满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.Have you ever had a case ____________________________________ making a mistake? (accuse)


2.It is David as well as his wife _______________________________ for their son’s bad performance at school. (blame)

David 和他的妻子应该为他们的儿子在学校的不良表现而受到责备。

3.With _________________________, I am afraid I can’t go to the party tonight. (handle)[&X&X&K]


4.Mr. Smith demanded that the problem worthy of attention__________________ at the meeting. (discuss)


5.Be careful! The machine starts ______________________________ the button. (instant)


6.The fact __________________________________ four countries makes Mary surprised. (consist)


7. ___________________ strong sunlight for too long, his shoulders were badly sunburned. (expose)


8.Don’t worry! Mom _________________________________ a car to meet her at the airport. (arrange)


9.Only if people of all countries are united _________________________________ to environmental protection. (difference)


10.How can I believe! This is the third time that _____________________________ in a month. (fall)



1.where someone accused you of 2.that/ who is to blame 3.so many problems to handle 4.(should) be discussed 5.the instant you press 6.that the UK consists of 7.Exposed to 8.must have arranged for 9.can/will we make a difference 10.he has fallen ill 【解析】 试题分析:本题主要考查学生对定语从句、强调句型、主谓一致、虚拟语气、非谓语动词、倒装等语法知识的掌握情况。 1.考查定语从句。先行词是case,根据in this/that case可知,case表示抽象的地点,定语从句不缺成分时用where引导,故填where someone accused you of。 2.考查强调句型和主谓一致。强调句型It is...that强调除谓语外的成分,本句强调的是主语,as well as遵循“就近原则”,本句的谓语跟his wife一致,that/ who is to blame。 3.考查with复合结构。handle的逻辑主语是I,两者是主谓关系,即I handle problems;with+名词+to do表示“有......要做”,故填so many problems to handle。 4.考查虚拟语气。demand/order/require/request等词后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should可省略,故填(should) be discussed。 5.考查时间状语从句。the moment, the minute, the instant等后跟从句,意为“一......就......”,故填the instant you press。 6.考查同位语从句。The fact是先行词,从句the UK consists of four countries不缺成分,因此不受定语从句,fact, idea, question等后跟同位语从句,起补充说明的作用,that不能省略。故填that the UK consists of。 7.考查非谓语动词。be exposed to sth暴露于......,his shoulders是非谓语动词短语的逻辑主语,与expose是动宾关系,用过去分词表示原因。故填Exposed to。 8.考查虚拟语气。情态动词+have done表推测,must have done表肯定推测,意为“一定已经......”,arrange for sth安排某事/某物。故填must have arranged for。 9.考查倒装。only+时间状语或介词短语或从句,放句首时,主句用部分倒装,make a difference产生影响,故填can/will we make a difference。 10.考查固定句型。This is the first/second/third... time that sb has done sth,意为“是某人第几次做某事”,fall ill生病,故填he has fallen ill。 考点:定语从句;强调句型;主谓一致;虚拟语气;非谓语动词;倒装

There is no doubt that Apple is well aware of the increased competition in the market and could be in a hurry to put another product out there, said Ramon Llamas, senior research analyst at IDC Mobile Devices Technology and Trends. Given its history with product launches and business policy, though, Apple probably isn’t going to rush an iPhone release simply to put it on shelves, he said.

“If you’re Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), you’re thinking if you want to pay more attention to how to keep growing that bottom line and keep investors(投资人) happy, or continue with the same approach from Apple, which is do what we can do and manage products and releases in the best way they can work for us. Apple usually does things in their own time, and I’m having a hard time buying this May or June timeline.” Llamas told Mac News World.

While it’s probable that Apple is surely in a testing stage for its next smartphone, consumers likely have a standard wait for the finished product, said Colin Gibbs, analyst at GigaOm Pro.

“It typically takes a year or longer to create a state-of-the-art smartphone, so no one should be surprised Apple is in the testing stages with the next iPhone. And while it’s possible that Apple could launch the next iPhone this spring or summer, I’m not expecting to see it until a little later in the year,” he told Mac News World.

When it does launch, though, it could be in a variety of colors, said Gibbs. “Apple has already tested the waters with releasing colored products when it revamped (更新,翻新)its iPod line last fall, so it is understood that it would want the new change with its smartphone, as well”.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the new iPhone becomes available in some new colors,’’ he said. “That could be done pretty cheaply, and it would give Apple a new marketing angle.”

1.According to Ramon Llamas, Apple always ______.

A. tries to please its investors

B. rushes to put new products to market

C. ignores the fierce market competition

D. does things as planned

2.As for the next iPhone, Colin Gibbs didn’t mention ______.

A. the stage of its being tested

B. the rough time of its being released

C. the function to be improved

D. the wide variety of its color

3.What’s Colin Gibbs’ attitude towards the next iPhone?

A. Disapproving.    B. Indifferent (漠不关心的).      C. Doubtful.     D. Objective.

4.This passage is presented in the form of ______.

A. stories            B. comments           C. advertisements         D. debates



Eddie’s father used to say he’d spent so many years by the ocean, breathing seawater. Now, away from that ocean, in the hospital bed, his body began to look like a beached fish. His condition went from fair to stable and from stable to serious. Friends went from saying, “He’ll be home in a day,” to “He’ll be home in a week.” In his father’s absence, Eddie helped out at the pier (码头), working evenings after his taxi job.

When Eddie was a teenager, if he ever complained or seemed bored with the pier, his father would shout, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” And later, when he’d suggested Eddie take a job there after high school, Eddie almost laughed, and his father again said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” And before Eddie went to war, when he’d talked of marrying Marguerite and becoming an engineer, his father said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?”

And now, regardless of all that, here he was, at the pier, doing his father’s labor.

Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. It is not until much later, as the heart weakens, that children understand: their stories, and all their achievements, sit on top of the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.

Finally, one night, at his mother’s urging, Eddie visited the hospital. He entered the room slowly. His father, who for years had refused to speak to Eddie, now lacked the strength to even try.

Don’t sweat it, kid,” the other workers told him. “Your old man will pull through. He’s the toughest man we’ve ever seen.”

When the news came that his father had died, Eddie felt the emptiest kind of anger, the kind that circles in its cage.

         In the weeks that followed, Eddie’s mother lived in a confused state. She spoke to her husband as if he were still there. She yelled at him to turn down the radio. She cooked enough food for two. One night, when Eddie offered to help with the dishes, she said, “Your father will put them away.” Eddie put a hand on her shoulder. “Ma,” he said, softly, “Dad’s gone.”“Gone where?”

1.In Paragraph four, the writer wants to say that __________.

A. Children wouldn’t have achieved so much without their parents’ support  

B. Children often feel regretful because they leave their parents

C. Children like moving away from their parents

D. Children can never understand how much their parents have devoted to them

2.The underlined sentence “Don’t sweat it” (Para. 6) probably means __________.

A. Don’t touch it                                              B. Don’t worry about it

C. Don’t let him down                                   D. Don’t give it up

3.Which of the following shows the right order of the story?

   a. Eddie’s father died.

   b. Eddie married Marguerite.

   c. Eddie worked as a taxi driver.

   d. Eddie was bored with his father’s job.

A. dbca                        B. dcab                        C. bcda                        D. bacd

4.From the last paragraph, we learn that __________.

A. Eddie’s mother liked to listen to the radio

B. Eddie and his wife lived in his mother’s apartment

C. Eddie’s mother missed her husband so much that she was at a loss

D. Eddie often helped his mother wash the dishes



We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles of your neck, or because an unexpected twist has made your neck ache and stiff. Your whole body feels tight. The slightest move makes you jump with pain. Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck. That is why we use phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling. We have all met such people.

One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands—often at the wrong time—during a performance in the theater. He keeps you from hearing the actors.

Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and play begins. They come hurrying down to your row of seats. You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap. You must stand up to let them pass. You are proud of your self-control after they have settled into their seats…Well, what now…Good God, one of them is up again. He forgot to go to the men’s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass. Now, that is “a pain in the neck.”

Another, well-known to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies. His mouth is full of popcorn; he is chewing loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him. None of them remain still. Up and down, back and forth, they go for another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.

Then, there is the main sitting next to you at a lunch counter smoking a smelly cigar. He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.

We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway car and sits down next to you, just as close as you will let him. You are reading the newspaper and he leans over and stretches his neck so that he can read the paper with you. He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.

We also call such a person a “rubberneck”, always putting out his neck to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors. They enjoy invading your privacy. People have a strong dislike for rubbernecks. They hate being spied upon.

1.Where can you find this passage?

A. Medicine dictionaries.  B. A travel guide.

C. Social science books.     D. Students text books.

2.How do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema?

A. Disturbed.     B. Ignored.         C. Bored.  D. Relaxed.

3.A “rubberneck” often                 .

A. says bad words behind people

B. quarrels face to face with neighbors

C. bargains the price with sales women

D. asks about other people’s business

4.Which of the follow is “a pain in the neck”?

A. Someone who helps you find your seat in a movie theatre.

B. Someone who smokes in a smoking section on a train.

C. Someone who throws trash out of his car window on the highway.

D. Someone who goes to the doctor for his severe pain on the neck.



Many of Nalade Resorts’ hotels have Kids Club with special facilities for young children, making holidays more relaxing for parents and undoubtedly more pleasant and interesting for youngsters!

Kids Club in Beau Rivage (9 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

    The club has a lovely atmosphere, with a large room for activities and a fenced, grass play-area outside. The qualified hostesses really know how to get on with children, as they look after and entertain youngsters from 3 to 12.

Activities are adapted according to children’s ages and talents and include:

    ●Glass-bottom boat trips to see the brightly colored games

    ●Drawing and painting

    ●Making things and a whole host of indoor games

    ●Learning how to snorkel and water-ski

A baby sitting service is also available on request, for a fee. Children’s dinner is served in the main restaurant at 6:30 p.m.

Kids Club in Legends (9 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

Three qualified hostesses entertain youngsters from 3 to 11 years old. For children under 3, a baby sitting service is also available on request, for a fee.

Children’s lunch is served between 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. in the main restaurant or in the Kids Club depending on the day. The children have dinner in the main restaurant between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.

Kids Club in Les Pavillons (9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.)

Friendly, experienced, well-trained staff keep youngsters from 3 to 11 happy and occupied throughout the day and evening. Activities include:

    ●Learning the local dance, the Sega

    ●Gathering crabs on the beach by torchlight

    ●Making things and a whole host of indoor games

    ●Learning to play a traditional musical instrument

A special children’s dinner is served from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Baby sitting service can also be provided, for a fee.

Kids Club in Diva

The ideal arrangement for both parents and their youngsters! Qualified staffs look after children aged from 3 to 11 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily and organize a whole range of activities to keep them busy and happy.

    Children have dinner between 6 and 7 p.m. A baby sitting service is also available, for a fee.

1.If you have a 12-year-old child, you can choose ______ for your Family holidays.

A. Diva              B. Legends       C. Beau Rivage      D. Les Pavillons

2.Children may have two meals in ______.

A. Legends           B. Beau Rivage    C. Les Pavillons     D. Diva

3.According to the activity lists, children can learn some water sports in the Club of ______.

A. Les Pavillons       B. Beau Rivage    C. Diva           D. Legends

4.We know from the passage that ______.

A. the staff in all hotels can get along well with the youngsters

B. all the hotels open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

C. all the hotels provide baby-sitting service for fee

D. parents have to play with their children in the activities



It’s become part of the restaurant table setting: knife, fork, napkin and cell phone.

      Distracted (思想不集中的) dining is the new concern with customers constantly texting friends, uploading a Weibo photo of the meal they’re about to chew down or emailing the boss. For many smart-phone users, it’s hard just to focus on the meal and company at hand.

      Now, one restaurant in Los Angeles is giving diners a reason to turn off the digital world, by offering customers willing to check (寄存) their phones at the door a 5-percent discount on their bill. Owner and chef Mark Gold of Eva Restaurant, located on Beverly Boulevard near N. Gardner Street, hopes this gives customers a way to truly sit back and relax, enjoy their meal and actually talk with friends and family in person.

      “For us, it’s really not about people disturbing other guests. Eva is home, and we want to create that environment of home, and we want people to connect again,” he explained. “It’s about two people sitting together and just connecting, without the distraction of a phone, and we’re trying to create an atmosphere where you come in and really enjoy the experience and the food and the company.”

      Gold said applying the suggestion reminds him to avoid cell phone usage, too. “I’m guilty of it as well. When my wife and I go to dinner it seems like the cell phone is part of the table setting now. Every table you look at, it’s a wine glass, the silverware and the cell phone,” he joked.

      The husband and wife team runs Eva, a 40-person space with European flair. Gold said a little less than half take advantage of the deal, and no one has gotten upset about it.

      “I think once the server approaches the table and they’re presented with the offer, they like the idea of actually talking to each other again,” he said.

1.When having meal in Eva Restaurant, we are not offered             on the table.[学,

A. forks                        B. cellphones                       C. napkins          D. knives

2.Why does Gold think people should not use cellphones at table?

A. Because it can cause health problems.

B. Because it will disturb other customers.

C. Because it can get a 5-percent discount on the customers’ bills.

D. Because it may prevent people communicating with their companions.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Many people would like to upload a photo of their food before they eat nowadays.

B. People are forbidden to use cellphones in Eva Restaurant.

C. More than half of the customers in Eva Restaurant have enjoyed the discount.

D. People can easily connect with each other anytime without using cellphones.

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A. No Cellphone at Table!

B. Focus on Your Cellphone!

C. Eva Restaurant – Home to Customers.

D. Talk Face to Face.



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