满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_____ get a better score, she has been s...

_____ get a better score, she has been studying hard all day.

A. So as to   B. In order to      C. So that  D. In order that


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查引导目的状语的短语的区别。A 意为“为了”,只能放在句中;B意为“为了”,即可放在句中又可以放在句首;C D两项后面引导从句,排除;题干空格后面是get动词原形,且放在句首,故B正确。 考点:考查引导目的状语的短语的区别。


1. 确定新的学习目标;

2. 改进学习方法;

3. 学会独立生活;

4. 参加各种课外活动;

5. 处理好与同学的关系;

注意: 1. 短文的内容要连贯、完整;

2. 短文单词数: 100 左右(开头己给出的单词不计人单词总数)。

I will go to college in the near future._______________________________________________________



















注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


One day in the restaurant where I worked, I am serving a table of four and each person had ordered the different kind of fish. Three plate were already on the table when the man closest to me pointing to one plate and asked me the name of the fish on it. Before I could answer him, he continued ask me the name of the fish on another one plate. I was about to answer him while I noticed that the last plate on my tray (托盘) began to fall. They fell noisily to the floor seconds late, spreading its contents on the carpet. Everyone stared me and I stood there with a red face.



第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分.满分 10 分)

1.Over the last 25 years, Ashrita Furman has broken _________(大约地)93 Guinness records.

2.Good movies and native novels broaden our h__________ .

3.Australian Day celebrations are an excellent way to encourage __________ (宽容),respect and friendship among all the people of Australia.

4.India has a large number of f__________ English speakers.

5.We are __________ (在一定程度上)responsible for his depression and unhappiness.

6.Helen Keller is a great writer and educationalist, whose confidence, p__________ and devotion win our complete faith in her.

7.Shakespeare wrote about such things as good and evil, love and hate, greed and ___________ (牺牲).

8.Martin Luther King played an important role in fighting against racial d___________.

9.Language ___________ (习得)is a kind of language learning which takes place usually in an informal learning setting.

10.There was no ___________ (平等)of opportunity for women at that time.



Students will need to use all of their skills in order to understand the reading selections in Reader's Choice. 1.  These selections provide practice on employing different reading skills to get the message of the writer. They also give students practice in four basic reading skills: skimming, scanning, reading for thorough comprehension, and critical reading. 

    Skimming involves reading quickly through a text to get an overall idea of its contents. This kind of rapid reading is suitable when you are trying to decide if careful reading is desirable or 2.

Like skimming, scanning is also quick reading. However, in this case the search is more concentrated . 3.  When you read to find a particular date, or number you are scanning. 

    Reading for thorough comprehension is carefully reading in order to understand the total meaning of the passage. At this level of comprehension the reader is able to summarize the author's ideas. 4.

Critical reading demands that a reader makes judgments about what he or she reads. This kind of reading requires posting and answering questions such as “5. ”  "Do I share the author's point of view?" and "Am I convinced by the author's arguments and evidence?”

A. Does my own experience support that of the author?

B. Reader’s Choice is one of the most popular magazines in the world.

C. But he has not yet made a critical evaluation of those ideas.

D. The book contains many types of selections on a wide variety of topics.

E. To scan is to read quickly in order to find out specific information.

F. Do I know about the author?

G. when there is no time to read something carefully.



 Is there a limit to the number of years that a person can expect to live? Can changes in life-style add years to one’s life? Throughout history people have sought answers to these questions and others.

Various myths offer the hope of great longevity. In the imaginary land of Shangri-La, for example, people are said to lead a charmed existence for a thousand years. The Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon was convinced that he would find the Foundation of Youth in what is now the state of Florida. According to the Bible, Methuselah lived to be more than 900 years old.

The subject of longevity is fascinating, and scientists study individuals such as Jeanne Calment to learn about the aging process. Calment died in 1997 in Arles, France, at the age of 122. She never married, and she lived in her own apartment until moving to a retirement community when she was 109.

Most scientists agree that bodies will last, at best, about 125 years. This potential has changed little since modern human beings appeared more than 100 thousand years age. Recent improvements in medicine and the environment have extended life expectancy, especially for those from poorer parts of the world. It is not clear, however, whether such improvements will lengthen life expectancy beyond a certain point.

Life expectancy is the number of years an infant can be expected to live, given the conditions into which it is born. Life expectancy, therefore, is affected by nutrition, medical care, and social and political circumstances. An individual’s genetic makeup is also an important factor. Children from long-lived families can hope to enjoy long lives themselves. According to recent data, the average life expectancy worldwide in 1998 was 67 years. This can be compared with an average life expectancy of 77 in the United States.

In 1970 the average life expectancy worldwide was 61 years, or 6 years less than it was in 1998. This same period saw a drop in infant mortality -— the death of a child before the first birthday-—from 80 births out of 1,000 to 54 births out of 1,000. According to some researchers, the rise in the average life expectancy is due primarily to the drop in infant mortality. It is not so much that adults are living to an older age. It is, rather, that more people are living into adulthood because more children are surviving beyond their first birthdays.

1.Infant mortality is defined as ________ .

A. the number of children born alive

B. the kinds of behavior typical of very young children

C. the number of children, out of 1,000 births, who die before their first birthday

D. the typical and obvious thoughts of very young children

2.Although it may be possible to improve the life expectancy of a particular group of people, ________ .

A. it is more difficult to affect the rate of infant mortality

B. it is unlikely that one will be able to extend the potential life span of human beings in general

C. the process of evolution is extending the potential life span beyond 125 years

D. the potential that bodies will last, at best, about 125 years has changed much since modern human beings appeared

3.One can infer that people have at times imagined that ________ .

A. people live longer in the state of Florida

B. a long life is a burden rather than a blessing

C. it is possible to find a way to live for centuries

D. life expectancy is affected by a couple of factors

4.One can conclude that  ________ .

A. the aging process can be stopped.

B. the aging process is inevitable.

C. life expectancy in the United States will soon reach 125 years.

D. the average life expectancy worldwide is decreasing



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