themselves can watch until now. In a New York art gallery, seven house plants have spent the last seven weeks watching Strange Skies, the first travel documentary for a vegetable audience. All the plants sat in the cinema in rows, enjoying themselves in Italian sunshine.

The movie was made by American artist Jonathon Keats. It consists of Italian skies recorded over two months and made into a six-minute-long movie. The film shows the clear dawn(黎明), high clouds, amazing dusk and then beautiful night. The movie has no sound and the plants, of course, do not applaud. But Stephen Squibb, a professor from Harvard University, said these plants could benefit from it—the light of the movie keeps them alive because they can continue the process of turning light into energy.

“I realized there was a much larger audience—plants—that were not being serviced, ”Keats said. “I wanted to provide plants with entertainment that companies such as Disney provide for humans. ”Meanwhile, Keats also wants to explore plants’ sensibilities(敏感性)further. He plans to open a“restaurant for plants”at a Californian museum.

One visitor, photographer Abbas Ebrahimi, admired(羡慕)the green audience, “Plants are better than us. We die and go, while in spring they come back each time. ”But when talking about the movie, he said after thinking for a few minutes, “It doesn’t mean anything to me at all. It’s just about light. For some people, it might mean something. ”

1.What can we learn about Keats according to the passage?

A. He is an artist from Harvard University.

B. He opened a restaurant for plants.

C. He made the film Strange Skies.

D. He liked recording Italian skies.

2.It can be learned that Strange Skies   .

A. has already created beautiful sound

B. was shot from dawn to dusk

C. made plants play roles in it

D. is the first travel film for plants

3.What did Stephen Squibb think of Strange Skies?

A. He thought it had explored plants’ sensibilities.

B. He thought it meant nothing to him.

C. He thought it could keep plants growing.

D. He thought it offered entertainment to plants.

4.Why did Abbas Ebrahimi admire the green audience?

A. Because they die and re-grow in spring.

B. Because they mean something to him.

C. Because there are more plants than people.

D. Because they can enjoy the movie.



NO matter which tourist destination you visit, chances are you’ll see Lonely Planet guidebooks in the hands of travelers.

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Lonely Planet is one of the world’s largest travel guide brands, publishing more than 500 different guides in eight languages. This year marks the company’s 40th anniversary. The popular brand also produces television shows, websites and podcasts, all dedicated to travel.

Some people praise Lonely Planet books because they make traveling easy and affordable. They save you time and keep you from missing the very best things in a place. And of course, their reviews of hostels, hotels and restaurants, in addition to ticket information about your destination, are useful.

This can be great if you’re a nervous traveler, or if you haven’t traveled by yourself before. If you’re in a country where you don’t speak the language, sometimes there’s nothing better than getting into a taxi and opening up a guidebook. You simply point to a map, directing the taxi driver to a hostel that’s cheap and clean, with friendly staff and cold beer.

But others criticize Lonely Planet and other travel guide publishers. They say guidebooks take the fun and spontaneity(自发性)out of traveling, and that part of the enjoyment of travel comes from the fact that anything can happen. They also lament(哀叹)that if you follow a guidebook, you’ll end up doing the same things and having the same experiences as everyone else. You might end up seeing the same group of people over and over, because everyone is reading the same book and following the same trail.

Another criticism of travel guides is that they have an overly(过度的)large influence on local communities. For example, some locals dedicate their lives solely(仅仅)to behaving in ways that attract tourists. They fake a traditional lifestyle, wear traditional clothes and live in traditional houses just to attract tourists’ dollars.

1.The Lonely Planet guidebook can bring you the following advantages EXCEPT that   .

A. it can help you to save time and money when traveling

B. you will not miss the best things without having to make choices

C. it provides a lot of useful information about your destination

D. you can easily find a nice place to stay in a strange city

2.Who will find a Lonely Planet guidebook very useful?

A. Someone who always takes a taxi when traveling.

B. A tourist who likes to repeat others’ experiences.

C. A person who’s nervous touring an unfamiliar place.

D. A native traveler who is traveling alone.

3.People criticize the guidebook because   .

A. the guidebook is not as useful as most travelers expect

B. travelers using it will be bored with meeting the same people on their journey

C. travelers using it may not get the chance to have unexpected adventures

D. local people keep their old lifestyle under the guidebook’s influence

4.What does the underlined word“fake”in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. mistake  B. learn  C. pretend  D. create



Every time Lionel Messi breaks a record, it seems appropriate to compare him to the legends that came before him.

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In 2012, he rewrote soccer history on multiple occasions, and his latest record came when he scored his 86th goal of the calendar year, breaking Gerd Muller’s previous mark, before wrapping up the year with 91 goals.

All statistics indicate that Messi is currently the best player in the world, and that he will go down in history as the top footballer of his generation. But when he is judged against all-time greats like Pele and Diego Maradona, he still has work to do.

We don’t know whether the Barcelona striker will have another year in which he records more than 90 goals, but he must still sustain(维持)a similar level of production for the next several seasons.

Messi has already taken part in three of Barcelona’s victorious Champions League(冠军联赛)campaigns, and he played an important role in two of them. In order to firmly establish himself as the greatest club football player in history, he must win the tournament a few more times.

Most importantly, the Argentine(阿根廷人)needs to win on the international stage. Regardless of what Messi does for Barcelona, his legacy will be incomplete if he cannot win the World Cup with Argentina.

Both Pele and Maradona led their countries to the top of international soccer during their careers, and Messi’s performances for his country have been severely disappointing.

While he was still a teenager in 2006-and his lackluster(平淡的)showing is excusable due to his youth-he cannot brush off the disappointment that characterized Argentina’s performance in 2010.

But the 4-0 loss to Germany in the 2010 World Cup Quarter Final seems to have sparked Messi. He scored 12 times for Argentina last year, and the next World Cup could finally be Messi’s breakout performance in blue and white stripes.

Due to all of his accomplishments, it is easy to forget that the extraordinary footballer is just 25 years old. If he can avoid injury or lengthy slumps(低潮状态)until his speed and skills start to decline due to age, he may continue to break records and win trophies.

1.What will Messi have to do in order to be complete in his soccer career?

A. He must win the World Cup with Argentina.

B. He must win the tournament a few more times.

C. He must defeat Pele and Maradona.

D. He must avoid injury or lengthy slumps.

2.How was Messi’s performance in 2010 World Cup?

A. Excellent.

B. Inspiring.

C. Disappointing.

D. Normal.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Messi has firmly established himself as the greatest club soccer player in history.

B. Messi will try his best to win the next World Cup with Argentina.

C. Messi can avoid injury and lengthy slumps to break records and win trophies.

D. Pele and Maradona led their countries to the top of international soccer during their careers.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Lionel Messi, the Best Soccer Player of All Time

B. Lionel Messi, the Greatest Soccer Player in History

C. Barcelona and Lionel Messi

D. World Cup and Lionel Messi



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