满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You should be grateful to your employees...

You should be grateful to your employees, because you wouldn't be_you are now without them.

A. why  B. how  C. where  D. which


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你应该感谢你的职员,因为没有他们你不会到现在的位置。这里是表语从句,are动词后面缺少的是地点,用where引导表语从句,所以选C。 考点:考查表语从句  

We got in my father's car and headed straight home and__________,I surely would have been stuck in the station for several days.

A. had I not  B. did I not  C. if I didn't  D. if I had



Why do children hang stockings over the fireplace for presents?

    As the story goes, to help a poor family, Father Christmas threw a small bag of gold down the chimney and it fell into a stocking that_up to dry over the fireplace.

A. hung  B. had hung  C. was hanging  D. was hanged



Tom, were all the students on the school bus injured?

    No,____ only the three who got hurt.

A. there was  Bthere were  C. that was  D. it was



Since drug abusers have difficulty_the addiction, support groups where they can talk about their struggles and find new ways to manage in the world are often needed.

A. to rid  B. breaking  C. to remove  D. relieving



China Hengda_well have won the football match, but I don't know because I wasn't there.

A. could  B. may  C. should D. must



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