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The New York Philharmonic(爱乐乐团) came to ...

The New York Philharmonic(爱乐乐团) came to an unexpected stop on Tuesday night when an audience member’s cell phone started ringing and wouldn’t stop.

Conductor Alan Gilbert was nearing the end of Mahler’s Ninth Symphony(交响乐) when the interruption began. As eh New York Times writes, the symphony, “contains some of the most spiritual and peaceful music ever written.”

As the cell phone continued to ring, the iPhone’s signature ringtone, Gilbert stopped the entire performance. And yet shockingly the phone continued to ring. “Nothing happened,” Gilbert told the Times, “Nobody was to blame for it. It was unbelievable.”

Gilbert said minor cell phone interruptions have become common and rarely interfere with a live performance. The Philharmonic does what it can to remind to audience to turn off their cell phones before the performance begins. But the audience and performers stood by in astonished silence as Gilbert asked the offender(肇事者) to silence the phone, only to hear it continue.

Mr Gilbert said audience pointed out two people sitting where the sound was coming from. “They were staring at me firmly,” he said of the couple. Eventually, the man put his hand in his pocket and the ringing stopped.

The conductor said he asked the man if he was sure the phone was quieted. “Then he nodded his head,” Mr Gilbert said.

People in the hall had been shouting for the sound to stop. Mr Pelkonen reported that they yelled: “Thousand-dollar fine!” “Kick him out!” “Get out!”

Once the phone was finally silenced, Gilbert apologized to the audience. They responded with cheers and applause(掌声). And the performance continued.

1.The underlined words “interfere with” in the third paragraph means “         ”.
A. enjoy              B. attend              C. disturb              D. complete

2.What do we know about the offender?
A. He silenced the phone the moment he was reminded to.
B. He enjoyed the ringtone so he kept the phone ringing.
C. He quieted the phone after hearing people’s angry shouts.
D. He didn’t like the music so he wouldn’t silence the phone.

3.What does the writer of this passage intend to imply?
A. It’s not acceptable to carry an iPhone to a concert.
B. It’s rude to attend a concert with the phone ringing.
C. It’s necessary to quiet the phones when the performance is over.
D. It’s common for a conductor to make an apology to the audience.

4.What can be the best title for the passage?
A. iPhone ringtone bring New York Philharmonic to a stop
B. iPhone signature ringtone defeats New York Philharmonic
C. New York Philharmonic puts on a successful performance
D. New York Philharmonic stops the audience using iPhone


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲的是iPhone 铃声响起使纽约爱乐乐团演出停下来,此举主要是提醒人们去听音乐会的时候,手机响是不礼貌的。 1.猜词题:从第四段的句子:Gilbert said minor cell phone interruptions have become common小的手机声音现在很常见,不会干扰现场表演,可知“interfere with”的意思是“打扰”disturb,选C 2.细节题:从文章第五段的句子:Eventually, the man put his hand in his pocket and the ringing stopped.可知冒犯者在听见人们生气的叫喊后关闭了手机,选C 3.推理题:从第四段的句子:The Philharmonic does what it can to remind to audience to turn off their cell phones before the performance begins. 可知作者是想告诉读者去听音乐会的时候,手机响是不礼貌的,选B 4.标题确定题:从文章第一段的句子:The New York Philharmonic(爱乐乐团) came to an unexpected stop on Tuesday night when an audience member’s cell phone started ringing and wouldn’t stop.可知文章讲的是iPhone 铃声响起使纽约爱乐乐团演出停下来,选A 考点:考查新闻报道类短文

Express delivery: How you can buy your groceries from a virtual supermarket

Aug, 1st, 2011 Daily Mail

A “virtual supermarket” consisting of posters of goods put on platform walls is set to be introduced at London Underground stations. Passengers “shop” by scanning QR—Quick Response—codes of the items they want to buy using their smart phones. These goods are later delivered to their home address. Supermarket giant(巨头) Tesco successfully trialed the hi-tech store in a South Korean underground station and there are now plans to bring the concept to Britain.

NYPD to Scan Facebook, Twitter for Trouble

Aug, 11th, 2011 Forbes

The New York Police Department announced it will form a new unit to search social media as part of its law enforcement(执行) efforts, responding to the criminals’ growing use of these sites to plan and celebrate illegal activities. The NYPD unit created particularly to comb social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and BlackBerry messenger for information on planned crimes and their criminals.

Space Junk(太空垃圾) reaching “tipping point”, report warns

Sep 3rd, 2011 Toronto Sun

The amount of debris(碎片) orbiting the Earth has reached “a tipping point” for crashes, which would produce more debris that may be dangerous to astronauts and satellites, according to a US study. According to the US Space Surveillance Network, the number of orbital debris jumped from 9,949 in December 2006 to 16,094 in July 2011.

1.The “virtual supermarket” would be introduced to Britain because of            .
A. the successful experience of a hi-tech store in South Korea
B. the wide use of smart phones for scanning QR codes
C. the large varieties of goods in the supermarket
D the convenient home delivery system around London

2.we can learn from the news that            .

A. people with mobile phones can shop at London Underground stations
B. Facebook, Twitter, and BlackBerry messenger are not popular in the US
C. the amount of space junk has more than doubled in the past few years
D. more and more criminals are using social media sites for crimes

3.what does the underlined word “comb” in the second piece of news mean?
A. Create.              B. Operate.              C. Block.              D. Search.

4.The third piece of news will be in the           section of the newspaper.
A. sports              B. opinion              C. science              D. business



A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps. One should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.

A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting us in age.

Men often discover their similarity to each other by the common love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this: “Love my, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond(纽带) of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.

A good book is often the best container of a life preserving the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which become our steady companions and comforters.

Books are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay(腐朽), but good books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s minds, ages ago.

The great and good do not die, even in this world. Preserved in books, their spirits walked abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect(智者) to which one still listens.

1.The writer introduces the topic of the passage by            .
A. describing life experience of great writers
B. telling his own story of reading good books
C. presenting the best thoughts in good books
D. comparing good books to good friends in life

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. Readers feel sympathy for the author.
B. Readers live together with the author.
C. Readers and the author share the same feeling.
D. Readers are the author’s companions and comforters.

3.which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. We can learn about the great and good through books.
B. The most important part of a man’s life is his treasures.
C. Good books help us to know about their authors’ friends.
D. Books are often regarded as best containers in our life.

4.the passage mainly tells us that            .
A. one should have some good friends
B one should read as many books as possible
C. one should keep company with good books
D books are the most lasting products of human efforts



Once, my father and I were waiting to buy tickets for the circus. Finally, there only one family  _   us and the counter, who made a big    on me. There were eight children, all probably under 12. You could    they weren’t rich. Their clothes weren’t expensive but   . The children were well-behaved., standing in line behind their parents and   talking about what they would see that night.

One could   they had never been to the circus before. The mother was holding her husband’s hand while the father was smiling in   . The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly   , “Eight for children and two for adults, please.”

The ticket lady told him the price. The man’s wife let go of   hand, her head dropped, and his lip began to tremble. The father leaned a little   and asked, “How much did you say?”

The ticket lady   the price. The man didn’t have enough money.   was he supposed to turn and tell his kids that he didn’t have enough   to take them to the circus? Seeing this, my father put his hand in his pocket,   a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground. Then my father  _  down, picked up the bill and said the man, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket.”

The man knew what was going on. He wasn’t begging for it but certainly   the timely help in such an   situation. He took my father’s   in both of his, squeezed(紧捏) tightly onto the   , and with a rear running down his cheek, he replied, “Thank you, sir. This really _  a lot to me and my family.”

1.A. before              B. between              C. behind              D. besides

2.A. difference              B. effort              C. impression              D. suggestion

3.A. tell              B. agree              C. believe              D. suppose

4.A. clean              B. shabby              C. simple              D. common

5.A. disappointedly              B. bitterly              C. excitedly              D. carelessly

6.A. sense              B. expect              C. doubt              D. Recognize

7.A. surprise              B. turn              C. silence              D. pride

8.A. laughed              B. announced              C. commented              D. responded

9.A. my              B. his              C. her              D. their

10.A. backwards              B. away              C. closer              D. farther

11.A. refused              B. recited              C. reduced              D. repeated

12.A. When              B. Where              C. How              D. Why

13.A. time              B. money              C. chance              D. courage

14.A. pulled out              B. pulled up              C. picked out              D. picked up

15.A. jumped              B. lay              C. knocked              D. reached

16.A. appreciated              B. admired              C. rejected              D. offered

17.A. interesting              B. embarrassing              C. enjoyable              D. unbelievable

18.A. pocket              B. wallet              C. arm              D. hand

19.A. ticket              B. bill              C. pound              D. paper

20.A. pays              B. costs              C. means              D. gives



—It shouldn't be so difficult to solve the problem if we all come to help

              —That's right_     _

AMany hands make light work             

BSomething is better than nothing

CThe more,  the better             

DThe sooner begun, the sooner done



So far it has been suggested that special stress _____ on pre-school education.

A. is laid    B. be laid                C. has been laid                  D. have been laid



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