满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Healing Jim and his wife, Connie, we...

The Healing

Jim and his wife, Connie, were shocked by the loss of their four-month-old son—Joshua, whose life was taken by SIDS—sudden infant death syndrome.

      Thirty hours ago, Jim drove to the baby-sitter’s home to      Joshua. It was a     trip, like the one he made five days every week. He arrived, and little Joshua could not be        from his nap. The next few hours were a time of life and death: the racing ambulance, swift-moving doctors and nurse. But 12 hours later, at Children’s Hospital,      the doctors had exhausted(用尽) all     , little Joshua was gone. Yes, they wanted       of Joshua’s usable organs to be donated. That was not a      decision for Jim and Connie, a loving and       couple.

      The next morning dawned and many things had to be arranged. Telephone calls and funeral plans.       one point Jim realized he needed a     .When Jim settled into the chair      the barber’s, he began to        the past hours, trying to       some sense of it all.      had Joshua, their first-born, the child they had waited so long for, been taken so soon….He had     begun his life. The question kept coming, and the pain in Jim’s heart just       him.

      While talking with the barber, Jim mentioned the organ donations, looking at his watch, “They are transplanting one of his heart valves(瓣膜)right now.”

   The       stopped and stood motionless. Finally she spoke, but it was only a whisper. “You’re not going to believe this. But about an hour ago the customer sitting in this chair wanted me to hurry       she could get to Children’s Hospital. She       here so full of joy. Her prayers had been answered. Today her baby granddaughter is receiving a     needed transplant—a heart valve.”

   Jim’s healing began.

1.A. pick out               B. pick up           C. set out                             D. set up

2.A. routine                B. annual                     C. average                            D. difficult

3.A. called                            B. disturbed               C. awakened                        D. survived

4.A. though                 B. since                       C. because                           D. as

5.A. medicine             B. strength                  C. attempts                          D. spirits

6.A. part                      B. few                    C. some                       D. wise

7.A. giving                       B. tiring                         C. boring                    D. thinking

8.A. Of                    B. In                C. On                        D. At

9.A. haircut                     B. break                        C. donation                          D. decision

10.A. with                   B. at                   C. by                     D. near

11.A. decide on                  B. reflect on               C. keep on                           D. focus on

12.A. get                B. take                           C. hold                                  D. make

13.A. How                              B. Why           C. Whether                          D. If

14.A. barely                      B. nearly                   C. seldom                    D. almost

15.A. covered         B. drew            C. enveloped                       D. choked

16.A. hairdresser            B. customer           C. father               D. parent

17.A. since                  B. as                 C. so                          D. and

18.A. arrived           B. left              C. stayed               D. sat

19.A. desperately      B. deadly       C. clearly                D. obviously


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:当吉姆开车去保姆家接四个月大的孩子时,却发现孩子怎么也不能醒来,送到医院十二个小时后,孩子就死于婴儿猝死症,过后他们同意捐献了孩子的所有器官。但是在伤心的吉姆去理发时,却无意中得知刚刚在同一个椅子上坐过的人的孙女恰好是接受心脏移植的人,由此他内心的痛苦减轻了许多。 1.B动词短语辨析。 A. 拣出;B.接人,取物;C. 出发 ;D. 设置。根据下文可知他去保姆家接孩子,故答案选B。 2.A形容词辨析。    A.惯常的;B. 一年一次的;C. 平均的;D. 困难的。由后句like the one he made five days every week可知他每周五次接送孩子,所以接孩子是惯常的事情,故答案选A。 3.C动词辨析。A. 被叫作;B. 打扰;C. 叫醒;D. 幸存。从空后面的from his nap可以推断此处指叫不醒睡着的孩子,故选C。 4.A   连词辨析。A. 虽然;B. 自从;C. 因为; D. 由于。由the doctors had exhausted(用尽)…..和little Joshua was gone可知前后是转折关系,故答案选A。 5.C名词辨析。        A. 药;    B. 力量     ;C.企图  ;D. 精神。从情理可知医生想尽方法,用尽全力,却没能留住孩子的性命,故答案选C。 6.D   代词辨析。A. 部分;B. 几乎没有;C. 一些;D. 全部。由常识可知死于猝死综合症的婴儿身体的所有器官都可以使用,所以答案选D。 7.B    形容词辨析。A.好的; B. 难的;C. 愚蠢的;D. 明智的。由形容这对夫妇的词loving,以及下文的讲述可知这对夫妇有爱心,所以同意捐赠孩子器官是不难做出的决定,故答案选B。 8.A形容词词辨析。         A. 给与的 ;B. 疲劳的;C. 无聊的         ;D. 思考的。根据a loving and…..可知and后面的词应该是和loving一样形容人懂得爱和付出的词,再由文章内容可知他们同意捐赠孩子器官这件事表明了他们是乐于给予的人,所以选A。 9.D   介词辨析。A. 的;B.在里面; C.在上面         ;D. 在。固定短语:at one point “在某一时刻”,故答案选D。句意:在某一刻,吉姆想到了他需要去理理发。 10.A 名词辨析。A. 理发 ;B. 破坏;C. 捐赠;      D. 决定。根据下文the barber’s可以推断当时吉姆认为他应该庄重的送孩子离去,所以去理发店理发,故答案选A。 11.B 介词辨析。A. 带;B. 在; C.被;D. 附近。固定短语:at the barber’s“在理发店”,故答案选B。句意:当他坐在理发店的椅子上的时候,他开始回想起了过去。 12.B动词短语辨析。       A. 决定;B. 思考,回忆;      C. 继续;D. 聚焦。根据the past hours,以及情理推测可知当孩子去世后,吉姆在理发店坐着的时候回忆起了孩子过去的点点滴滴,故答案选B。 13.D动词辨析。      A. 得到;B. 带走;C. 抓住; D. 制造;使。固定短语:make sense of “理解,弄懂”根据下文their first-born, the child they had waited so long for, been taken so soon…可知此时经过丧子的痛苦,吉姆坐在理发店里回想发生的一切,想理清头绪,答案选D。 14.B 连词辨析。      A. 如何 ;B. 为何;C. 是否;D. 如果。由上下文可知这句话是Jim在悲痛中发出的质问,表示了他内心的悲痛和对事实的难以置信,故答案选B。句意:为什么他们盼望已久的,生命才刚刚开始的Joshua这么早就离开了呢? 15.A副词辨析。A. 仅仅;      B. 几乎;C. 几乎不;D. 几乎。Almost 由上文可知Joshua才满四个月,所以对于他来说生活才刚刚开始,答案选A。句意:他刚刚开始他的生活。 16.C 动词辨析。A. 覆盖;B. 画;C. 装信封;D. 赌塞。包裹,裹住 从情理可知吉姆越回忆,就越痛苦,内心被伤痛包裹着,所以答案选C。 17.A名词辨析。A. 美发师;B. 顾客;C. 父亲;D. 父母之一。从上文可知吉姆来到理发店理发,再根据While talking with the barber可知答案选A。句意:理发师停住了,站着不动。 18.C连词辨析。A. 自从; B. 由于 ; C. 所以; D. 和。从语境the customer sitting in this chair wanted me to hurry  …….. 和she could get to Children’s Hospital.判断前后是因果关系,故答案选C。 19.B 动词辨析。A. 到;B. 离开;C. 停留;  D. 坐。从上下文可知顾客理发后离开理发店,去儿童医院,答案选B。 20.A 副词辨析。A渴望地,迫切需要地;B. 致命地;C.清楚地;D. 明显地。由情理可知心脏移植手术是在病人急需的情况下才进行的,故答案选A。 考点:考查故事类短文。

一I just can’t stop worrying about the result of my medical examination.

一_________. There’s nothing you can do now but wait.

A. Take your time               B. Watch out for it              C. Just a moment            D. Sit back and relax



Rock-climbing is a breathtaking activity, very popular nationwide among young people, ______ cooperation as well as courage plays an important role.

A. who              B. where                   C. which                     D. of which



Students are required to go out in couples, especially in the evenings, with friends ______ they get into trouble.

A. even if                     B. if only              C. in case                D. when



After a long vacation, Mike came back _________.

A. freshly and strongly                                                     B. fresh and strong 

C. being fresh and strong                                                D. to be fresh and strong



This sweater fits me, but I can’t afford to buy __________. I have to choose _________ which is cheap enough for me.

A. it; that                              B. that; it                               C. it; one                              D. that; the one



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