满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When it comes ______ a foreign language...

 When it comes ______ a foreign language, many people wish they had a ______  for it.

A. to learning; genius         B. learn; gift

C. to learn; present D. learning; talent


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意为:当谈到学习一门外语的时候,许多人都希望他们能有学习外语的天赋。when it comes to---, to 的词性是介词故其后应加名词或动名词形式。genius n 天才,天赋;gift n 天赋,礼物;present n现在,礼物;talent n 才能,天才。第一个空可排除B C D故答案应为A。 考点:考查冠词的用法。

 Your composition is well-written ______ a minor spelling mistake.

A. beside  B. besides C. except that   D. except for



Telling your sorrow to your friends will relieve the pain in your heart. All the words below have a similar meaning with the underlined word, Except ______.

A. lighten  B. lessen   C. deepen          D. ease



Her teacher praised her for her excellent grades in the mid-term exam. The underlined word means ______.

A. complained  B. complimented       C. affected         D. scanned



The librarian had to ______ the naughty boy in order to let others concentrate on their books.

A. revolve         B. surround       C. silence          D. adopt



One important factor of success is to set a goal and have the ______ to achieve it.

A. tribute          B. determination       C. ceremony     D. procession



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