满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Teachers have to constantly update their...

Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional ________.                  

Aconsequence                Bindependence 

Ccompetence                Dintelligence


C 【解析】句意:为了保持专业能力,老师得不断地更新自己的知识。competence“能力”,符合语意。consequence“结果”,independence“独立”,intelligence“智力”,均不符合语意。  

There is no doubt that the Internet has changed the way that millions of people communicate with the outside world. And there is a lot of buzz and activity around social networking. One of the most interesting opportunities which arise from this is lifestreaming.

When people hang out with friends online, they talk about music, review movies, share travel stories, exchange photos and discuss video games. And they chat about life and recommend books as well.

Lifestreaming is an online record of a person's daily activities. It will allow you to climb inside the head of someone. And you can also experience their day through a digital collection of public text messages, blog posts and photos. What's more, thanks to mobile broadband(宽带) and tiny video cameras, you can also watch a live video stream of them as they move around their world.

Lifestreaming offers the ability to store and broadcast this information exchange. People now can createcollect and publish their interests and activities. They are creating content that reflects their life.

Generally speaking, the lifestreamers have been broadcasting their lives 24 hours a day. Facebook havs now made it possible to load all these other Websites directly into your Facebook profiles. Now users can display their blog posts from their blog. They can display the drunken pictures that they uploaded. The embarrassing videos they have from their YouTube profile can also be shown, and so much more.

Lifestreaming is the newest way to let your friends know what you're up to, and you needn't force them to follow you across many places. Not everyone is into lifestreaming, but it is one of the hottest areas for development out there. And there are a large amount of services offering a way to collect all the little bits of your online life

Life streaming might be described as a variation of microblogging, because they all focus on the brevity(简洁) of content. But you cannot ignore the difference between them. With microblogging, you write messages directly within the application itselfas you might send a text message. But with lifestreaming application, you collect your other content from around the Web and arrange it into a single stream of short bits of information.

With lifestreaming, people now can learn more about people they trust. By selectively following lifestreams, people are changing how they get information.


The __1.__of lifestreaming

Lifestreaming is an online record of a person's daily activities.

The __2._

people do

with friends


Talk about music, review movies, share travel stories, exchange photos, discuss video games, chat about life and recommend books.

The _3.__lifestreaming brings

·You can 4.__your friends' day through text messages, blog posts, photos and a live video stream of them.

·You can create content __5.__your life.

·Lifestreams have been broadcasting their lives the __6.__day through various ways.

·It's the newest way to leave your friends know what you are busy with, without __7.__them to follow you across many places.


Lifestreaming VS microblogging

The __8.__

They all give special _9.__on the brevity of content.

The difference

With microblogging, you write messages __10._.

With lifestreaming, you collect your other content from around the Web and arrange it.



Recently divorced and unemployedI was on my way downtown to do the rounds of the employment offices.I had no umbrellafor my old one had ____and I could not ____ another one.

I sat down in the ____ and there against my seat was a(n) ___ silk umbrella with a silver handle.I had ____ seen anything so lovely.I examined the handle and saw a carved ___.The usual procedure would have been to ____ the umbrella to the conductorbut an idea ____ to me.I decided to take it with me and find the owner myself.

I got off the bus in a downpour and ____ opened the umbrella to protect myself.Then I ____ a telephone book for the name on the umbrella.I called and a lady ____.

Yesshe said ____that was her umbrellawhich her parentsnow deadhad given her as a birthday present.Butshe ____it had been stolen ____ her doorstep a month before.

She was so excited that I ____ I was looking for a job and went directly to her house.She took the umbrellaand her eyes were filled with ____.She wanted to give me a ____butthough twenty dollars was all I had in the worldher happiness at regaining this ____ possession was beyond words and I believed accepting her money would have ____ something.We talked for a while and I left.

A week laterI got a job as a sales manager ____.It might be my kindness that paid off.But who knows?

1.A.broken up                Bgone away  Cfallen apart                Dfaded away

2.A.afford  Bborrow  Cfind  Drepair

3.A.office  Bbus  Ctheater  Dtrain

4.A.ugly  Bbeautiful  Cworn  Dancient

5.A.even  Balways  Calready  Dnever

6.A.design  Bnumber  Cname  Dbrand

7.A.turn in                Bshow off

Copen up                Dcarry away

8.A.occurred  Bran  Cstruck  Dhappened

9.A.firmly                Bsuddenly 

Ccasually                Dthankfully

10.A.read  Bsearched  Cgot  Dused

11.A.appeared  Breplied  Canswered  Dscreamed

12.A.in surprise  Bin panic  Cin silence  Din anger

13.A.assumed                Badded  Cdeclared                Dannounced

14.A.from  Bin  Cbeside  Dof

15.A.mentioned                Bforgot   Crealized                Dremembered

16.A.memory  Bhonor  Ctears  Dthanks

17.A.gift  Bposition  Chug  Dreward

18.A.expensive  Bcommon  Crare  Dspecial

19.A.bought  Bruined  Cexpressed  Denjoyed

20.A.immediately                Bnaturally 

Chopefully                Dunexpectedly



The warning we were given as children ________ an apple a day keeps the doctor away mayin facthave a scientific explanation.

Athat  Bwho  Cwhere  Dwhich



WalMartthe world's largest retailer(零售商)sells in three months ________ the numbertwo retailer Home Depot sells in a year.

Athat   Bwhich   Cwhen   Dwhat



Professor Tang didn't give us a speech today.It was ________ he had a traffic accident on the way to school.

Athat   Bwhen   Cwhy   Dbecause



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