满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I will be the first to say that I am not...

I will be the first to say that I am not materialistic. My friends regard me as a goody-goody; my parents say I am conservative and modest when it comes to clothes. None of my skirts or shorts end above my knees.

So why, why did I feel so invited? My family and I were in Target, and there it was, waiting. A skirt, specifically designed not to cover anything. It looked like something that one of those modern schoolgirls would wear.

I checked my purse. The skirt cost $10. I had the money. I could buy it. I imagined walking into school and my friends’ jaws (下巴) dropping. Guys would ask me out, and I would be happy. I could buy it, no, — I should buy it.

I showed my mother. She was surprised but said it was my decision. My sister looked on enviously.

I went into the dressing room to try it on. So sure was I that this skirt would change me, somehow make me not what I am but what I wished to be. I slid my jeans off and put it on. I looked in the mirror. There I was — a terrible girl in a Superman T-shirt and sneakers. My glasses fogged up as I started to cry. www.zxxk.com

The skirt did not change me. Though it fit well and might make me look good in the eyes of today’s world, it was not me. I am not a girl who wears cool clothes to fit in.

I took the thing off and slid back into the ­comfort of modesty. My mom knocked on the door. “Emily, are you okay?”

I wiped away my tears. “I’m fine.” I looked in the ­mirror again and saw a slim girl with funny ­glasses. I saw myself.

1.In the author’s eyes the skirt that interested her was ______.

A. not modern                                                          B. very short              

C. too expensive                                                      D. poorly designed

2.The author thought if she went to school in this skirt her schoolmates would be ______.

A. shocked                           B. hurt                         C. confused                          D. happier

3.The underlined sentence in the 3rd paragraph indicates the author ______.

A. hesitated about buying the skirt

B. made up her mind to buy the skirt

C. was able to afford to buy the skirt

D. worried about others’ opinion on the skirt

4.The author cried because ______.

A. she found that she looked ugly in the skirt

B. she was aware the skirt didn’t fit her well

C. she realized it’s a wrong decision to make a change

D. she was disappointed the skirt failed to change her


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析: 本文叙述了一个女孩子到商店买衣服的事情,她选中了一件和她原来的风格完全不一样的裙子,最后还是发现这样的决定也许会是错误的。 1.B 推理题。根据文章第2段2,3行A skirt, specifically designed not to cover anything. It looked like something that one of those modern schoolgirls would wear. 可知作者认为这个裙子不能盖住任何东西,也就是认为这个裙子太短了!故B正确。 2..A 推理题。根据文章第三段I imagined walking into school and my friends’ jaws (下巴) dropping. Guys would ask me out, and I would be happy.可知如果我穿了这样的衣服,我的同学们可能惊讶的下巴都要掉了。说明他们会非常震惊。故A正确。 3.B 推理题。根据Guys would ask me out, and I would be happy. I could buy it, no, — I should buy it. 可知如果我穿了这件衣服,男孩子胡请我出去,那样我会很开心,我能够买!不是应该把它买下来。可知作者下定决心要把这件衣服买下来。故B正确。 4.C 推理题。根据文章倒数第3段The skirt did not change me. Though it fit well and might make me look good in the eyes of today’s world, it was not me. I am not a girl who wears cool clothes to fit in. 可知这件裙子并不能改变我的本质,而且穿上去和我的整个风格不搭配。这个改变也许是错误的。故C正确。 考点:考察叙事类短文阅读

Riding a motorcycle is a popular way to travel. A motorcycle often has better acceleration than the fastest     . A motorcycle can      traffic jams and can speed ahead while the cars wait. A motorcycle is      to run --- you need less petrol per mile for a motorcycle than for most cars.

   But this doesn’t explain why, for some people, motorcycles are      a way to travel, they are a way of life. Everybody knows about the problems of riding a motorcycle. It’s quiet dangerous. It’s very uncomfortable too. However well dressed for a ride the motorcyclist is, wind and rain make the journey difficult and     . And then, motorcycles often      .

   But the       motorcyclist doesn’t care! 

   Take a look at any motorcycle magazine and you will have an idea of what motorcycling means to the enthusiast. The keen motorcyclist may sometimes think about the       of his way of life. But he will still go ‘on the ride’ whenever he can!

1.A. car                               B. bike           C. bus                     D. train

2.A. limit         B. control              C. avoid                  D. break

3.A. faster              B. easier                C. greater              D. cheaper

4.A. more than         B. less than                C. better than          D. worse than

5.A. puzzling             B. astonishing           C. tiring                   D. boring

6.A. break out          B. break down        C. break up               D. break in

7.A. generous          B. cautious                C. responsible          D. enthusiastic

8.A. safety                       B. excitement          C. difficulties            D. problems



Michael Scofield has won fans all over the world. The star of the hit show Prison Break is kind, clever and good-looking. But what about the man      the character?

   Wentworth Miller, the 35-year-old actor who plays Scofield, is a hard guy to figure out. He does not come from a traditional background and doesn’t      a traditional path.

   Miller didn’t take a      road to fame. He graduated from Princeton University in 1995 with a degree in English, not a degree in      or film. He didn’t even act when he was in college. His only      experience was in his university’s well-known singing group. Yet, at graduation, Miller still decided to make the      to Hollywood.

   Miller has always been     . Although he is American, he was born in Britain when his father was studying there. His family background is a      of cultures. “My father is black and my mother is white. That means I have always been caught in the middle. I could be      one, which can make you feel out of place,” Miller says.

   Following his unusual path, Miller did not start trying out for films when he got to Hollywood.     , he worked as a production assistant. Working on production side, he learned a lot about what makes a good     .

   In 2002, Miller played a role in the drama Dinotopia. He starred as a shy man. The producers        his performance when they were making Prison Break two years later.

1.A. beside                 B. behind                    C. outside          D. after

2.A. share                   B. know                       C. follow                      D. find

3.A. direct                            B. special                     C. wide                        D. correct

4.A. engineering        B. communication     C. literature                D. theatre

5.A. graduation          B. performance         C. production            D. education

6.A. move                   B. role                          C. decision                  D. movie

7.A. strange                B. outstanding            C. different                 D. successful

8.A. mixture               B. result                       C. mystery                   D. representative

9.A. each                     B. either                      C. another                   D. every

10.A. Moreover                  B. Therefore               C. Instead           D. Finally

11.A. film                    B. actor                        C. drama                      D. director

12.A. denied                        B. made                       C. recorded                D. remembered



We are confident that the step the Chinese government has taken to cope with the current crisis is ______ of great significance.

A. what        B. those     C. that       D. one



The police are trying to find out the ____ of the woman murdered in the bathroom.

A. evidence   B. characteristic   C. status  D. identity



Li Qun, who graduated from   university in South China, is now studying for her degree in ____ European country,

 A.a, a         B.the, an       C.the, a       D.an ,a



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