满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



On the night of my birthday, I went to the nearest drug store to buy vitamins.        it was my birthday, I was feeling        and a bit lonesome. Maybe I        my dad who had passed away four years ago. I just wanted him to be        me that day. On my way to the drug store, I was        .Once I arrived there, I cleaned my cheek up from the tears and tried to smile when I        the vitamin my mom wanted to buy. While I was waiting, I looked        the building and my eyes caught a glimpse of a(n)        next to the door. She was with her kid, a cute little boy. They were sitting on the street and that kid just wore a(n)       T-shirt. I realized it was        yet. I felt sorry for them. When I paid for my       , I glanced at them and started to have an        . “Why don’t I donate some of my        ? It’s my birthday,” I thought to myself. I had to        something with another that day. Yeah, I decided, I have to do that. I went home in a hurry. I was so        to look for some of my smaller clothes.

At home, I told my mom what I had        and told her my idea. My mom        me and helped me look for some clothes. I        returned to the drug store. There, I didn't hand the clothing over myself. I wanted it to be a        to that kid. So I asked someone to hand the clothes       , then I left that place. But once I went, I heard someone yell "thank you" and I hoped it was for me.

   On the road, my heart was overwhelmed with a lot of happiness and warmth. I felt glad that I could share something on my birthday and that was a big gift for me.

1.A. Even though               B. As if                 C. Now that           D. Only if

2.A. delighted                   B. depressed         C. excited             D. scared

3.A. forgot                         B. lost                 C. needed            D. missed

4.A. for                           B. against              C. beside             D. without

5.A. smiling                      B. crying               C. running              D. singing

6.A. checked                  B. fetched            C. dropped       D. ordered

7.A. at                            B. into                C. around        D. for

8.A. performer                  B. beggar              C. actress        D. policewoman

9.A. beautiful                   B. expensive          C. old           D. new

10.A. warm                    B. cold               C. cool          D. hot

11.A. cream                 B. coffee             C. magazines     D. vitamins

12.A. aim          B. activity             C. idea          D. opinion

13.A. toys                     B. books              C. bags          D. clothes

14.A. discuss                B. share               C. compare       D. change[

15.A. excited               B. tired                C. angry         D. sorry

16.A. heard                 B. done               C. experienced    D. suggested

17.A. disappointed          B. refused            C. blamed        D. supported

18.A. hurriedly              B. sadly               C. aimlessly      D. slowly

19.A. reward               B. present            C. prize          D. secret

20.A. over                  B. up                 C. out           D. down


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了在生日这一天我通过给那些无家可归的人提供衣服的故事告诉我们真正的幸福就是帮助别人。 1.A 参见小题2。 2.B即使那天是我的生日,我还是感到情绪很低落,很孤独。根据空格后面的and a bit lonesome,可知此空应该填一个消极意义方面的词,排除A、C。scared害怕,不符合语境中的意思。depressed沮丧,低沉。第二空填完后,再将整个句意理解一下,不难发现,前后句有转折关系,因此第一空应该用even though即使。as if好像;now that既然;only if只要。都不合逻辑。 3.也许我想念几年前去世的父亲了,在那一天,我只是想要他在我身旁。父亲几年前去世了,而我现在心情不好,不可能是因为失去而应该是因为思念。forget忘记;lose失去;need需要。 4.特定的日子里,想念父亲了,希望父亲在身旁,是人之常情。beside 在……旁边。 5.由下文I cleaned my cheek up from the tears,可知此处说的是,“我哭了”。 6.当我买妈妈需要的维他命时,我擦干了脸上的泪水,努力地笑了笑。order 在饭店等场所用时表示点菜,机场等场所时,表示订票;此时在药店,则应该可以用来表示向药店订购。check核查;fetch去取;drop掉下来。 7.向医生订购维他命以后,医生去拿药,我在这等的过程中,向大楼的四处看看,看到了大楼门旁的一个乞丐。look at 看着;look into向里看;look around向四周看;look for寻找。 8.从下文的描述,孩子嫌冷,也只能穿着旧的T恤衫,我回去找衣服给对方,可以判断,那是乞丐。performer表演者;actress女演员;policewoman女警。 9.孩子身上穿得少,我意识到天已经很冷了,因此,才为他们感到难过。 10.讲解见上题。 11.我在付钱的时候,再次瞥了他们一眼,开始有了一个想法。从前文我是来药店买药的,可知此处应该是为买的药付钱,因此选D。 12.aim目标;activity活动;idea想法;opinion观点。后面讲到作者帮助乞丐,此处说的应该就是这种想法。后面再去行动的。 13.从后文look for some of my smaller clothes,可知作者是说,“我为什么不捐些我的衣服呢?” 14.那天,我得和某人分享些什么。下文可知他回家找自己的衣服送给对方,这也就是在与对方分享他的东西。 15.这件事,是作者自己想要做的事,并且他为自己的这个主意而感到自豪,因此,他在找小衣服时,心情应该是兴奋的。 16.到家以后,我告诉妈妈我的经历和想法,妈妈支持我,并帮我寻找衣服。孩子要将衣服送人,当然应该跟父母说一声,因此,此处是孩子在跟妈妈说他刚才看到的以及他的的想法。因此,用C。experience体验,经历。 17.从妈妈帮他找衣服这个行动可以看出,妈妈赞同他的做法。disappoint失望;refuse 拒绝;blame责备;support支持。 18.衣服找好以后,作者心里急切地想要帮助那对乞丐母子,因此,急急地回到药店那里。hurriedly用在此处能体现作者当时的心情。sadly伤心地;aimlessly漫无目的地;slowly慢慢地。 19.我没有亲自将衣服递过去,我不想让孩子知道(是我送的)。从下文的我请别人把衣服递给孩子,可以知道作者的心理。reward报酬;present礼物;prize奖励;secret秘密。四个词比较,可知secret最为恰当。 20.从前文I didn't hand the clothing over myself.可以知道此处用over是正确的。hand over递过去;hand up交出;hand out分发,散发;hand down把……传下来。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读

In the big earthquake all their houses were ______, so they had to build new ones.

A. hurt         B. harmed         C. injured         D. destroyed



Don’t waste your words any more; she is as ______ as a mule (骡子) and no one can persuade her.

A. reliable        B. stubborn       C. determined       D. tired



She insisted that she ______ not guilty, but we insisted that she ______ into prison.

A. was; be put                       B. be; was put   

C. should be; was put                  D. was; should put



She would never ______ to the unreasonable requirements of her manager.

A. give up       B. give in       C. give off        D. give away



The number of people invited ______ fifty, but a number of them ______ absent for different reasons.

A. were; was      B. was; was    C. was; were      D. were; were



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