满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To get a better night's sleep, get into ...

To get a better night's sleep, get into bed with Zeo Introducing the revolutionary Zeo Personal Sleep Coach

    The inability to get a good night's sleep is one of the top health issues. A night of poor sleep can affect one's mood, energy level, and performance. Most people have felt powerless to do anything about it -- until now. Introduing Zeo, a revolutionary approach to the problem of poor sleep.

A revolution in the science of sleep

    Designed by leading sleep scientists,the Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is the first consumer product to help you take control of your sleep.Because understanding your sleep is the first step toward mananging it.

    Wear the light Zeo Headband to bed and Zeo technology tracks and records your personal sleep patterns and wrielessly send them to the Zeo Bedside Display. When you wake up, you simply touch a button to get your sleep data: the time you took to fall asleep, your time in deep sleep and light sleep, and how often you woke up. Seeing how you slept is just the beginning. What you do with that information is what makes Zeo so remarkable.

Take control of your sleep

    Zeo puts the science of sleep at your fingertips. The Zeo Bedside Display stroes your sleep data so you can easily upload it to the Zeo Peasonal Coaching website. Here you 'll find a collection of online tools that help you analyze you sleep and uncover the links between how you live and how your sleep. Zeo's Seven Step Sleep Fintness program assists you in creating a personalized action plan based on your own sleep pattems and goals, and delivers user-tailored coaching emails that help you get the sleep you need.

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    Order Zeo today and receive the headband, bedside display, full access to our powerful user website and you personalized, multi-week sleep coaching program--plus our satisfaction guarantee and free shipping.


   The more you know, the better you sleep.

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Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is neither a medical device nor a medical program and is notintended for the treatment of sleep disorders.

1.Zeo is a revolution in the science of sleep mainly because it _____.

A. can record one’s sleep process             

B. is the first product to manage one’s sleep

C. is free of medical risks                                                                     

D. provides access to sleep fitness websites

2.What is the most remarkable feature of Zeo?

A. Its direct contact with sleep scientists.

B. Its individualized coaching program.

C. Its effectiveness in curing sleep disorders.

D. Its immediate analysis of sleep data.

3.What customer service does Zeo provide?

A. Cheap online tools.              B. A 30-day action plan.

C. Personalized bedside display.              D. Free delivery of the product.

4.The passage is primarily written to _____.

A. encourage people to try the new product

B. instruct people how to use a new tool

C. provide the latest health information                               

D. illustrate the importance of good sleep habit


1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了the Zeo Personal Sleep Coach这一新产品。客户可以通过购买Zeo床,把个人睡眠信息传送至Zeo个人睡眠教练网站,它可以为你量身定制睡眠计划,让客户享受到更为优质的睡眠,还有30天退款保证和免费送货上门服务。 1.细节题:根据第二段中“the Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is the first consumer product to help you take control of your sleep”Zeo个人睡眠教练是第一个来帮助你控制你睡眠的消费产品。故选B。 2.推理题:根据第三段内容可知Zeo最明显的特点就是可根据客户睡眠资料,Zeo个人睡眠教练网站能为客户量身制定个人睡眠计划。故选B。 3.细节题:根据第四段中“free shipping”免费送货。故选D。 4.推理题:根据最后部分中“30-DAY money- back guarantee FREE SHIPPING”30天退款,免费送货可知是在鼓励人们使用新产品。故选A。 考点:考查广告类阅读

When you are little, it’s not hard to believe you can change the world. I remember my enthusiasm when, at the age of 12, I addressed delegates at the Rio Earth Summit. “I am only a child,” I told them .“Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environment answers, what a wonderful place this would be. In school you teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not to be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the thing you tell us not to do ? You grown-ups say you love us, but I challenge you, please, to make your actions reflect your words.”

I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation. Some of the delegates even cried. I thought that maybe I had reached some of them, that my speech might actually spur(激励) action. Now, a decade from Rio, after I’ve sat through many more conferences, I’m not sure what has been accomplished. My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual’s voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.

When I was little, the world was simple. But as a young adult, I’m learning that as we have to make choices — education, career, lifestyle — life gets more and more complicated. We are beginning to feel pressure to produce and be successful. We are taught that economic growth is in progress, but aren’t taught how to pursue a happy, healthy or sustainable(可持续的) way of living. And we are learning that what we wanted for the future when we were 12 was ideal and innocent.

Today I’m no longer a child, but I’m worried about what kind of environment my children will grow up in. I know change is possible, because I am changing, still figuring out what I think. I am still deciding how to live my life. The challenges are great, but if we accept individual responsibility and make sustainable choices, we will rise to the challenges, and we will become part of the positive tide of change.

1.The purpose of what the writer said at the age of 12 was to _____.

A. end poverty and make school beautiful

B. find environmental answers and keep the words that they always told themselves

C. end poverty and solve the problems about environment

D. find a wonderful place and clean it up

2.What does the underlined word “ovation” in the second paragraph refer to _____.

A. a long period of laughing              

B. a warm welcome

C. an expression used for greeting              

D. a long period of clapping and applause

3.It becomes clear that the writer is possibly _____ now.

A. in his teens

B. in his twenties                             

C. in his thirties                            

D. in his forties

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. the writer thinks what he thought at the age of 12 is mature.

B. the writer’s children will certainly live in an ideal environment.

C. the writer’s confidence in the people in power has deeply shaken their voice.

D. the writer’s belief does not change when he grows up.



Most parents and teachers would get angry when they hear that teenagers listen to their iPods while preparing for exams. But pupils who listen to music when doing their homework may be, in fact, working hard.

              Thirty three schools have downloaded specially written pop and rock songs for their 10,000 pupils who are studying for GCSE (初级毕业证书). The professionally recorded music, based on texts in English literature, teaches teenagers about themes in the GCSE curriculum (课程). Two young men set up “Revise”, the company that produced the songs, and worked with teachers to make sure the lyrics (歌词) reflected the curriculum. Some of the songs were written by Geraint Brown, a director, and they are performed by professional singers and musicians.

              Songs for the GCSE science and maths lessons are also being developed in 36 schools. They have also started using the program, called, “LearnThruMusic”.

              Dave Matthews, the head of Hawthorn High School in the South Wales valleys, said the program aimed at helping teenagers who are unwilling to study. He said, “There are lots of pupils who don’t have a high level of home support. It’s almost cool to say you have no need to find a support and we have got to change that. With this, they don’t have to be sitting at their desk at home. They can be outside, walking around or even listening to it on the bus, which is very convenient for them.” Everyone has a phone, MP3 or CD player, and they’re more likely to listen to these than pick up a book. “I think everyone would agree that music had an important influence on us when growing up. Both boys and girls are very good at remembering the words and dancing to the music in the charts. There’s no one thing that will successfully engage (使产生兴趣) every child, and some of them will make little or no use of this. But the fact that they don’t have to do any extra work makes this a very good deal for a kid,” Dave Matthews added.

1.The pop and rock songs used in 36 schools ________.

A. were written for the students to relax themselves

B. made most parents and teachers angry

C. were specially written for hardworking students

D. were closely related to the curriculum

2.Which benefit of the program is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. It saves students much extra work.

B. It offers different ways of learning.

C. It makes remembering easier.

D. It improves family support to kids.

3.Which of the following can be inferred in the passage?

A. The program is not expected to have equal effect on every student.

B. Some students used the song as an excuse for not reading textbooks.

C. It’s more difficult to create songs for science and maths lessons.

D. Students involved in the program needn’t go to school every day.

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. Special-written Songs — A Reason Why Students Should Listen to IPods.

B. Special-written Songs — A New Way to Learn the Curriculum.

C. Special-written Songs — A Substitution for Textbooks.

D. Special-written Songs — Mothers’ New Concern.



I got up and dressed, stuck my violin under my jacket, and went out into the street. I wandered about for an hour, looking for a likely place, feeling as if I were about to commit a crime. Then I stopped at last under a bridge near the station and decided to have a go.

I felt tense and shaking. I drew my violin from under my coat like a gun. It was here, in Southampton, with trains passing overhead, that I was about to prove myself.

    The first notes I played were loud and raw, and then they settled down and began to run more smoothly and to stay more or less in tune. To my surprise I was neither arrested nor told to shut up. Indeed, nobody took any notice at all.

I walked the streets of Southampton for several days, gradually knowing how to try and get money by being a street artist. It was not a good thing, for instance, to let the hat fill up with money — the sight could discourage the people; nor was it wise to empty it completely, which could also confuse them, giving them no hint as to where to drop his money. Placing a couple of pennies in the hat to start the thing going soon became a good idea. Before I played another tune, I took off the big money, but always left two pennies behind.

Old ladies were most generous, and so were women with children, shop girls, and typists. As for the men: Heavy drinkers were always generous too and so were big young with muscles. But never a man with a hat, briefcase or dog; respectable types were the meanest of all, except retired army officers, who would bark “Why aren’t you working, young man?” and then threw much money into the hat to hide their confusion.

1.The underlined phrase “have a go” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.

A. have a try                            B. run away             

C. change a place                            D. commit a crime

2.When the writer began to play the violin, he thought that ________.

A. he could make a lot of money              B. he had chosen the wrong place

C. he would get into trouble               D. people would stop and listen to him

3.According to the passage, the writer thought the best way of encouraging people to give a street-violinist money was to ________.

A. let the hat fill up with money first              

B. leave a small amount of money in the hat

C. make sure that the hat was always empty

D. choose the best place to play more smooth tunes

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Most of the ladies were willing to give him money.

B. Retired army officers seldom gave him money.

C. Drinkers were generous with their money.

D. Not all the people would feel pity for street-violinists.



The night was dark, though sometimes the moving clouds allowed a star or two to be seen in the sky.The poor men held on to any bit of ____ they could find. They called to the Marie for       but she was far       the reach of the human voice. At one o’clock in the morning suddenly some       were seen in the distance: another ship! The shouts of the       were heard on board, and willing hands pulled them out of the water. The       of the ship that had arrived at the scene       to save their lives was Ellen. What had       her to the exact spot       the darkness and the pathless sea? Her captain had known       of the wreck and had, indeed,      to sail away from it. But let him speak for himself.

  I was forced by the wind to change my course, a small bird flew across the ship once or twice and then flew at my face. I   of this until exactly the same thing happened a second time,   caused me to think it rather   . While I was this   , the same bird, for the third time, made its appearance and flew   in the same way as before. I was then   to change my course back to the original one. I had not gone far   I heard a strange voice; and when I tried to   where they came from, I found I was in the middle of people who had been shipwrecked. I immediately did my best to save them.”

1.A. land              B. grass              C. hope              D. wood

2.A. food              B. help              C. rest              D. stop

3.A. off              B. out              C. beyond                            D. from

4.A. people              B. lights              C. ships              D. houses

5.A. sailors              B. captains              C. rescuers                            D. swimmers

6.A. name              B. owner              C. captain                            D. finder

7.A. ahead of time              B. at times              C. on time              D. in time

8.A. brought              B. carried              C. kept              D. caused

9.A. in               B. on               C. through                            D. around

10.A. everything B. nothing              C. something              D. Anything

11.A. attempted B. managed              C. allowed                            D. demanded

12.A. Just as              B. In case              C. Only because              D. Even though

13.A. paid no attention  B. took good care    C. took no notice              D. kept close watch

14.A. which              B. what              C. that              D. this

15.A. Interesting  B. funny              C. friendly              D. unusual

16.A. searching              B. expecting              C. considering              D. studying

17.A. back              B. about              C. up              D. down

18.A. forced              B. decided              C. persuaded              D. forbidden

19.A. when              B. until              C. then              D. while

20.A. listen to               B. search for              C. make sure                            D. look out



        , the disease will produce a powder poison that will kill the patient.

A. If it untreated                              B. If is untreated                

C. If being untreated               D. If untreated



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