满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假设你是李华。最近,你校学生会组织开展了“构建低碳校园”活动。请你围绕“节约资源,低碳生活”的主题,根据以下提示,用英语写一封倡议书, 呼吁大家行动起来。








Dear fellow students,

Our school advocates that we should build a low-carbon campus in order to protect the earth.




                                                      Li Hua


Dear fellow students, Our school advocates that we should build a low-carbon campus in order to protect the earth. I think it is everyone’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal. Here is what I think we should do. First of all, we should walk or ride bikes instead of riding in cars or school buses to reduce the amount of pollution. Secondly, when we eat the food in the school cafeteria, we should eat up what we buy and not waste the food. Thirdly, it is important for us to save electricity and water. We should not leave the lights on in the daytime or leave water running after washing. Instead, we should turn off lights as soon as we leave the classroom and dormitories. In a word, if we can make small changes in our way of life, we can make a big difference to the earth! Dear fellow students, let’s start right now and spare no effort to do every little thing we can from now on!                                                                 Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析::这是一篇围绕“节约资源,低碳生活”的主题英语倡议书。倡议对象的称呼已写好。接着是写节约资源的具体措施。主要包括:日常出行时怎样减少碳排放;‚在餐厅就餐时怎样节约粮食;ƒ在寝室和教室如何节约水、电三部分内容。结尾要表示发出号召和希望。最后也可以写上发倡议者的名称。 倡议书的写作,先写对发出倡议对象的称呼。2、正文:(1)写清楚发出此倡议的原因或目的。只有交代清楚倡议活动的目的、意义即重要性,倡议对象才能理解、才能采取自觉的行动来响应,否则就很难响应,起不到倡议应有的作用。(2)重点是写倡议的具体内容和要求及要求做到的具体事项。这部分一般是分条开列,以求清晰、明确。(3)结尾要表示倡议者的决心和希望。(4)最后要写上发倡议者的名称。 【亮点说明】范文使用一些如First of all,Secondly,Thirdly,In a word等承接词进行连接,使文章层次清晰。多变的高级句式如宾语从句的使用Our school advocates that…,表语从句Here is what I think we should do及it作形式主语的句型it is everyone’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal等ƒ高级词汇和短语的灵活运用,如build a low-carbon campus,achieve this goal,sum up,In a word, make a big difference 等 考点:考查应用文倡议书的写作。





注意: 1. 每句不超过两个错误;

       2. 每处错误及其修改均只限一词;

       3. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    I often go to a weekend school. So did many of my classmates. This seems popular among students. Good weekend schools have excellent teachers which help us improve our studies.

Besides, we get to know students from another schools and learn about their campus of life.

         So every coin has two sides.Our school work is already a heavy burden.Extra lesson often take up too much of our time. In addition, pay lots of attention to the extra lessons will affect their school subjects.We may also find ourselves very tired on Mondays to concentrate on the lessons in our own school. We should think seriously about this issue and make best use of our time.




Making friends can be difficult, especially these days with so many peer pressures. If you want to develop a more pleasing personality and make friends,become genuinely(真正地) interested in other people and show kindness. You may be wearing the latest designer label clothes,the hottest brand shoes and the coolest jewelry, but if you display sourness and selfishness you’ll have a battle ahead of you to make good friends.

Smile...smile and continue to smile. It costs nothing, enriches those who receive it, happens in a flash(闪烁)but the memory lasts forever;it creates happiness in the home and classroom. A smile can not be bought,begged or borrowed,it comes from the heart. If you want other people to like you, make the other persons feel important, and do it sincerely!

Choose your friends carefully. If others try to persuade you to smoke, take drugs, steal,gamble, fight etc...dare to say NO. Doing the wrong thing is the quickest way to lose friends,especially honest, good and upright friends.

Being mentally strong is not always easy but let me assure you that the more you practise it,the easier it becomes. Soon those who thought they were trendy will want to dress like you,talk like you and be with you because you have a personality which is different. People like being different! By being an individual with your own personality you can achieve the very best experiences in your life. You may not ever have many friends but let me tell you that it is better to have one good friend than ten dishonest friends who will stab you in the back at the very first opportunity that arises.

1.What prevents your from making good friends according to Paragraph 1? ( Within 3words)


2.How do you make other people like you according to Paragraph 2? (within 6 words)


3.Why shouldn’t you do the wrong things like stealing, taking drugs, fight, etc.? (within 8words)


4.What makes other people imitate you? (within 5 words)


5.What is the best title of this passage(within 4 words.)



根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并将答案写在二卷对应位置(否则不予给分), 选项中有两项多余选项。

-- Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Greg Robinson, please?

-- Hi, Susan! ___1.___. What can I do for you?

-- Well. I’m calling to tell you about the theatre group I belong to, the Princeton Players. We’re looking for more people to join, especially men.   2.  .

-- Oh, you know how much I love acting, but I’m taking some very hard courses. I might be able to learn may part, but   3.  .

-- Well, actually, we rehearse only one night a week, Thursday, from 7 to 10, though we would have to pit in extra time before a performance.

-- Only once a week, you say?  4.  .

-- Sure. But look, why don’t you come and watch our rehearsal next Thursday? I think you will like the way we work. When you see how much fun it is, you’ll want to join right sway.

-- OK, I’ll come to a rehearsal,   5.  .

-- Great! I’ll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you. Talk to you then. Bye for now.

-- Bye, Susan.

 A. I’m Greg Robinson. 

B. And I thought you might be interested in it. 

C. It’s Greg. 

D. but I can’t promise more than that. 

E. I would hardly have time to rehearse.

F. if the play interests me.  

G. Well, could you give me time to think it over?



We are not who we think we are.

The American self-image is spread with the golden glow of opportunity. We think of the United States as a land of unlimited possibility, not so much a classless society but as a place where class is mutable—a place where brains, energy and ambition are what counts, not the circumstances of one's birth.

The Economic Mobility Project, an ambitious research led by Pew Charitable Trusts, looked at the economic fortunes of a large group of families over time, comparing the income of parents in the late 1960s with the income of their children in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Here is the finding: "The 'rags to riches' story is much more common in Hollywood than on Main Street. Only 6 percent of children born to parents with family income at the very bottom move to the top.

That is right, just 6 percent of children born to parents who ranked in the bottom of the study sample, in terms of income, were able to bootstrap their way into the top . Meanwhile, an incredible 42 percent of children born into that lowest are still stuck at the bottom, having been unable to climb a single rung of the income ladder.

It is noted that even in Britain---a nation we think of as burdened with a hidebound class system-children who are born poor have a better chance of moving up. When the studies were released, most reporters focused on the finding that African-Americans born to middle-class or upper middle-class families are earning slightly less, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than did their parents.

One of the studies indicates, in fact, that most of the financial gains white families have made in the past three decades can be attributed to the entry of white women into the labor force. This is much less true for African-Americans.

The picture that emerges from all the quintiles, correlations and percentages is of a nation in which, overall, "the current generation of adults is better off than the previous one", as one of the studies notes.

The median income of the families in the sample group was $55,600 in the late 1960s; their children's median family income was measured at $71,900. However, this rising tide has not lifted all boats equally. The rich have seen far greater income gains than have the poor.

Even more troubling is that our nation of America as the land of opportunity gets little support from the data. Americans move fairly easily up and down the middle rungs of the ladder, but there is "stickiness at the ends" —four out of ten children who are born poor will remain poor, and four out often who are born rich will stay rich.

1.What did the Economic Mobility Project find in its research?

A. Children from low-income families are unable to bootstrap their way to the top.

B. Hollywood actors and actresses are upwardly mobile from rags to riches.

C. The rags to riches story is more fiction than reality.

D. The rags to riches story is only true for a small minority of whites.

2.It can be inferred from the undertone of the writer that America, as a classless society, should ________.

A. perfect its self-image as a land of opportunity

B. have a higher level of upward mobility than Britain

C. enable African-Americans to have exclusive access to well-paid employment

D. encourage the current generation to work as hard as the previous generation

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The US is a land where brains, energy and ambition are what counts.

B. Inequality persists between whites and blacks in financial gains.

C. Middle-class families earn slightly less with inflation considered.

D. Children in lowest-income families manage to climb a single rung of the ladder.

4.What might be the best title for this passage?

A. Social Upward Mobility.                                     

B. Incredible Income Gains.

C. Inequality in Wealth.                                          

D. America Not Land of Opportunity.



Children start out as natural scientists, eager to look into the world around them. Helping them enjoy science can be easy; there’s no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment. You only have to share your children’s curiosity. Firstly, listen to their questions. I once visited a classroom of seven-year-olds to talk about science as a job. The children asked me “textbook questions” about schooling, salary and whether I liked my job. When I finished answering, we sat facing one another in silence. Finally I said, “Now that we’re finished with your lists, do you have questions of your own about science?”

After a long pause, a boy raised his hand, “Have you ever seen a grasshopper(蚱蜢) eat? When I try eating leaves like that, I get a stomachache. Why?”

This began a set of questions that lasted nearly two hours.

Secondly, give them time to think. Studies over the past 30 years have shown that, after asking a question, adults typically wait only one second or less for an answer, no time for a child to think. When adults increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more, children give more logical, complete and creative answers.

Thirdly, watch your language. Once you have a child involved in a science discussion, don’t jump in with “That’s right” or “Very good”. These words work well when it comes to encouraging good behavior. But in talking about science, quick praise can signal that discussion is over. Instead, keep things going by saying “That’s interesting” or “I’d never thought of it that way before”, or coming up with more questions or ideas.

Never push a child to “Think”. It doesn’t make sense, children are always thinking, without your telling them to. What’s more, this can turn a conversation into a performance. The child will try to find the answer you want, in as few words as possible, so that he will be a smaller target(目标) for your disagreement.

Lastly, show; don’t tell. Real-life impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can learn from a book or a television program. Let children look at their fingertips through a magnifying glass(放大镜), and they’ll understand why you want them to wash before dinner. Rather than saying that water evaporates(蒸发), set a pot of water to boil and let them watch the water level drop.

1.According to the passage, children are natural scientists, and to raise their interest, the most important thing for adults to do is _______.

A. to let them see the world around         

B. to share the children’s curiosity

C. to explain difficult phrases about science  

D. to supply the children with lab equipment

2. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the word “lists” could best be replaced by ______.

A. any questions                                              B. any problems

C. questions from textbooks                         D. any number of questions

3.According to the passage, children can answer questions in a more logical, complete and creative way if adults ________.

A. ask them to answer quickly

B. wait for one or two seconds after a question

C. tell them to answer the next day

D. wait at least for three seconds after a question

4.In which of the following paragraph(s) does the author tell us what to say to encourage children in a science discussion?

A. The second and third.                    B. The fourth and fifth.

C. The fifth and sixth.                                                   D. The fifth.

5.The author mentions all of the following techniques for adults to share with their children’s curiosity except that adults should ________.

A. tell their children stories instead of reciting(背诵) facts.

B. offer their children chances to see things for themselves.

C. be patient enough when their children answer questions.

D. encourage their children to ask questions of their own.



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