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Sydney Tower Address: 100Market St, Sydn...


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Sydney Tower

Address: 100Market St, Sydney

Phone: 02 9333 9222

Fax: 02 9333 9203

Open time: 9:00am to 10:30 pm(Saturdays to 11:30 pm)

Ticket: $60 (for an adult)

      $30 (for a child)

Website: www.sydneytower.com.au

How to get there: train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market Street

How to book tickets: by phone/ fax or through the web

Attraction: Sydney’s best views are just the beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360°views of our beautiful city.

1.Sydney Tower is ______ in Sydney, Australia.

A. the busiest street                 B. the biggest station

C. the most beautiful park            D. the highest point

2.If you want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower, you can’t _______.

A. email sydneytower @ hotmail, corn       B. fax 02 9333 9203

C. search www.sydneytower, com. au       D. dial 02 9333 9222

3.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children, he will pay ________.

A. $60        B. $90          C. $120     D. $150

4.Last Saturday, Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower _________.

A. after 11:30 pm            B. before 11:30 pm     

C. at 10:30 pm              D. by 10:30 pm

5.The passage, above is probably________.

A. a piece of news           B. a conversation  

C. a story                  D. an advertisement


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章是关于旅游景点Sydney Tower的一则广告,介绍了景点地址、开放时间、票价、乘车路线等信息。考查学生从文中提取有效信息的能力。 1.根据“Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney”可知,Sydney Tower是悉尼的最高点,故选D。 2.根据“by phone/ fax or through the web”可知,可以通过电话、传真、网站三种方式购票,故选A。 3.根据“$60 (for an adult) 和$30 (for a child)”可知,需要付120美元,故选C。 4.根据“9:00am to 10:30 pm(Saturdays to 11:30 pm)”可知,周六开放到夜里11:30,故选B。 5.这是一则关于旅游景点Sydney Tower的广告,介绍了景点地址、开放时间、票价、乘车路线等信息。故选D。 考点:广告类短文阅读

Mr. and Mrs. Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year. They      their car outside and went in. Mr. Moore had never got drunk (醉) before, so he was      not to drink too much,        his friends asked him to drink more        .

   During the party, Mrs. Moore found that she had      to bring her bag, so she asked her husband to go out to the car and       it for her. He      so, but on his way back to the hotel gate, he heard a car horn(喇叭) blowing near his own car. He thought        might be in need of help and went over to the car with the      . He found a small black bear sitting in the driving-seat and blowing the horn.

   When Mr. Moore        the party, he told several people about the bear, but of course they did not believe him and thought he was drunk. When he took them out of the hotel to        that his story was      , he found that the car with the       in it had gone. There were so many____about Mr. Moore's black bear during the next week that he at last put an advertisement(广告) in the newspaper;“If anyone saw a black bear blowing the horn in a car outside the Century Hotel       the evening of Christmas Day, please tell…”

  Two days later      Mrs. Richards called him and said that she and her husband had left their pet (宠物) bear in their car outside the Century Hotel for a few minutes that evening, and that       he had blown the horn.

Mrs. Richards did not      to think there was anything     about that.“Our bear likes blowing car horns,”she said,“and we don't       when we are not driving the car.”

1.A. pulled          B. stayed             C. left          D. hid

2.A. polite           B. careful            C. glad                  D. afraid

3. A. whether              B. until                C. Or                  D. though

4. A. all along        B. once again          C. just then     D. for ever

5. A. learned                 B. known            C. remembered       D. forgotten

6.A. buy           B. get               C. send               D. return

7.A. said    B. went               C. did                  D. thought

8. A. on                    B. someone           C. his wife      D. the bear

9.A. noise                   B. voice             C. cry                  D. shout

10.A. was sent to       B. was seated at       C. got rid of   D. got back to

11.A. show                B. notice             C. require             D. promise

12.A. interesting     B. correct            C. true                 D. exciting

13.A. horn                 B. bear               C. bag                 D. driving-seat

14. A. laughs    B. shouts        C. smiles   D. calls

15. A. for                   B. at                 C. in                   D. on

16. A. the                  B. a                  C. /            D. some

17.A. quickly                 B. completely         C. maybe              D. almost

18.A. mean               B. have              C. know              D. seem

19.A. useful                 B. strange              C. common            D. bad

20.A. agree                B. like                  C. mind                D. worry



 ---We’ll have a math exam this afternoon.  


A. Take it easy               B. Have a good time 

C. Wish you good luck        D. Congratulations to you



 ---What is she afraid of?   

   ---______in public.

A. To speak     B. Speaking     C. Speaks     D. Spoke



 Let’s visit the National Museum this weekend, _______?

A. will you        B. won’t we      C. don’t we        D. shall we



 ---_______ fine day! Shall we go out for a walk?

   ---That sounds great!

A. What       B. How      C. What a    D. How a



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