满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.The number of people________(感染)with H1N1 is becoming larger and larger.

2.We a11 admire him for his_________(勇敢).

3.I’ll have you watch the opening___________ (仪式)of the Olympic Games.

4.The man was _________ (控告)of stealing.

5.He broke the vase __________  (故意地).

6.He made his points with_________(值得赞扬的)clarity.

7.The criminal admitted he was________(有罪的).

8.You should_________(集中)all your efforts on your study.

9.We should _________ (团结)to fight poverty and diseases.

10.The committee__________(由……组成)of ten members.


1.infected 2.bravery 3.ceremony 4.accused 5.deliberately 6.admirable 7.guilty 8.concentrate 9.unite 10.consists 【解析】 试题分析:本题主要考查学生对单词记忆、词性转换、固定搭配等基础知识的掌握情况。 1.be infected with感染......;这里是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于who ie infected。故填infected。 2.考查词性转换。brave勇敢的,for后用名词,brave的名词形式是bravery,故填bravery。 3.考查单词拼写。ceremony仪式,我将让你观看奥运会开幕式。故填ceremony。 4.be accused of被控告,那个人被控告偷东西。故填accused。 5.考查单词拼写。他故意打碎了那个花瓶。deliberately故意,有意;故填deliberately。 6.admirable值得赞扬的,修饰名词clarity用形容词,他非常清楚地阐述了他的观点。故填admirable。 7.句意:那个罪犯承认自己有罪。be guilty(of sth)犯有......罪。故填guilty。 8.concentrate...on...把......集中在......上,故填concentrate。 9.句意:我们应该团结起来对抗贫困与疾病。unite团结,故填unite。 10.consist of(某组织)由......组成,of后跟的是成员,consist of不用于被动语态,故填consists。 考点:词性转换;固定搭配;单词拼写


A. One Important Factor in Conversation

B. It's not Difficult to Talk Well

C. A Famous Master of the Art

D. Pronunciation and Usage

E. What Makes a Good Talker

F. Talk with Strangers


      The ancient Greeks were very good at making conversations, and the greatest talker of them all was philosopher Socrates. His pupil, Plato, recorded some of his supposed conversations, and we read them in ‘ The dialogues' of Plato. In many classrooms today, Socrates' method of teaching is used.


      The best talkers appear to have a great interest in and love for their fellow creatures; a curiosity about the world in general; some powers of observation and reflection; respect for their own opinions and tolerance for those of others; and quick thinking. And they talked for the fun of it, not to show off their knowledge.


       A good voice must have the help of good speech, whose two assistants are clear enunciation (清晰发音)and correct pronunciation. Poor enunciation may suggest to your listeners that you lack consideration, and that you are not especially concerned about their opinion of you.


       Pronunciation is settled by common agreement of the community or group speaking the particular language or dialect. For standard pronunciation of words, a dictionary is your best friend. The usage of words is somewhat the same as pronunciation. To be accurate in your use of words is very important in your conversation. Dictionaries usually provide the usage of words. So whenever you meet with new words, it is a good idea to look them up in the dictionary.


       Think of meeting a stranger as a chance to have a good time to talk, to make a friend. Look with a smile directly into the other’s eyes when you are intructed, and shake hands with a firm, friendly clasp. This will give you confidence. Then try to have a smooth and pleasant conversation with him.



London is the capital of Britain. It is located in the southeast plain of England. The Thames River goes through this city.

       The British have lived there for about 3,000 years. The Roman Empire intruded into (侵入)Britannia Island in 54 BC. The Romans built the first wooden bridge over the Thames River.

       London is a world-famous cultural city. There are many famous cultural sites. It is one of the world's great tourist destinations. About eight million people visit London every year.

      The largest museum is the British Museum, which was built in the 18th century. There are many ancient cultural relics of Britain and of other countries in the museum. The London Tower stands on the southeast of Tower Mountain. It was once a palace, and it is now an exhibition center. Westminster Hall is located on the west bank of the Thames River and was built in 750 AD. It is the largest Gothic building of the world and was a palace in the past, too.

      The Clock Tower, which is about 97 meters high, is located northeast of the parliament. The famous “Big Ben” weighs about 21 tons and its big pendulum(钟摆)is about 305 kilograms. Hyde Park is one of the great parks in the world and it is in the west district of London. There is a free forum(论坛) there and some people give speeches there every week. They can say almost anything, but they can't attack the Queen or support violent revolution.

1.Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A. London lies in the southeast plain of England.

B. The British first lived in London thousands of years ago.

C. People can enjoy a walk along the Thames River in London.

D. The Roman Empire intruded into Britannia Island over 2,100 years ago.

2.We learn from the passage that _________.

A. London receives millions of visitors every month

B. only in the British Museum can you see ancient cultural relics of Britain

C. the famous "Big Ben" in the Clock Tower is about 97 meters high

D. not everything can be talked about in the forum at Hyde Park

3.This passage is most probably taken from a website about ___________ .

A. traveling       B. kids       C. museums      D. Holidays



When I wake up on summer mornings, I know I am going to my favorite place to volunteer and make a difference in someone's life just by being with him or her -- a summer school for autistic (患孤独症的)children.

      By helping the kids read or do math, I am not only teaching important skills but also helping them feel like any other kid. There are many wrong ideas about autism. The kids I work with can think and feel. They need help only in certain areas. 

      Of course, each kid is special. For example, some kids like to draw, and others like to sing.

      At the school, the kids learn through about 20 activities. These activities can help them learn skills they will need later in life.

      The very first day I volunteered, a boy came up to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said “Hello”. From then on, I knew I could make a difference.

      Another boy loved to have me read books that can help him learn to read. Sometimes he could be encouraged to read a few words or sentences. Finally, one day during reading practice, he read nearly 220 words himself!

      Summer school is also a time for fun, Last summer, bagpipe(风箱)players came to perform. Most of us had our hands over our ears because they were so loud. When they asked for a volunteer from the audience, one girl raised her hand as high as she could, got up on stage, and even tried the bagpipes in front of everyone.

      Through these experiences, I realize that the challenges these kids face do not stop them from doing many amazing things. I'm teaching them, but they are teaching me more.

1.According to Paragraph 2, many people think autistic kids _________ .

A. can't read or do math           B. don't have important skills

C. don’t play with other kids       D. can't think or feel

2.The phrase “these experiences” in the last paragraph refers to the following EXCEPT ________ .

A. “I” read the books for kids 

B. a boy read nearly 220 words himself

C. a girl tried the bagpipes on stage as a volunteer    

D. a boy said hello to“ me” politely

3.What does the author mainly talk about in the passage?

A. His teaching experience in a summer holiday.

B. How to make a difference in others' lives.

C. His experience as a volunteer in a special summer school.

D. Autistic children's hard life.



I felt excited, curious and nervous at the same time. I was excited because I would be skipping(跳级)two grades. I was curious because I didn't know how high school students were taught. However, I was most nervous at the idea that I would be doing high school homework.

      I had just walked into the class when the bell rang. This wasn't a good start. But the kid in front of me looked very friendly. Luckily, since it was the first day of school, my teacher talked for about half of the period and  we just had the rest of the period to start the class. I didn't know what he was saying at first, but when I saw the problems on the paper, I knew what to do.

      The next day, the kid said hi and I said hi back. We got into a conversation. It seemed that whenever I was talking to my friend, everyone stopped staring at (盯着看)me. Then the class started. It was easy. But I was still uncomfortable because I couldn't look around without meeting others’eyes, so I just kept my eyes on the whiteboard and on my textbook.

      However, my friend didn't show up the next day, and the eighth graders just kept on staring at me. I didn't know why.

      The next day everything changed. My friend was back to school. I was praised for my homework. Everyone stared at me less. Some started to be a little friendlier towards me. I felt at home at last here. My teachers also seemed pretty nice.

1.If the author didn't skip, he should study in _________ .

A. the fourth grade                    B. the sixth grade

C. the seventh grade                   D. the eighth grade

2.What may make the author curious?

A. What his old friends are doing.    

B. How high school students study.

C. How he will do his high school homework. 

D. What the eighth graders' homework is.

3.Why did the author always keep his eyes on the whiteboard and the textbook?

A. To pay attention to his teachers.

B. To attract his teachers' attention.

C. To follow his teachers' teaching.

D. To avoid meeting others' eyes.

4.According to the passage, we know that the author ___________ .

A. got along well with his new class very soon         

B. felt sorry about having skipped two grades

C. had one friend in his class all the time              

D. got used to others' stares in the classroom



A businessman was deep in debt (欠债)and could see no way out. He sat on the park bench,  21 in hands, wondering if anything could     his company.

   Suddenly an old man appeared. “I can see    is troubling you,” he said. After listening to the businessman's      , the old man said, “I believe I can     you.”  He asked the businessman’s name ,and      a check (支票), saying , “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can     me back at that time.” Then he left quickly.

    The businessman     in his hand a check for $ 500,000,signed(签字)by John D. Rockefeller, who was then one of the     men in the world! “I can get rid of my money worries now!” he realized. But instead, he    to put the check in his case, just knowing it was there to give him the strength to work out a     to save his company.

    Within a few months, he was out of debt and    money once again. Exactly one year later, he returned to the    with the check. At the agreed-on    , the old man appeared. Just    the businessman was about to hand back the cheek and     his successful story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man.“I am so     I caught him!” she cried, “I hope he hasn't been bothering you. He's     escaping from the rest home and      people he’s John D. Rockefeller.” And she led him away by the arm. The businessman just stood there,       .

    Suddenly, he realized it wasn't the money, real or imagined, but his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.

1.A. money         B. hair            C. check           D. head

2.A. start           B. stop            C. save            D. sell

3.A. something      B. everything       C. nothing         D. anything

4.A. programs       B. troubles         C. wishes          D. dreams

5.A. find           B. teach           C. help            D. protect

6.A. packed up      B. picked up        C. took out        D. wrote out

7.A. bring          B. pay             C. feed           D. call

8.A. saw           B. tied             C. pulled          D. hid

9.A. tallest         B. richest           C. strongest        D. busiest

10.A. continued     B. refused          C. decided         D. forgot

11.A. record        B. result           C. problem         D. way

12.A. losing        B. making          C. lending         D. raising

13.A. park          B. room           C. company        D. hospital

14.A. time          B. corner          C. price           D. weekend

15.A. if            B. as              C. after           D. because

16.A. read          B. test             C. share          D. hear

17.A. sad           B. angry           C. tired           D. glad

18.A. seldom        B. hardly           C. never          D. always

19.A. ordering       B. warning         C. telling          D. reminding

20.A. shocked       B. bored           C. excited          D. interested



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