满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Not ______ openly may make one’s point ...

 Not ______ openly may make one’s point confusing, while careless words are ______ to hurt others’ feelings.

A. to speak, possible B. speak, probable              C. speaking, likely               D. spoken, sure


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动名词做主语和形容词辨析:句意:不公开的说可能使一个人的观点混淆而粗心大意的话可能伤害别人的感情。第一空是动名词做主语,第二段是likely,因为possible,probable,likely都是“可能”,但是只有likely可以接sb/sth做主语,选C。 考点:考查动名词做主语和形容词辨析

--- Some more wine?

--- Thank you. __________. I have to drive home.

A. With pleasure                 B. That would be nice        C. I’d rather not                   D. Just what I need



I _________ an old photo while __________ my album, which reminded me of my happy childhood.

A. came across, looking through                                    B. came about, looking up                  

C. came along, looking down     upon                            D. came up with, looking into



 --- It was ____________ for man to work in the forest, especially for a woman, like Jane Goodle.

--- Yes, I can’t agree more. It is said that only after her mother came to help her _______ focus on her project.

A. abnormal, was she able to                                                    B. uncommon, she was able to

C. unusual, was she able to                                             D. extraordinary, she was able to



 Young children seem to master computer games __________. And playing computer games will always make them feel ___________.

A. easily, easily        B. with ease, at ease   C. easy, easy                        D. at ease, with ease



With the pressure ________, she was off work for weeks because she couldn’t stand it any more.

A. picking up                        B. making up                        C. building up                      D. putting up



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