满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I think it _____ that she should be kno...

 I think it _____ that she should be knowledgeable about computers for her present job.

A. urgent           B. normal                    C. essential                           D. temporary


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我认为对于她目前的工作,她最基本的是,应该在电脑方面,具有渊博的知识。urgent紧急的 normal正常的 essential基本的 temporary暂时的,选C。 考点:考查词义辨析

 It is obvious that the hopes, goals, fears and desires _____widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

A. alter                        B. shift                                   C. transfer                            D. vary



Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting________.

A. to pick up    B. picking up   C. to be picked up      D. being picked up



 He ________ us handsomely with a lot of money for helping him.

A. rewarded               B. awarded                           C. prized                      D. offered



There’s a body of water in Israel that is actually below sea level. Water constantly runs into it, but, because of the law of gravity (万有引力定律),nothing can flow out of it. Do you know the name of this famous lake? It’s called the Dead Sea. It’s called this because no living thing could live there. The water is almost dead, compared to what happens with “living water”.

When you think of the term “living water”, the image that comes to mind is a rushing river that is flowing. It’s filled with life and movement. It doesn’t just “receive”, but is also “giving” simultaneously.

Many of us believe that we need to receive more of something in order to be happy. Whether what we desire is money or something else, we think we need more of it in order to be fulfilled.

As a result, we begin to operate in fear and therefore don’t give anything because we’re afraid that we won’t have enough. The result? Like the Dead Sea, we become lifeless. Life is meant to flow. when a pool stops flowing, it becomes stagnant(停滞的). Stagnant water breeds disease and death. It can’t breathe. It can’t receive any more. If nothing is flowing out, there’s no room for anything else to come in.

The solution? Give. As you give, you’ll receive. It’s a universal law. You see it at work everywhere. we’ve somehow been deceived ( 欺骗 )into believing that if we don’t give, we’ll have more. Or we’re afraid that if we do give, we won’t have anything left. On one hand, this seems to make sense. But it doesn’t work. Because when we don’t give, we shut off the flow of what’s coming in.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A. The development of the Dead Sea                 

B. The special character of the Dead Sea

C. The position of the Dead Sea                           

D. The present situation of the Dead Sea

2.According to the passage, people wouldn’t like to give because________.

A. they are really poor in fact           B. they don’t know how to give

C .they don’t know who to give                            D. they are still not satisfied

3.According to the passage, if you refuse to give, you will___________.

A. be like a pool with stagnant water         

B. have enough space for what you’ll receive

C. need something more to be satisfied             

D. do everything according to the law

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Give and you’ll receive                             B. The secret of the Dead sea

C. A universal law                                                     D. come in and come out



When the recent research was analyzed(分析), it was found that a lot of people wanted free pictures or free music from the Web. If it couldn’t be free, then they wanted it “new” or at least at a low price. It seems that 70 percent of people aged 16 to 24 download music online but only 1 in 40 tracks are bought legally.

   Thus, some companies are planning to give all of their music away for free. The music will be totally free except that you will have to pay with your time by watching advertisements. This will be perfect for those who have lots of time but little money.

   The Web has encouraged a belief that things can be free, or at least very cheap. It seems that everyone is looking for a good deal on the Web. The desire for free objects is part of the nature of the Web because the Web is about self-service and self-service is all about being free, cheap, fast and convenient. It’s interesting how words change their meaning. Stealing has now become file sharing, but it’s not really stealing, is it?

   Free is a funny word. We all know that very little is really for free. If we go searching on the Web for free music, we know—or should know—that there are risks involved. However, it doesn’t matter. We still want free things, or at least the sense that we’re getting a real bargain and that at a minimum we’re saving time.

   What can be the worst experience on the Web? A site that charges us high prices and wastes our time.

1.What is the best title for the text?

A. The Nature of the Web          B. The Web and the Culture of “ Free”

C. Stealing and File Sharing                  D. What Does the Word “ Free” Mean?

2.Why do some companies “ sell” their music for free?

A. Their music is not popular and is out of date.

B. Most people have lots of time but little money.

C. Their music can’t be sold new or for a low price.

D. They can earn money from the advertisements added in the music.

3.Which of the following can best describe the belief of the Web?

A. Risky behaviour    B. Stealing  C. File sharing           D. For fun.



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