满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I’m an operating engineer, running crane...

I’m an operating engineer, running crane(起重机) in New York City. I was in the countryside, playing golf when we got the call that a plane had       the World Trade Centre. We checked out of the hotel immediately and started       our way downtown. When I got home, I called the rescue center and they told me to come       and get on the       list.

The next morning I went down to the       at about 5 A. M., and four hours later I       the call to come down to West Street. I called my wife and told her not to       me, and that I would stay in       with her. I took the subway. It stopped at West Fourth Street, so I had to       the rest of the way.

And somewhere in there I became       when I went into something I      . I once worked there in 1966 for the       of the World Trade Centre. On halfway on September 12, I was frightened to see the World Trade Centre was a huge pile, maybe ten       tall. And it was burning. I started to ask       in which my crane might be       a whistle blew suddenly warning us of some danger. I saw people running away and I really didn’t know what to do. So I did the same, too. It was as if they had       the bulls go in Spain and we were running through the street. People falling down, people       them up as they came by, and carrying them, just to get them out of the way, because something was extremely      . I didn’t even look back. We stopped running when we got to the Battery Tunnel, and I caught my       and said, “Oh, my God, I’m going to die.”

Then I    a little bit, thinking about what we should do next. As we started again we knocked into a fire chief officer and we asked, “What can we do to help you?”

1.A.noticed    B.reached      C.hit       D.passed

2.A.finding     B.making         C.getting         D.losing

3.A.away         B.near    C.in         D.down

4.A.volunteer         B.soldier         C.police D.fireman

5.A.company B.hotel   C.center         D.home

6.A.answered         B.made  C.heard D.received

7.A.be curious about B.forget about    C.laugh at       D.worry about

8.A.peace       B.touch  C.connection D.relation

9.A.walk          B.complete    C.cancel          D.smooth

10.A.delighted        B.frightened  C.embarrassed       D.interested

11.A.built       B.met     C.designed     D.had

12.A.construction  B.plan    C.destruction D.use

13.A.miles      B.centimeters         C.stories         D.floors

14.A.means    B.numbers     C.position       D.directions

15.A.as  B.why     C.when  D.because

16.A.driven    B.let       C.asked  D.enjoyed

17.A.pushing B.giving  C.looking        D.picking

18.A.dangerous      B.urgent         C.efficient      D.important

19.A.view       B.sight    C.breath         D.sense

20.A.put down        B.settled down       C.knocked down    D.let down


1.C  2.B  3.D   4.A  5.C    6.D  7.D  8.B  9. A 10.B  11.A  12.A 13.C 14.D  15.C 16.B  17.D  18.A  19.C 20.B  【解析】 试题分析:本文是记叙文,叙述了作者是超重机的操作者,发生世贸中心事件后,赶赴前往进行救援所见所闻及当时的情景进行详细的描述。 1.C 考查动词辨析A注意B到达C 打击D经过。当作者玩时,有人打电话说一个飞机袭击世贸中心。 根据后文,得知,发生了袭击事件。故选C项。 2.B考查动词辨析 A发现B制作C得到 D失去。根据上文,既然在外面,所以前往市区。Make one’s way 前往某处。故选B项。因为上文提到 I was in the countryside, playing golf,故赶回市区。 3.D考查副词辨析 根据题意得知 我打电话给急救中心,他们告诉决定把我列在志愿者的名单上。Come down  决定。根据下文The next morning I went down to the   20   at about 5 A. M.,,表明作者要去。 4.A考查名词辨析A志愿者B战士C警察D消防队员。根据语境来判断,作者打电话给救援中心目的是要做志愿者进行救援,故选A项。 5.C考查名词辨析  根据上文I called the rescue center故作者第二天去了救援中心,所以选C项符合当时的情景。 6.D考查动词辨析根据题意 一个小时之后 ,我收到一个电话前往西部街区。Receive the call ,收到电话。故选 D项。 7.D考查固定短语。A对,,感兴趣B忘记某事C嘲笑D担忧。题意,我打电话给妻子告诉她不要担忧我,因为发生的事故,所以告诉她不要担心我,故选D项。 8.B考查名词辨析A和平B接触C联系D关系。题意,我告诉她不要担忧,我会与她保持联系的。Stay in touch with sb 与某人保持联系。故选 B项 9.A考查动词辨析A走B比赛C取消D消除 题意 我乘地铁前去,我在West Fourth Street下车,因为发生爆炸,只好剩下的路走过去,因为选A项。 10.B考查形容词辨析A高兴的B害怕的C 尴尬的D感兴趣的  题意,我到个那个地方,我进入一个正在建设的地方,一片狼藉,故作者十分害怕。根据下文I was frightened to see the World Trade Centre was a huge pile,因此选 B项。 11.A考查动词辨析A建设B遇到C 设计D有。根据上文,这个地方正在被 建设,所以景象更加凄惨。故选A项。 12.A考查名词辨析A建设B计划C破坏D使用。根据题意,我这个地方正是我1966年所建设过的地方,根据题意可知,作者当年曾经参加世贸中心的建设。更加有所感触。故选A项。 13.C考查名词辨析A里B厘米C层D地面。题意 整个世贸中心成为一大堆废墟,可能有十层楼那么高。根据题意得出C项。 14.D考查名词辨析A方法B数字C位置D方向。题意 ,这个地方正在燃烧,故作者是分辨不清方向,故选D项。并且,后面跟着一个定语从句,in direction,问我的超重机在哪个方向,也可以进行判断。注意文章中前后的联系。 15.C考查引导词辨析。根据当时的情景,作者问超重机在哪个方向,这个时候,口哨响起,警告我们有危险。故选C项。 16.B考查动词辨析A开车B让C问D喜欢  题意,我看到人们四散奔逃,我真的不知道如何做,因此我也跟着跑,就象在西班牙,把公牛放出来,我们开始跑。此处作者用西班牙的斗牛场面来形容此刻的混乱,十分生动的讲述当时的情景,故选B项。Let the bulls go 把公牛放出来。形象的比喻。 17.D考查动词辨析A推B给C看D挑选。场面混乱,有人摔倒,有人扶起他们来,带着他们赶紧跑。Pick sb up 扶起某人,故选 D项。 18.A考查形容词辨析A危险的B急迫的C有效的D重要的。因为急于逃避危险的人群,还有摔倒的人,故场面十分混乱,所以有些事情看起来就十分危险,故选A项。 19.C考查名词辨析A观点B风景C呼吸D感觉。题意,当到达Battery Tunnel 我停下来,屏住呼吸,说到,我的上帝呀,太要命了。因为急于奔跑,故上气不接下气,catch one’s breath 屏住呼吸。 20.B考查动词短语A放下B定居C 拆掉D使失望。然后我平静下来,思考下一步如何做,再次直到指挥官员那,问我们能做什么。故选B 项。 考点  故事类阅读。

 -______, Rome was not built in a day.

   -So you mean that it was not built at night.

A. For the saying says          B. When the proverb is said

C. As the saying goes           D. If the saying is read



The house ______ Mr. Green's family for 50 years will be pulled down next week.

A. belonged to                  B. belonging to                    C. to belong to                   D. belongs to



In some parts of  China, winds ______ electricity instead of coal.

A. are used to producing                B. get used to produce

C. used to producing                            D. are used to produce



---You seemed to be very surprised at the news that he won.

   ----Not exactly. It was his courage ______ his skill _____ really struck me.

A. more than, which    B. other than, that    C. rather than, that  D. less than, which



 After recovering from his illness, he was advised to __________ gardening as a hobby.

A. take up        B. take off                   C. take down     D. take away



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