满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

This passage has too many long sentence...

 This passage has too many long sentences. I’m afraid they will be hard for most of the students. Could you   help to _______ them?

A. simplify             B. take     C. destroy     D. mix


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词辨析。句意:这篇文章有很多长难句。恐怕大多数学生都会觉得很难。你能帮我简化一下吗?A使简化;B带走,花费;C破坏,摧毁;D混合。故选A。 考点:考查动词辨析

 The police are to ______ the traffic accident that we don’t know _____.

A. dealing with; how to deal with              B. deal with; how to deal with

C. deal with; how to do with                 D. do with; what to deal with



 — The floor is dirty.

— Yes. It _______ for two days.

A. hasn’t swept  B. didn’t sweep       C. hasn’t cleaned  D. hasn’t been cleaned



 My sister_____ Tony for ten years next year.

A. has been married to        B. has married to       C. will be married to     D. will marry to



 Do you know a concert _____ in our hometown next month?

A. will be held        B. is going to be held    C. is to be held       D. all A, B, C



 — Who is ____ the TV show? She seems to be talented.

— Mary Green, who used to be a great actress.

A. opening           B. hosting          C. playing     D. seeing



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