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注意: 1.词数:120字   左   右  ;



Dear editor, I’m Wang Ping. I’m writing to offer your newspaper an article Trying to Save Both for Natural Resources and the Environment. Saving is very important because natural resources in our world may run out one day, so we should save some for our offspring. Meanwhile , saving can help us avoid producing waste, which will make our homeland more beautiful. As students, we should make our contributions. For example, we can recycle our textbooks or use both sides of our exercise books. In this way more trees would be saved. What’s more, we Chinese have a good tradition of saving and regard wasting as a shame, so we call for everybody’s action to save what we can to make our beautiful life last forever.                                                                   Best wishes                                                                   Yours sincerely 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇话题类作文。假设你叫王平。为响应国家厉行节约的号召,请你以“厉行节约——为资源、为环保”为题,向某英语报社编辑写信,表达你对厉行节约的看法。该英文信应包括以下内容:1.节约与资源的关系;2.       节约与环保的关系;3.    举例说明中学生该如何厉行节约;4. 倡导社会保持节约的优良传统。需要写的内容已经粗略给出,需要我们翻译成完整通顺的句子,适当添加些内容,使文章更充实。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。一定要给出自己的看法。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型为文章润色。注意要求的词数120词左右,不要太多也不要太少。 【亮点说明】Meanwhile , saving can help us avoid producing waste, which will make our homeland more beautiful.这里含有一个非限制性定语从句;What’s more, we Chinese have a good tradition of saving and regard wasting as a shame, so we call for everybody’s action to save what we can to make our beautiful life last forever.这里含有一个宾语从句。 考点:话题类书面表达

My neighbor’s children love playing hide-and-seek as other children do ,but everybody had imagined that the game they played themselves last week would be reported in the local newspaper. One afternoon, they are playing at the street comer. Paul, only five year old, hid and locked himself in a storage mailbox in accident His sister, Nancy, heard his cries and realized what had happened, so she immediately asked a mailman open the metal door. Paul was free ,but he had such bad a scare that he could not stop cry. The mailman told him that next time he wanted to hide in a mail box, he should remember to put the stamp on himself. When he heard that ,Paul burst into laughing.



Women make better drivers than men for many reasons. Why is that? Wouldn't you think that competing at who has better driving abilities is pointless? If you ask me, I'd like to say, men know that women are better drivers but do not have the courage to admit the truth.

Unlike men, women stop for directions when they have no idea where they are going. Women don't drive around for hours pointlessly wasting a tank of gas only to find themselves heading in the wrong direction. Have you ever been in a car with a man who is lost? He tells you to shut up when you begin to open your mouth. And every five minutes or so he takes a turn going forty-five miles per hour only to find out he's made another wrong turn.

Speeding is what men do best on the road. Traffic is not a race. There is a reason why men get more speeding tickets than women. Not because women trick to get out of tickets but only because they don't speed. Women don't risk putting their own lives and the lives of others in danger. In other words ,they have more responsibility for life.

My largest issue with male drivers is how a majority of them drive with one hand on the wheel and the other hand doing only God knows what. The seat is backed as far as possible. They're totally lost in loud music beyond a necessary level. You don't ever see women driving like that.

I feel that the above evidence more than proves my points that women are queens of the road. Oh ,men, if you want to continue criticizing women for being bad drivers, bring it on. We know you lack confidence, or else you wouldn't be wasting your valuable time making jokes about the ones you may choose to spend the rest of your days with.

1.Who does the author think are the better drivers? (no more than 1 word)

2.When will women drivers stop to ask for help? (no more than 9 words)

3.Why do men get more speeding tickets? (no more than 3 words)

4.What quality do women drivers have when it comes to safety? (no more than 3 words)

5.How is the seat backed by most male drivers? (no more than 4 words)



根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,然后将答案 写到答题卡相应的位置上。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

A; Pacific Bell. May I help you?

B: 1.______

A: May I ask why?

B; Well, I’m moving house* I’ve just graduated, and I’m moving to California for a new job there.

A: 2.______

B: Thanks. And my phone number is 320-428-7859.

A: Oh,I got it And the name on the account ,please?

B: Edward Ryefield. That is R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.

A: 3.______

B: It’sJune5,1988.

A: 4.______

B: August 9,by 5 pm.

A: No problem.

B: Oh, yes, one more thing. I have a monthly pre-paid home phone plan with yoa Can I have some of my money back?

A: 5.______

B: That’s too bad.

A: Sorry about it, Mr. Ryefield, and the telephone will be disconnected at 5 pm, August 9.

A. Sorry, you can’t.

B. Congratulations!

C. Absolutely you can.

D. I’d like to have my phone disconnected

E. By the way, when are you moving to California?

F. Then when would you like to have it disconnected?

G. OK, for security purposes, may I have your date of birth, please?



Yawning sends out certain messages -either “Oh ,this movie is so boring” or “I probably need to get some sleep”. But did you know that a yawn can also help your brain to cool down when it is overheated?

A new study, led by a research team at Princeton University, has indicated that yawning could be the brain’s natural way of regulating temperature. People yawn more often when the temperature outdoors is lower than their body temperature but are less likely to yawn when it is hotter outdoors, according to Sciencedaily. com.

The research team did an experiment on 160 people, 80 in summer and 80 in winter, to examine how often they yawned at different air temperatures. The study found that people yawned more often in winter than in summer. Scientists say that when the air temperature is lower outside the body, there is heat exchange between the overheated brain and the cool air. But when the air temperature is higher than or equal to the body, people are less likely to yawn because the hot air they breathe in will make the brain even hotter.

When people yawn, their jaw is also stretched ,which increases blood flow and may also help cool the brain

The study showed that the amount someone yawned could be related to the amount of time they spent outside. The longer they spent outside in summer, the less they yawned. Nearly 40 percent of participants yawned within their first five minutes outside, but after that the percentage was reduced to less than 10 percent.

However, the result was the opposite in winter. The number of people who yawned increased when they spent more than five minutes outdoors. But the change was only slight compared to summertime.

According to Gallup, this is the first report to show that yawning frequencies change depending on season. This could help us to understand better the way our brains work. It may also help us understand the reason why frequent yawning can sometimes be a sign of brain disease.

1.The purpose of the experiment is ______.

A.      to prove people yawn in winter and in summer equally

B.      to indicate brain can regulate temperature naturally

C.      to find the frequency of people’s yawning

D.      to show the real reason why people yawn

2.The information we get from Paragraphs 5 and 6 is that ______.

A.      longer outdoor summertime results in more yawns

B.      yawning frequency changes with outdoor time

C.      yawning frequency increases with outdoor time

D.      longer outdoor wintertime leads to fewer yawns

3.Acorrding to the text ,people yawn more often ______.

A,      when the air temperature is lower outside the body

B.      when the hot air breathed in makes the brain hotter

C. when the air temperature is higher than the body

D. when the air temperature is equal to the body

4.What could be the best title for the text?

A.      Yawning Is A Sign of Brain Disease

B.      Yawning Carries Some Information

C.      Yawning Benefits Your Body

D.      Yawning Cools Your Brain



Some young Cambodians are learning a new sport — skateboarding. The country’s first skateboard park is located on the grounds of a local charity group at the edge of Phnom Penh, the capital.

Sports like Khmer boxing and soccer are wildly popular in Cambodia. But Chea ,who has been skating for 6 months ,says skating has already become his favorite sport.

The skaters are learning tricks like launching off a jump or half-pipe and flying through the air on their narrow wooden boards.

A non-governmental organization called Skateistan Cambodia organizes weekly programs at the park. Skateistan started its work in Afghanistan years ago. Rory Burke is working with the group which expanded to Cambodia last year.

Rory Burke points out, “Yeah, it’s definitely not a typical Cambodian pastime (消遣).And I think the idea of ‘why skateboarding’is that it’s not been done before here. We want to use skateboarding as something saying, ‘Hey,this is new ,this is something different.,And that kind of itself becomes a little bit of hook. People see it and they think and they say, ‘Wow, what is that?,and they want to get involved. ”

Skateistan partners with local groups that work with young people. The park is on the grounds of the group known as PSE, where children attend school and learn a trade. There are almost one hundred twenty participants. They all come from troubled lives.

Seventeen-year-old Sang Rotha is a student at PSE. “Sometimes I don’t do well on subjects like math,”he says, “I feel bad when I find it hard to keep up with my lessons. So that is why I skateboard -to improve my bad feelings. ’,

He says he began skateboarding more than a year ago. Before he started training, it seemed very easy. But it was very difficult to learn tricks, and he got hurt a lot from falling off.

Rory Burke says learning to deal with the difficulties is part of the lesson for these young skateboarders.

1.According to the passage, PSE is a group ______.

A.      that works with Cambodian students

B.      for young Cambodians to learn a trade

C.      for young Cambodians in troubled lives

D.      for young Cambodians taking skateboarding

2.What is said about skateboarding in the passage?

A.      It is easy for young Cambodians to learn.

B.      It is a good sport to help regain good feeling.

C.      It originated in Afghanistan years ago.

D.      It is as popular as Khmer boxing in Cambodia.

3.The underlined part a little bit of hook probably means ______.

A.      something strange    B. something quite new

C.      something different  D. something attractive

4.It can be inferred from the passage that skateboarding is becoming ______.

A.      a sport liked by most young Cambodians

B.      an increasingly popular sport in Cambodia

C.      a sport used to better young Cambodians’ life

D.      a good way to train young Cambodians’ learning skills



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