满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We can give you a lift to the airport __...

We can give you a lift to the airport _______ you don’t mind the crowdedness, for there have already been four of us in the car.

A. unless                              B. though                    C. provided                 D. until


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查连词用法。A除非;B尽管;C假如;D直到。根据语境可知车上已经很挤了,所以此处用provided表示假设关系,表示“如果不介意的话”,C选项正确。句意:我们可以顺便送你去机场,如果你不介意拥挤的话,因为车上已经有我们四个人了。 考点:考查连词用法。


1、表达感谢之意     2、提出回报对方     3、期待进一步向对方请教(字数120左右)



A music show from Hunan Satellite TV named I’m a singer has been gaining popularity since the heat from voice of china gradually cooled, The show invites professional musicians to compete , Rather than using the traditional underdogs-become –famous format,it is up to the 500 aucience members to decide the fate of the stars on stage ,Let’s check out how the readaptation of a classic love song to rock’n’roll introduced us to the emotional world of rock nusic.

In the second week of the Hunan TV music competiton show I’m a singer,paul Wong surprised his audience members and fellow contestants with a rock adaptation of the famous 1993 hit Goodbye Kiss by Jacky Cheung.Although the lyrics remain unchanged and the original structured is largely maintained, Wong’s rock adaptation of the song truns it into something completely new, No longer is it the sorrowful tale of two lovers parting ways, but an accusation filled with repressed anger.

With so much of the original song, untouched , what is it that transforms the song to such an extent that the TV show’s host seemed barely to recognize it?

It’s not only the instrumentation and the different sound of the song that makes it a rock version        

Something degy—it is the sound of rebellion.

    By keeping the original lyrics but transforming their meaning through a reinterpretation of the musical accompaniment(伴奏), wong’s adaptation becomes as much a song about rebellion as it is a rebellion against the original version of the song itself.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?(No more than 15 words)


2.Fill the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words(No more than 5 words)


3.Who decide the fate of the performers?(No more than 8 woreds)


4.List three factors which make the readaptation of the song Goodbye Kiss quite different?

                 ;②                   ;③                  

5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese




What if we could replace oil with a fuel which produced no pollution and which everybody had equal access to?The good news is that we can, In fact, we are swimming in it—literally.

Hydrogen is one of the building blocks of the universe ,Our own sun is basically ,a big ,dense cloud of the stuff ,And hydrogen can be used to create electricity for power ,heat and light.

The problem is that hydrogen is everywhere and nowhere at the same time , It does not exist as a material on its own ,but is always part of something else, So it has to be separated before it can be used.

Most commercial hydrogen in use now is created from natural gas , As oil will start to run out in around the year 2030.,it makes sense to produce as much hydrogen as possible as soon as we can ,But natural gas supplies will also begin to run out soon after, Another source is needed.

Researchers are now using electricity to make water into hydrogen ,Companies are working on the problem in their own areas ,The first commercial hydrogen ,”fuel cells”for computers and mobile phones have already come on to the market ,Auto companies have also invested over US $2billion in the production of hydrogen fuelled cars

Thd nations of a hydrogen fuelled planet would not fight over evergy recourses, There would be a great reduction in pollution ,The only by-product of creating hydrogen is pure drinking water—something that is very scarce in many parts of the world ,But that is not where the good news ends, Once the costs of producing hydrogen have been brought down ,it will possibly provide power for a third of the Earth ‘s population that has no electricity.

And electricity creates wealth, In South A frica over the last decade there has been a large programme of electrification, Thanks to the programme, people do not have to spend their days looking firewood to burn for heat, And with electric light , they can work long into the night.

Some scientists see radical changes in the way the human race co-operates, Hydrogen creates clectricity, and is also created by it. With dual use fuel cells, everyone who consumes energy could also produce it ,Late at night, a man drives home in London and connects his car into the “world-wide hydrogen web”, which it supplies with electricity ,A few hours later, a man in Beijing uses that electricity to power the hydrogen cell in his car, Hydrogen could be the first democratic energy source.

Like all dreams of the future, it seems very far away, But the threat of war and terrorism in the Middle East has made governments and businesses more aware of the need to edn oil dependency and spend more time and money on hydrogen resource, So maybe the threat of war is not a completely bad thing for the future of the human race.

1.What does the underlined word “it”in the last but one paragraph refer to?

A、wealth                  B、hydrogen             C、electricity             D、fuel

2.What is the problem with using hydrogen as energy?

A、It has by-products

B、It has to be separated from other materials

C、It will make energy too cheap

D、It is too far away from us

3.Why does the author give the example in the last but one paragraph?

A、To tell us that we produce energy while using hydrogen power

B、To tell us that hydrogen power does not produce pollution

C、To show hydrogen power can stop war

D、To show hydrogen power is cheap

4.What is the author’s attitude about the future?

A、skeptical               B、negative               C、indifferent           D、positive

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A、war and energy 

B、the future of hydrogen as an energy resource

C、the disadvantages of oil

D、How to end war



The high cost of living in Sydney causes city parents to worry more about their children.

New research by the Financial Services Council (FSC)shows that 75% of metropolitan mums and dads say their ability to earn is important to the well-being of their kids, Tet a greater proportion(比例)of Sydney parents think children suffer emotionally by having two full-time working parents .AS a result 46%of Sydneysiders feel their Kids could be happier , against 38%of both Melbourne and regional New South Wales mums and dads.

The FSC research ,which interviewed 1200 parents across the country ,also shows 66% of Sydneysiders believe the happiness of their children would be greatly affected if they or their partner couldn’t work.

The FSC undertook the survey as part of its Lifewise campaign ,to encourage Australians to protect themselves against financial hardship.

Chairman of the Lifewise campaign John Crosswell said:“The research findings quite clearly highlight that Sydney parents prioritise (优先考虑)their ability to earn money and yet because they are so busy doing so, it seems that their ability to spend time with their family is affected .Sydney parents are dedicated to earning money but as a consequence, perhaps they don’t have the time to enjoy spending it with their family.”

In sydney ,the top factor for creating an ideal childhood is financial security ,at 92%.Fewer parents rate having a tigh-knit family(89%)or living near friends and family (85%)as important.

David and Ari Dearnley ,of North Manly ,said money pressure was hard to avoid in Sydney ,They both work and said family finances would be severely hard if one of them couldn’t

But only Mrs Dearnly has income-protection insurance, “I think that I don’t really need it yet”,Mr Dearnly ,37, said.

“I think he’s mad”,Mrs Dearnly ,also 27 ,said,“If David couldn’t work it would have a huge impact on our lifestyle.”

“Looks like I’ll be getting it tomorrow,”Mr Dearnly responded.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A、The findings of a study on how Sydney people go through financial hardship with their family

B、A survey on the factors that may have influences on Sydney children’s happy childhood

C、a survey on the relations between children’s happiness and their parents’ability to earn in Sydney

D、A comparison between Sydney people and those of other cities on their views about earning money

2.From the passage we can infer that        

A、Three quarters of Sydney parents think children may have emotional problems

B、less than half of Sydney parents think their children now are not as happy as they expect

C、Most Sydney parents think family finances are the only factor that impact children’s childhood

D、A bout two thirds of Sydney parents think children would be happier if they could‘t work

3.What does Lifewise campaign aim to?

A、Encouraging  Australian people avoid the harm of financial problems

B、Helping Sydney parents find a suitable job?

C、Making Australian people improve their ability to earn

D、A ttracting Sydney people to buy insurance

4.According to John Crosswell, we can learn that        

A、Income-protection insurance has an impact on the lifestyle of a Sydney family

B、If moe of the parents couldn’t work their family finances will be clearly affected

C、Sydney parents are in a dilemma of devoting to work and enjoying family life

D、Sydney parents now can make a balance between their work and family life

5.What does “it ”underlined in the last paragraph refer to?

A、Work           B、Insurance             C、Income                 D、Pressure



Babies who are slow to gain weight in the first months of their lives generally catch up to their peers by age 13,a large UK study shows, Researchers said the results would make parents whose babies fail to put on weight quickly less worried.

The researchers looked at data from ,11,499 children who took part in a large study, It showed that 507 who were slow to gain weight in the first eight weeks of life recovered fairly quickly and had almost caught up by age 2. Another group of 480 who were slow to gain between eight weeks and nine months continued to put on weight slowly until they were seven years ,but then had a sudden increase and caught up by age 13, The different pattems of recovery between the two groups were likely due to different reasons for slow weight gain ,the researchers said, All the children were still lighter and shorter than their peers by the time they were teenagers ,but within the normal range.

The findings highlight the importance of monitoring a baby’s weight and height gain during the first few weeks and months ,but not creating anxiety with parents of slow-growing babies, said the study leader Prof Alan Emond from the University of Bristol.

“In the past, a lot of parents have been caused unnecessary anxiety by heaith professionals and this is a positive and reassuring message.”He said in many cases of slow growth where children do not follow the standard’curve’(曲线)it is just because they are following their genetic potential.

Dr Simon Newell, vice-president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said he broadly agreed with the concluslons of the researchers but stressed that poor weight gain was something that needed to be monitored closely, “I would encourage parents to use growth charts but if measurements show your baby is smaller than averager it may be completely normal, ”he said.

1.What can we know from the findings of the research?

A、All the cases of slow weight gain in the first months of the babies’ lives are caused by the same reason

B、Slow-growing babies will have the same height and weight with their peers by age13

C、Many cases of children whose growth don’t meet the growing standard curve cannot be treated as abnormal

D、The findings won’t cause parents’ anxiety so monitoring a baby’s growth from his/her birth is unnecessary

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A、It’s important to monitor a baby’s weight and height gain for new parents

B、New parents should feel anxious about their baby’s weight and height gain

C、Researches still couldn’t find the reasons for slow weight gain

D、All the children’s weight and height became normal by age 13

3.What does the underlined word in the fourth paragraph mean?

A、Making sure something is certain to be true

B、Making someone calmer and less anxious

C、Confirming something is to happen again

D、Being sure that someone can be attracted

4.Which of the statements would Dr Simon Newell agree to?

A、To some degree, growth charts can help parents monitor their babies’ weight gain

B、It’s abnormal for babies are smaller than average

C、He agreed with the researchers completely

D、Babies’ weight gain can only be monitored and measured by using growth charts.

5.The writer wrote this passage in order to         

A、tell us how to help babies grow faster

B、explain why babies are gain weight slowly

C、report on the findings of a research   

D、reduce the anxiety of some parents



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