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Chinese and Nigerian media should pay mo...

Chinese and Nigerian media should pay more attention to their own growing roles and strive to present a reliable image of China to African audiences and vice versa(反之亦然). Agreement on this important step in ongoing cooperation between the two sides was reached by media representatives attending a media forum on September 19 in Abuja, Nigeria.

The agreement comes in the wake of increasing attention being paid by the international community on Africa's deepening relationship with China. "This presents an important opportunity for media in China, Nigeria and other African countries. We should seize the moment to expand cooperation between Chinese and Nigeria media, increase our say, and contribute to cooperation between China, Nigeria and Africa as a whole," said Li Wufeng, Vice Minister of the State Council Information Office at the China-Nigeria Media meeting.

The media meeting was jointly held by the State Council Information Office, the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria, and the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria. It formed part of the "Experience China" program, which aims to increase cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between China and other parts of the world.

In the past, due to poor communication facilities, China and African countries could only learn about each other through third parties, in particular Western media, which may have given rise to and perpetuated misunderstandings.

"China is still not a constant feature or subject on the front page and prime time in the news media in Nigeria unless there are disasters and alleged human rights abuses to be reported," said Martins Oloja, Editor of The Guardian.

    Major Western media continue to promote a Cold War mentality and view Sino-African ties through the lens of geopolitics, framing everything as competition between East and West, Chinese and Nigerian media professionals said at the forum. Some Western media outlets accuse China of ignoring mutually beneficial solutions or sustainable development of African people, while robbing the continent of its natural resources.

    "Nigerians cannot expect Aljazeera or BBC to report on Africa, and indeed Nigeria and China relations, the way we want," said Oloja.

    Mutually objective coverage will generate more cooperation and better understanding between China and Nigeria, said Li Xiaohua, a representative from China. org.cn, a leading multi-language website in China.

1.What is the purpose of this media forum on September 19 in Abuja?

A. More international community should pay attention to Africa’s deepening relationship with China.

B. People should seize the moment to expand cooperation between China and African countries.

C. Chinese and Nigerian media should pay more attention to their own growing roles and strive to present a reliable image to each other.

D. Let more Chinese people know about the culture of Africa.

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 4?

A. defeated      B.  continued     C. disappeared      D. decreased

3.Which of the following is right?

A. The State Council Information Office and "Experience China" program attended this China-Nigeria Media meeting.

B. In the past, China and African countries could learn about each other very well.

C. Chinese people and Chinese events has been well reported through African media.

D. Nowadays, some African media still cannot give the true stories of China.

4.What is the attitude of the major western media towards the Sino-African relationship?

A. They think highly of it.

B. They report it as it is.

C. They view it through the angle of geopolitics.

D. They view it as a competition between two countries.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Having a bigger say

B. A Media Forum between China and Nigeria

C. Helping the African Media

D. Improving our report in Africa


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:文章主要讲述的是中非之间的关系,提及了很多非洲媒体对于中国的报道不够客观,呼吁建立更为紧密的相互联系。 1.C细节题。主旨大意题。根据本文第一段1,2行Chinese and Nigerian media should pay more attention to their own growing roles and strive to present a reliable image of China to African audiences and vice versa(反之亦然).可知本文主要讲述的是这个和尼日利亚的媒体都要注意自己在国家发展中越来越重要的作用,努力建设一个更为值得信赖的关系。故C正确。 2.B推理题。根据本句China and African countries could only learn about each other through third parties, in particular Western media, which may have given rise to and perpetuated misunderstandings.可知中国和非洲之间以前缺少直接的沟通,导致两者之间只能通过欧洲的媒体相互了解,作用会引起不断的误解。故B正确。 3.D推理题。根据文章第五段"China is still not a constant feature or subject on the front page and prime time in the news media in Nigeria unless there are disasters and alleged human rights abuses to be reported," said Martins Oloja, Editor of The Guardian.可知一些非洲媒体对于中国的报道仍然不够客观,只会报道一些灾难以及人权的问题。故D正确。 4.C细节题。细节题。根据第6段1,2行Major Western media continue to promote a Cold War mentality and view Sino-African ties through the lens of geopolitics, framing everything as competition between East and West,可知西方媒体仍然只是从地缘政治的角度来报告中非之间的联系。故C正确。 5.A推理题。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的中非之间的联系越来越紧,但是媒体在报道中非联系方面仍然有很多的问题,文章呼吁媒体在这方面有更有发言权,更客观。不要受西方媒体报道的影响。故A正确。 考点:考查经济类短文阅读

All our dreams have something to do with our feelings, tears, longings, wishes, needs and memories. But something on the “outside” may affect  1.  we dream. If a person is hungry   2.   tired or cold, his dream may include a feeling of this kind. If the blanket on your body has slipped  3.  your bed, you may dream that you are sleeping or resting on the ice or snow. So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has effect  4.  you while you are sleeping(feeling of cold, a noise, a discomfort, etc.) and it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and interests you have now.

     5.   are some scientists who have made a special study of why we dream, what we dream and what those dreams mean. Their explanation of dreams, though a bit reasonable, is not accepted by everyone, it offers  6.  interesting way of dealing with the problem. They believe that dreams are mostly expressions of wishes that did not come   7.   . In  8.   words, a dream is a way of having your wishes carried out.




1. 写信的目的。

2. 分析学校门口拥堵的原因。

3. 提出2-3点建议。


Dear Editor,






_______________________               _


                                                   Li Hua




    内容要点:1.遵守校纪校规。 (如:凭电子学生证进出校园,升旗和早操做到快、齐、静……)



注意: 1. 词数120左右。

2 .文章的开头已经给出(不计入总词数),可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

          3.参考词:rules and regulations(规章制度),Electronic student ID(电子学生证)

                    mental outlook(精神面貌)

Recently, our school has been carrying out some meaningful activities to beautify the schoolyard…__________________________________________________________________________________





-I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.

      -       ! I’m sure you’ll make it.

A. Go ahead          B. Cheer up         C. No problem       D. Good luck



The people in the disaster areas are ready to accept _______ help they can get.     

A. whichever             B. however                          C. whatever                         D. whenever



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