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You are discussing the following picture...

You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you

 understand the picture and what makes you think so.

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One possible version: I think the picture implies a very important rule of doing things — we always need a balance between speed and quality. As we can see in the picture, two men are competing against each other in building walls. One man has built up an obviously higher but twisted wall, while the other’s work is completely vertical, strong and solid though lower. It isn’t difficult to see examples of how often higher speed is set up as a target. “The faster, the better” has become a motto for us due to the fiercely competitive environment of our society. However our work has no value at all if we ignore the quality of it just like the man building the twisted wall. As students, we are required to do things at high speed. It’s definitely helpful to keep in mind that no matter how fast we need to achieve something, quality may never be ignored. 【解析】 试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,内容要求学生对图画所表达的理解和感受,议论文体一般用一般现在时,认真分析图画的含义,然后说明自己的理【解析】 摆正速度与质量的关系。注意增加细节,使衔接合理,还要尽量用高中阶段学习词汇和句型。注意长短搭配。 【亮点说明】本文结构明确,思路清晰。先分析图画的内容,再阐述个人的观点。在注意内容的同时,注意应用较高级的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如As we can see,adapt oneself to,due to,还运用了The faster, the better、主语从句等复杂的句子。并注意了句子的衔接如:while,however , however等等。 考点:图画作文。

假如你是李华,是红星中学一名学生。上周末你参加了学校组织的去鸟巢观看第29届奥运会田径比赛的活动。请你根据下面图画所提供的情景写一篇日记。词数不少于60。水立方:Water Cube

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Sunday          Fine

It’s an exciting day today. My classmates and I went to the Bird Nest to watch a track and field event of the 29th Olympic Games.




















How to prepare a lecture

Being invited to give a lecture is an honor.It means that people regard you as an authority on a given field, subject, or issue.It means you are worth listening to.1.   You have to make sure your lecture is interesting, and full of wisdom, from which the audience can take valuable insights.This is why it is important for you to prepare your lecture well.

1.Think of a good topic.

You most likely will be assigned to talk about a certain topic.If that's the case, you only need to make an outline and do some research.But in some cases, you will have to think of your own topic.Although it gives you more freedom to do it, thinking of a topic can be tricky.2.   Or pick a topic that is timely and socially relevant.

2.Make an outline for the lecture.

Start by listing down the points that you will discuss, and then fill in each point with subpoints.If necessary, make a research about your topic.3.   But if in so doing you end up with a very long outline, figure how you can shorten the topic or cut where cutting is needed.


Statistics, figures, medical information, historical accounts, and similar information should all be checked and it will save your credibility as an authority on the subject you are talking about.

4.Add humor.

Don't engage your audience in a dragging soliloquy (独白).5.   Humor will interest your audience.Of course, make sure the elements in your lecture are in line with your main topic and are not nonsense, racial, and offensive jokes.

A.Check your lecture for accuracy.

B.Giving a lecture is challenging, though.

C.If necessary, provide your contact information, such as an email address or blog site.

D.Instead, make your audience smile, or burst into laughter at certain points in your discussion.

E.To make it easier, consider what will interest your audience.

F.It should summarize your whole talk in one sentence.

G.Don't be afraid of exploring the topic, as this will allow you to discover other points that need discussion.



Usually, when your teacher asks a question, there is only one correct answer. But there is one question that has millions of correct answers. That question is “What’s your name?” Everyone gives a different answer, but everyone is correct.

Have you ever wondered about people’s names? Where do they come from? What do they mean?

People’s first names, or given names, are chosen by their parents. Sometimes the name of a grandparent or other member of the family is used. Some parents choose the name of a well-known person. A boy could be named George Washington Smith; a girl could be named Helen Keller Jones.

Some people give their children names that mean good things. Clara means “bright”; Beatrice means “one who gives happiness”; Donald means “world ruler”; Leonard means “as brave as a lion”.

The earliest last names, or surnames, were taken from place names. A family with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near a brook (小溪); someone who was called Longstreet probably lived on a long, paved road. The Greenwood family lived in or near a leafy forest.

Other early surnames came from people’s occupations. The most common occupational name is Smith, which means a person who makes things with iron or other metals. In the past, smiths were very important workers in every town and village. Some other occupational names are: Carter—a person who owned or drove a cart; Potter—a person who made pots and pans.

The ancestors of the Baker family probably baked bread for their neighbors in their native village. The Carpenter’s great-great-great-grandfather probably built houses and furniture.

Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities. When there were two men who were named John in the same village, the John with gray hair probably became John Gray. Or the John who was very tall could call himself John Tallman. John Fish was probably an excellent swimmer and John Lightfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer.

Some family names were made by adding something to the father’s name. English-speaking people added –s or –son. The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts family’s ancestor was Robert. Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O. Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the O’Donnells are descendants of the same Donnell.

1. Which of the following aspects do the surnames in the passage NOT cover?

A. Places where people lived.                      B. People’s characters.

C. Talents that people possessed.               D. People’s occupations.

2.According to the passage, the ancestors of the Potter family most probably _______.

A. owned or drove a cart                                  B. made things with metals

C. made kitchen tools or containers.     D. built houses and furniture.

3.Suppose an English couple whose ancestors lived near a leafy forest wanted their new-born son to become a world leader, the baby might be named ________.

A. Beatrice Smith                                        B. Leonard Carter     

C. George Longstreet                                   D. Donald Greenwood



 If we        earlier, we couldn’t be waiting here in a queue.

A. have started B. started            C. start      D. had started



Our country should set up more national parks        animals can live freely.

A. when    B. which    C. where   D. whose



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